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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Bazle

  1. The GBP has had a good week against the THB - rate now 48.42500. Will it hit 50?
  2. You might like to take a read of this: http://www.erowid.org/pharms/alprazolam/alprazolam_faq.shtml Xanax is itself a generic name.
  3. I took a look at what Wikipedia has to say about Zolpidem. It includes the following para: "Ambien" is another trade name for Zolpidem
  4. Bazle

    Oral sex

    I've just watched a rather worrying TV programme about HPV-related oral cancers in men. Apparently this is something that is rising very rapidly. In the UK, young girls (c14 year old) have been given HPV vaccinations to safeguard them against HPV-related cervical cancer, but this government programme is not extended to the boys. It seems that when the vaccination programme was started a couple of years ago, there wasn't as much knowledge as there is now about the HPV risk to males. The main way blokes get the virus is by giving oral sex. The vaccine can be bought privately. It i
  5. The THB has fallen against the GBP over the last few days (down 1.41% today) and it looks as if it is falling against other major currencies as well. Does anyone have any idea why this is, and have any educated guess as to whether the trend will continue for a while?
  6. In a pub quiz the other day I lost by one point. The question was where do women mostly have curly hair? Apparently, the correct answer is Africa. I've heard that Apple have scrapped their plans for the new children's iPod after realizing that iTouch Kids is not a good product name. There's a new Muslim clothing shop opened in Toronto but I've been banned from it after asking to look at some bomber jackets. You can say lots of bad things about pedophiles but at least they drive slowly past schools. Just put a deposit down on a brand new Porsche & mentioned
  7. Over the last 24 hours, it seems to have been taking ages for pages to load. Is anyone else experiencing the same thing?
  8. No mention of pricing that I can see in that review - but I suspect that this is a mission best suited to a well-heeled BM
  9. It's just as well you (impersonal) don't have to consider someone's personality when listening to their music. I still love listening to Gary Glitter!
  10. Have you ever made a post that does not include the words "nanny state"?
  11. Try reading the WHOLE of his post!!
  12. I need to do the same thing and I am tempted to do it now; the GBP has had a good day today, particularly against the THB. But after reading your advice, I won't. Do you have insurance
  13. I don't pretend to understand what goes on, but I think there is some sort of "they" out there. You might be able to understand this article better than I can: http://www.economist.com/node/16271489
  14. Their currency is, theoretically, not controlled, so there is no-one to do the devaluing. That is not to say that the Central Bank does not probably try to manipulate the market. At the moment, Asian stock markets are soaring - I believe partly because of all the loose money going in from the printing in the US, UK et al. That must be helping to keep Asian currencies high, and maybe push them higher. And ditto you - "I am far from any sort of expert in financial matters"!
  15. Why bother to go to the airport? What's wrong with the Bell service that picks you up from your hotel in Bangers?
  16. I mentioned earlier in the thread that businesses at The Avenue needed a niche market. Your idea is a great one - a package deal of a meal with movie and/or bowling.
  17. Apparently, he didn't play the sax solo on Baker Street. It was played by a guy called Raphael Ravenscroft. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baker_Street_(song) As to "Resting in Peace", that would be more than he did when he was living. It seems he was a sad, obnoxious alcoholic - see various obituaries such as this one http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2011/jan/0...fferty-obituary
  18. I don't think I fully understand this discussion. I have an old "dongle" (no need to feel sorry for me ). Can I buy a SIM card which I can put into it which will enable me to get on to the internet when I am in LOS (assuming I plug the dongle into the computer).
  19. The lack of AC, and the lack of visibility from the road for many of the units, are big problems. It doesn't stand a chance competing with Central or even Royal Garden. It needs to find a niche area; if the rumour of units decamping from Tukkom to there is correct, that might be the niche. Villa Market has got it right. It is more expensive there than at, say, Big C but they are aiming at the falang market, particularly the falangs living in the condos behind The Avenue on Soi 15, Second Road.
  20. I have read on another forum that Windmill has gone dark. Has any BM been there recently or know any more about it? Windmill was always one of my favourite places and, right up to my last visit a few weeks ago, seemed to be doing a good trade. However, when I last went there, it was very quiet, and that was at a time other places (e.g. Babydolls and What's Up) were doing well.
  21. No more taking the piss than the pubs in the UK doing the same.
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