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Everything posted by Bazle

  1. Monty You might find it useful to think back to the controversy over Princess Di's letters - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/3204121.stm
  2. ?????????????????? Did you notice the date of Dontcha's post?
  3. Thanks. I cannot see anywhere where I can choose a different skin on my 'phone. My guess is that it is a result of the board software not being designed with my 'phone's OS (Enea OSE apparently) in mind. Another price I pay for having a small 'phone!
  4. So let me explain what is happening: * I log in, * click on "New Content", * click on "by Time", * click on "Content I have not read". * I then have a numbered listing of topics. For each topic, I am told the title, how many pages it consists of, which section it is in, who made the last post and when. There is no circle icon to the left of the topic title. If I click on the topic title, I get the very first post in the thread. On the previous version, if I did that, I was taken to the first unread post. Also, I am 90% sure, there was a list of all the pages in the thread and
  5. I still have the problem with my ‘phone. Do others have the same issue or is it just that my ‘phone is a bit primitive? On my ‘phone, there is no clickable icon to the left and no listing of pages.
  6. Website problems already mentioned in this thread: http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/55948-hello-newbie-here/page__view__findpost__p__908002
  7. After the last upgrade, if you hit a thread which had come up from "View New Posts", it took you to the last entry you had read. Now we are back to it showing the first entry in the thread. Also, on my 'phone, there is now no listing of pages. So, for example, on Chivas's post which is some 27 pages long, I have to start at the first page in order to get to the entry on the 27th.
  8. For me, not an UPgrade but a DOWNgrade. Trying to read the forum on my not-so-smart phone is now a nightmare.
  9. To re-iterate what is said above but to do so more succinctly, it is likely that people are cancelling/postponing their flights to LOS because of the floods and Thai Airways are consolidating their flights. Therefore, Thai Airways feel they can blame the floods for the cancellation.
  10. Gabor Ignoring the quotes, these do not seem to be your words EDIT: Sorry, I understand now. The WHOLE thing, even including the first sentence, is a quote.
  11. Compensation for not giving the contractual 30 days notice is over four weeks' rent, you offer two, and then badmouth the guy (and Brits in general ) for not agreeing to your terms
  12. It's difficult to know how to react when something is both tragic and amusing at the same time.
  13. Well written and useful report. Thanks. May I ask how you got on language-wise - were there any problems? Was English widely understood?
  14. Bazle


    I'm afraid that I do NOT implicitly trust my bank - indeed, any bank. Having worked in the finance sector, I do know that if someone makes a cock-up and they think they can blag their way out of it, often they will try to do so.
  15. Bazle


    Thank you, Headmaster.
  16. Bazle


    You did better than I did. HSBC took ages to process my transfer and I ended up getting a tad over 48.6. Edit: I've now received HSBC's explanation for the delay. They say: "Unfortunately, as 24 October was a National Holiday in Thailand, your Global Transfer was not approved until the treasury re-opened on 25 October". Can anyone tell me whether 24 Oct being a public holiday is correct, please?
  17. Anyone thinking of buying one in Patts and taking it to their own country needs to ensure they get the correct model. The link quoted above includes the following: I would dearly love to have one and use it on the trains here in the UK. However, they ARE illegal and possibly for good reasons - e.g. they might screw up the communications for the train driver.
  18. Bazle


    It doesn't have to be an HSBC fund. And you can buy most things on the LSE through InvestDirect.
  19. This seems to be re-inforced by a post by Gary in another thread. http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/56507-floods/page__view__findpost__p__921153
  20. Bazle


    The £50K doesn't have to be in a deposit account. Investments under their management and investments bought through their on-line brokerage also count.
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