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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Bazle

  1. Dr Darika is here and is still working. http://www.dentaldepattaya.com/dentalteam.htm
  2. I took a look at it a couple of weeks ago but didn't stay because I didn't like the food selection. I guess it depends on your taste.
  3. The "Advanced Search" function (the cogwheel icon a bit below and to the right of the member's name) seems to enable searches back to 1 Jan 2005.
  4. Curved Air - Backstreet Luv Sonja Kristina was my dream girl. Why do we have to get old?
  5. I recognise the words but not in the way they have been assembled. Maybe you could try that again. And I suspect the post should be in the "Business Owners" section.
  6. The same problem exists in the UK with dodgy educational establishments. The contribution to the economy of having these people here is not a lot as they work in the black economy and don't pay taxes. Most probably, the people they work for are evading tax as well. With Thailand, it might be different as many of the people concerned will be spending money they already have accumulated outside of Thailand; however, I suspect there will be a few who are working illegally.
  7. Buying clothes for people who are not present at the time of purchase can be problematic. What happens if it's the wrong size. And buying it in a different country could also lead to problems - e.g. what do you do if the stitching unravels after a short while. Like Gaijin, I am sceptical about value-for-money. Indeed, I am sceptical about availability - I cannot recall seeing leather coats for sale in LOS (not exactly leather coat climate there!).
  8. Ditto, except in my case the guy in the other room was my wingman
  9. And a girl from Peppermint reckons Peppermint is opening at 8pm today.
  10. A girl at Windmill has just told me that Windmill would not be opening Saturday but would re-open at 10pm Sunday.
  11. If that is correct, may I suggest you get your map amended. The map shows the hotel to be about one-third of the way up Third Road from Tai to Klang, which is very considerably more than 10-20 metres. If the map is correct, it is quite a long walk to a Baht Bus in Pattaya Tai, something which would be offputting to a considerable number of potential guests.
  12. Do Baht Buses run along 3rd Road? If so, where do they go to, please?
  13. I had 2 new pockets put in a pair of jeans by the lady who sits outside the camera shop in Second Road at the top of Soi 13. I think she charged me 70 Baht and did a very good job.
  14. Definitely distinctive but currently I'm using a small screen (notebook) and I don't find the dark background very easy on the eyes when the print is small.
  15. On One-2-Call, it is 005 followed by 00 and then the number you are trying to call overseas. The guy in my local 7/11 told me it was 3 Baht per minute to call the UK.
  16. Congratulations MM, it is now so easy to read on my not so very smartphone.
  17. Does anyone else have the problem I have - I look miserable even when I'm happy? I get fed up with BGs pulling at the ends of their mouths suggesting that I smile. I have a narrow mouth (a bit like this ), so when I smile I look as people would expect me to look just normally. For a discernible smile, I need to have heard a really funny joke (or had a drink bought for me )
  18. So they aren't really very hungry for extra business Why would I do that if trying to get her interest directly has indicated that she does not want to join me?
  19. Can anyone flesh this out, please. What will there be in the way of closures? What is a "pre-election"?
  20. Your post confirms what I have thought for quite a while - in the UK, nowadays you can get into university and get a degree without having learned to spell.
  21. The Thai bank account route is, IMHO, the way to go. However, I take cash, not TCs. There ARE restrictions imposed by Thai banks. I have yet to come across a Thai ATM that will allow me to withdraw in excess of a maximum - usually 15,000 or 20,000 Baht. That is a long way below what my UK debit card allows me to withdraw.
  22. There are TWO election weekends? More info, please.
  23. That does not seem to be Lovedog's, nus01's, nor my experience. I do like not to be hassled and all credit to HA for being good in that respect, but my experience is that the girls are not even willing to make eye contact should I wish for company. I usually look in once each trip, but cannot remember going there a second time for a very long while. Perhaps your experience is different because you are known to be a friend of management.
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