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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Bazle

  1. It is a slow day in a damp little Irish town. The rain is beating down and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit. On this particular day a rich German tourist is driving through the town, stops at the local hotel and lays a €100 note on the desk, telling the hotel owner he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night. The owner gives him some keys and, as soon as the visitor has walked upstairs, the hotelier grabs the €100 note and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher. The butcher t
  2. This is a discussion that turns up regularly in some form or other. I think the consensus opinion is that the best route is to open a Thai bank account (very easy) and bring a wad of cash with you and deposit it in the account. You then draw what you need from the ATM.
  3. http://english.aljazeera.net/video/asia-pa...3519484572.html
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13...o=feeds-newsxml
  5. I had the same thoughts and bought a Sony Ericsson W995. However, there is no way that it is a substitute for a half decent camera.
  6. Bazle

    world cup

    FIFA, IOC, F1 = same problem
  7. You are implying that you know that the owner of the bar reads the Pattaya forums. That narrows it down quite a lot.
  8. You are fortunate. I had no luck when I just tried to use it.
  9. A Thai girl I keep in contact with uses a dongle (sounds like a sex toy!) and has a notebook computer. That is adequate for her and me to have Skype calls, although often the connection is lost 2 or 3 times. (No 'phone involved.)
  10. The food court in the basement of Central Festival Mall is great for Thai food (and, possibly, other varieties but I haven't tried them). For Thai food a bit different, try Yum & Tum on the 5th Floor of the same Mall.
  11. Depends on the requirements of the destination country - see link I gave above http://ostpxweb.dot.gov/policy/safetyenerg...isinsection.htm
  12. I've done some research and I think the answers to my questions are as follows: * what is contained in the canisters (per Redwood13's post) D-phenothrin, which has lethal effects on domestic insect pests. It is used against mosquitoes, houseflies and cockroaches. and/or Permethrin, which is a broad spectrum insecticide used against a variety of pests. * the purpose of the spraying To stop the spread of malaria * who requires it to be done The UK * whether it happens on all routes out of LOS No * whether it happens on internal flights within LOS Seems unlikely M
  13. Thanks - interesting. As I read that item, it is the WHO which is causing the cabin to be sprayed. As far as I know, the WHO has no power to make laws, so I assume it is a country putting the WHO requirement into its own law. I believe that (for example) Australia has regulations requiring spraying of aircrafts arriving - at least from some destinations. So whose law is causing the aircrafts on the BKK to LHR route? As I asked in my OP, does spraying happen on all international routes out of Swampy? If so, it suggests that it is Thai law being enforced - rather magnanimous of the T
  14. I can sort of understand it if it happens when you are landing in a country but I do not understand why if it happens on departure.
  15. On EVA bound for London happens every time.
  16. My experiences have been that, just before departure from Swampy to London, the aeroplane cabin gets sprayed by some members of the cabin crew with whatever is contained in the aerosol canisters the cabin crew people walk down the aisles with. I don't take this personally but am curious about it. Does anyone know - * what is contained in the canisters * the purpose of the spraying * who requires it to be done * whether it happens on all routes out of LOS * whether it happens on internal flights within LOS Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this.
  17. If you were the religious type, you shouldn't be contemplating sinning
  18. The standard price around Beach Road/Second Road seems to be 300 Baht, so perhaps the OP can explain why anyone should go to a less convenient location and pay 33% more.
  19. I'm not sure what this is all about. If you do "on-line" check-in, you will be asked for your passport details. If you subscribe to one of the "card protection" companies (e.g. Sentinel), it is sensible to register your passport as well as your bits of plastic. I can't think what else your family member could have had in mind. Of course, you could always ask him/her!
  20. I have been a great fan of the Beer Garden. On previous trips, I've been there most days, sometimes twice. However, I'm just coming to the end of a 4 week trip and have visited only half a dozen times. Pete has still not managed to get the food service problem sorted - in fact, it has got worse IMHO. Food kept arriving almost cold. I got fed up with that and sent it back on two occasions. On another occasion, there was a huge gap between tilac's food arriving and mine arriving. She had almost finished her two dishes before my dish arrived - and if I had not reminded the staff,
  21. ..... and the first in the 3 weeks since I've been here. The consolation is watching the BBC and seeing the conditions in England again today!
  22. Don't know about FLB, but the norm in other places seems to be that the staff are required to give up their next day off in lieu of not working on the holiday.
  23. If you have any assets in Thailand and don't have a Thai Will, I think your assets go to the government upon your death (or maybe that is only if you don't have family in Thailand). You might consider making a Will in favour of the Fr Ray Foundation.
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