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Everything posted by Sanget

  1. Pete: Are you closing the PBG?  

  2. You have really captured the essence of Pattaya by your pictures.
  3. Never stopped in numerous trips to Thailand. Going to Mexico, on the other hand, I get checked almost every time
  4. Kasinkorn Bank is where I have my account. No problem. I went to the office on Pattaya Klang just east of 2nd Road
  5. Not seeing any problem. Seems to work just fine for me
  6. Great report and some very interesting pictures. Thanks for the effort.
  7. Any pictures of cableczar's party????

    1. MM


      Didn't get them from the bar yet. I will post some tomorrow.

    2. Sanget


      Into the secure forum?

    3. MM


      They are in the Gallery under FLB Parties.

  8. Didn't mean to complain, Martin. I have had a little time now to see how to get about the site, and it is not all that much different. So keep up the good work, and 0nly 110 days till I return. (But who is counting???)
  9. Don't like, much more difficult to get to webcam and to find things, I felt like I had something wrong with my computer. Hopefully it will pick up some of the old features in it's next revision.
  10. I plan to be there for most of Feb and a part of March, but will be taking side trips to Koh Chang and Koh Samui
  11. I have set a safe in the room as a basic necessity for my selection of hotels. While for the most part they aren't particularly secure, not having one is like asking for someone to help themselves to your possessions. I personally try to keep a minimum in the room, in the safe and keep the balance of any monies in a Thai Bank account. It is better to have one, than not.
  12. Always happy to see Nong - Thanks LD100.
  13. I am interested in going to Koh Chang, and I have searched this forum and have not found any information. I am requesting any info any BM's may have on this island. I plan on going the middle of February and when I search for hotels, I find many, but limited information. Any help anyone would care to give me would be greatly appreciated
  14. Interesting location Sunny. I will be there again in a couple of months and will give it a shot.
  15. You can help speed up the process. I understand that you (the reader) have no particular interest in making my job easier but I do know a lot of people are rooting for the bar to succeed. What we lack at the moment is enough guys who want to make a hook up. The serious mongers do not hang around long enough or visit often enough to inspire the girls to stay longer and try harder. Our existing customer base is great and make the bar a profitable venture. More hard core mongers will make it a successful freelancer venue as well. I fully plan on speeding up the process when I arrive
  16. Sorry to miss this as I am a very patriotic American, but will have to wait and have a late celebration after August 27. I am sure we will be a ble to think up a reason for a party then.
  17. 55 days and counting - staying at Pattaya Bay resort for about a month. Look forward to visiting, since I don't think you are too far away from my room.
  18. Still 3 months until I get back. But as others have recommended, add a few pictures to keep us in the mood, please.
  19. Yes, Me too. I have always liked Babydolls and can hardly wait to see if improvements have been made
  20. Thanks to everyone, I confirmed my reservations and feel very confident now that it is the right choice.
  21. Thanks LBJ, I will take your advise. I don't mind Irishmen.
  22. Hi BMs. I have tentative reservations at the Metro Apts on Soi Bukhao in August and September and wonder if anyone has an opinion about them. I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks
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