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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Bazle

  1. Still open, which is surprising as it gets very little custom. I fear it won't escape the poor reputation it built up in its previous incarnation in what appears to be the same ownership.
  2. Based on what I had read here, I booked Nam to bring me to Pattaya from Swampy earlier today. Booking via email was very efficient. Nam was waiting at the appointed place for me, and had no problem waiting a little longer whilst I got a phone contract. She gave me a bottle of water which was a most appreciated small touch. She drove very safely and well, but that is not to say she drove slowly. She speaks pretty good English, and she had the skill to provide whatever amount of conversation I wanted. She had some Thai music playing in the background but at a very low le
  3. If history is any guide, you won't get a reply to this question, nor one about the barfine rates.
  4. You might want to consider getting a letter from your GP to confirm you have the drugs for a genuine medical condition. There were quite a few stories a year or two back about falangs getting shaken down by the police, particularly in the area around Ekamai bus station in BKK, and needing to contribute to the police welfare society if they were found with ED drugs which had not been prescribed.
  5. I am firmly of the belief you don't get something for nothing. How are Magic Jack making their money? (Maybe funded by the NSA )
  6. I took a girl to eat at the Beer Garden a couple of days ago at about 3.30pm. When my food arrived, it was tepid, so I asked for it to be warmed up. The service girl was very off-hand, telling me the food was hot. However, she took it away but refused to take the rice. By the time the food returned, the rice was almost cold! The problem of food being served when not hot happened a fair bit a while back, but seemed to have been solved. Evidently, it hasn't been sorted out entirely. The food at the BG is mediocre, and the only reason for eating there is to enjoy the surroundings.
  7. There were 4 or 5 "Indians" in Oasis tonight, and were very popular as they were buying a lot of drinks. I got speaking to one of them; it transpired that they were from Singapore and the guy explained that coming to Patts for a couple of days was a lot cheaper, taking all costs into account, than mongering at home.
  8. I agree with you, but we had that debate a bit before you joined and it appears that it is the minority view. http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/58251-so-how-do-you-guys-like-the-thing-in-posts/ Incidentally, could you tell me how you know who is marking you down, please? I'd love to see who is giving the + and -.
  9. From personal experience, I can tell you that this DOES work. (I'm not Indian but a friend is.)
  10. What is the difference between girls/women aged 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, and 78? *********************************************************************************** At 8 You take her to bed and tell her a story *********************************************************************************** At 18 You tell her a story and take her to bed *********************************************************************************** At 28 You don't need to tell her a story To take her to bed *******************************************************************************
  11. It's difficult to work out what they are intending to do but, looking at the work again today, I was left wondering whether they MIGHT BE going to enclose it.
  12. The Executor(s) of your estate is/are responsible for notifying the pension payer.
  13. That is simply not correct. It is not your choice; there is no "election" that you can make. Ask the company pension office to quote under what part of the tax legislation there is a provision to make such an election. Edit: Let me elaborate on the above. The pension payer has a legal obligation to deduct PAYE unless instructed otherwise by HMRC. You will have a UK tax liability on the UK pension for reasons I have explained previously – note that the UK/Thailand double tax treaty will not exempt you even if you cease to be UK tax resident and become Thai tax resident. The
  14. Thanks, MM. Do you happen to recall what the business designations were? Any chance of some go-gos starting up there?
  15. In November and December 2011, I posted some pictures of the work being done at The Avenue Mall. Please see these posts: http://www.pattayata...nt/#entry928451 http://www.pattayata...-3/#entry933203 It appeared that they were, amongst other things, attempting to turn the back of the Mall into an equal front. Work on that seems to have ground to a halt. I was last here in early April and I cannot identify any progress made whilst I have been away. This is how it looks today: This is how it was meant to look and you will see that there is absolutely no sign of t
  16. I arrived in Patts yesterday and am using a notebook computer. Although I am logged in, the "View New Content" function isn't working. I get told I don't have permission to do that. It's not a problem I have encountered at home in the UK on my desk-top. Does anyone know what the problem is and how I can fix it, please? Thanks.
  17. .... until they start the building of the enormous hotel/condo complex behind it.
  18. Firth I enjoy your travelogues, and thanks for posting them, but could you put them in context, please. - Do you travel on your own (I note you refer to "I" rather than "we")? - Do you speak, understand or read Thai? Thanks.
  19. 1. Re your words I have highlighted, please see my comments above. 2. Re the State pension from the UK, if you choose to live in LOS, you will not get inflationary increases. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Pensionsandretirementplanning/StatePension/DG_10026714 3. If you live partly in the UK and partly in LOS, I suspect you would still get inlationary increases provided the pension is paid to you in the UK. 4. If you have rental income in the UK, it will be subject to UK tax even if you are resident in LOS. http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/dtmanual/DT18706.htm 5. If you have
  20. Maybe you can arrange your life and your finances in a way such that you pay tax on your income and gains in one place or the other, or possibly neither. However, you don't have the option in the sense you can just choose. As Jacko has pointed out, there is a double taxation convention between the UK and Thailand and that sets the ground rules regarding which country has the prime taxing rights - and that varies depending on the type of income or gain. Regarding a pension from the UK which you are already drawing, the UK has the prime taxing rights - see http://www.pattayatalk.com/fo
  21. I think so. The rule appears to be : Nude r-rated pics are OK but any photos showing explicit sexual activity will be deleted and the member warned.
  22. A moment after I clicked on that link, I got a message to say that Norton had blocked an attack by something or other. Not sure if the link caused the attempted attack.
  23. Two whales, a male and a female, were swimming side by side in the ocean. Suddenly, the male whale spots a ship in the distance. He recognizes it as the whaling ship that killed his father. Filled with anger, he says to his female companion, "That's the ship that killed my father! Let's swim closer!" When they were close enough, the male said, "Why don't we swim under the ship and blow air through our blow holes and break the ship into a million pieces? That will be sweet revenge." And the female agreed to this. So they each took a deep breath of air, swam under the ship and bl
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