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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by MrMango

  1. Thats exactly what i thought, and I specifically asked the 777 pilot the exact above question. His reply was the pilot cannot override all of the computer controls.
  2. Thats what I thought, but my Pilot Friend who flies 777 does not - According to him, the computer has the last word on what to do. Again, according to him, the rumor was that the computer prematurely shut the engine down. If it was fuel contamination, you think that both engines would be involved.
  3. Anybody like rumers? I just had a conversation with a United 777 Captain regarding the 777 that went down a couple of weeks ago. I told him that it looked initally like "wind sheer" but since nothing has been mentioned about this as the casuse, it cou not be, as airport radar would quickly prove or disprove this theory. He agreed,a nd the latest rumors going around pilots is that a engine sensor malfunctioned and shut down one of the engines, causing the plane to stall, bringing it to the ground. I mentioned that i thought that all Boeing's designs give the pilot the ultimate authorit
  4. You need to get your facts straight - Excuse me, but we are the major exporter of food to the world - got it? Of course we can build our products. If China will build computers (or anything else) cheaper than we can do it in the U.S., why not let them? - All Americans are a little bit richer when we do. We have hundreds of years of energy supply int he U.S. - The trick is got the tree hugger's let us pull it out of the ground.
  5. Not sure what arrival screen that is, but it sounds like they are delivering about 1 every few months.
  6. It is my understanding that the 10 drink is just a way to pay the EWR without charging it - it is highly unlikely that they would actually drink them. I think that the "Set Fee" for girls sucks. I like the Pattaya way where you pay the bar to let her off early and you negotiate directly with her for services - Stunner's want more and dogs settle for a LOT less.
  7. Its my understanding that the Bars in AC have a BIG problem - They charge not only a "Bar Fine", but the fee for the girls, inclusive. That makes them pimps, plain and simple. With the recent crackdown, they are scrambling to get around this problem, and the above is probably one of the ways that they are trying. i have heard that they will charge you 10 "Lady drinks" to take out the girl - A crude approach to the Pattaya Bar fine.
  8. Boy you have me confused - You remove the LAN cable out of the telephone?
  9. I would think hat no Airline will refund a round trip ticket if not used. Did he try to rebook on a later flight and was refused? I have done this without penalty after proving that I was ill.
  10. Not exactly - In mexico City the babies do not belong to the women beggers.
  11. I used to, but no more. I lived for a while in Mexico City, and the beggars usually were women with small babies. The problem was that they were unionized, and they had assigned street-corners and babies. They were then driven in a van to their posts for work their shifts and when over they turned over most of the money and babies to the bosses for the next shift. Pretty sad.
  12. I have used the one upstairs in Tops. I took my finished books there, sold them, and brought other used ones. Good service.
  13. Really??? You posted earlier the following: "No need to check the schedules. The timing of the delivery of the second, and subsequent, A380s to SQ was dictated by the opening of the new terminal at Changi" You might want to read your previous posts before posting...
  14. It's interesting how you Airbus clones (Chelsea Tom, etc) ignore the main point of my rebut of his ridiculous claim that the delivery delays are caused by no gates and simply post personal insults - You would have a LOT more credibility if you stick to the facts and avoid insults.
  15. As I remember, it is on the 3rd floor. I found it to be a nice, clean basic place to stay. It is in the middle between Beach road and 2nd road, so a bit of a walk is necessary to get to a Bahtbus.
  16. Are you saying that Singapore has accepted delivery of 2 380? - News to me.
  17. What planet do you live on? If the deliveries were dictated by the opening of gate spaces, they would have delivered them years ago. It looks tome that they are trying to deliver about 1 per month - Not exactly high production.
  18. Lets see - They delivered one last year, and they are maybe going to deliver one in October this year - That makes one a year, on average. "There are none so blind as those that refuse to see"
  19. There is NO guaranteed roulette systems... There is NO guaranteed roulette systems...
  20. Really... I am sorry for suggesting that you accounting 101 - Maybe you need accounting 001. Have you ever heard of "open Book Account? - i thought not, otherwise you would not have made such a stupid post. In the strictest sense, title must pass to create a sale, period. It does not matter if the purchaser has paid.
  21. O.K., a little Accounting 101 since all you can do is insult. A booking is when somebody orders something. A sale is when someone takes delivery of something, and title passes. Got it? or are you going to insult me again.
  22. Owen - A well researched and written retort. I would have simply have stated that the OP was full of Bullshit.
  23. Which 350? - The one that was scrapped? It would qualify for the one that booked a lot of orders that they scrapped. You are in error - They have not "sold" any 350 planes (As Boeing has not "sold" any 787, and Airbus has "sold" maybe 1 380). They have simply booked sales for a few 350's. Get your accounting language correct.
  24. I Dunno - Have you ever flown Singapore Airlines or Cathy Pacific? Real hottes there.
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