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Everything posted by Bazle

  1. Your website address is to be found amongst the posts in this thread. To make it more obvious, could I suggest you edit the OP to include the address, and perhaps add the address to your signature.
  2. You can speak for yourself, not for me though.
  3. A lot of hard work has gone into the structure of test cricket in England over the last several years, and it is good to see that it has now paid off. My only slight sadness is that the final hurdle to overcome was an India side which was either uncharacteristically inept or characteristically corrupt.
  4. Agreed. The challenge is to keep her looking that way.
  5. Bullfrog If you have your 'phone switched off when someone sends you an SMS message, how long is it before the message is lost, please? I switch off my UK 'phone when I go to LOS. When I get back, there are very few messages waiting for me but I know that many more than that will have been sent. Is there a difference in the answer if I had been out of range rather than having switched off the 'phone? Thanks. Bazle
  6. May I ask why you think you need it? Also, surely it would enable you to see only who has opened a thread, not who has viewed a particular post (which is what the OP queried)? And, of course, there is a difference between opening a thread and reading the posts therein!
  7. I do so regularly. It is well lit, there are quite a few security guards around because of the condos along Soi 15, a small beer bar that stays open, a karaoke place, and a base for motorcycle taxis. If you are at the Mercure and going to WS by the most direct route, you would not walk through The Avenue - simply walk down Soi 15 to Second Road.
  8. Having been genetically modified, perhaps you should describe yourself for us (PS Good luck with your business.)
  9. I'm only one-third expat but hope I am entitled to add to this thread. Jacko uses the terms "I laughed at" and "I am amused by". I am far grumpier than this - I get really annoyed by a couple of things. The first is the guys who think we want to see them prancing around on gogo stages, in particular, the ones who think we want to see their bodies. Examples of this are mentioned in this thread: http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/55887-a-few-beers-in-the-second-walking-street/page__view__findpost__p__907162 The second is the groups of young(-ish) guys (sadly, most often Briti
  10. You are almost there with FLB - AND you are in a prime location
  11. Cannonball Thanks for making the points for me. Admiral Ken If you knew all along that these chemicals are banned in Thailand, you should be ashamed of yourself for asking to be put in contact with a supplier. To continue with your analogy, it's like asking for the name of a crystal meth or heroin dealer.
  12. According to this website, Heptachlor has been banned in Thailand since 1988, and Chlordane since May 2000. http://thailand.ipm-info.org/pesticides/pesticides_banned.htm
  13. Do you mean Obama has got Oliver North on the case?
  14. Why do you think the GBP will not be hit by a US default?
  15. Yes - the first one: "A very large tub made of ceramic, acrylic, wood, or another substance and filled with hot water in which one or more bathers may soak." "Bath", bathtub" and "tub" are interchangeable words, but I think most people would refer to a very large bath as a tub.
  16. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/hot+tub http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_tub
  17. I know the OP is not entirely clear but FWIW I read it to mean that BigD needs a hotel with an elevator and a room in which there is a large bath (to accommodate his portly frame, rather than one more intended for a Thai!) with hot water.
  18. I think a Jacuzzi is a particular sort of hot tub. A hot tub is just a large tub with hot water - which could be (but is not necessarily) with jet stream water.
  19. Maybe - but it isn't "between Beach Rd and 2nd Rd." which is what the OP is asking for.
  20. City Garden condos in Soi 15 off Second Road (near Mercure Hotel) have pretty good wi-fi. There are plenty up for renting.
  21. Hasn't Kim (American who owned the place) recently sold up to a Korean tour company?
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