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Everything posted by bobgod

  1. Passenger on the Titanic------- Fuck Me---I wanted ice in my whisky,but this is ridiculous!
  2. ---How about the the other part of a Bucher's anatomy,that is traditionally "Greasy"?
  3. Quoting Peckerwood's rant about Devil.s Den------- Quote:[and walla- up would come a list of the girls providing that particular specialty. I thought wow! . Wouldn't be great to have a lady that provides deep throat and does anal at the same time! So I go online and book one of the ladies that came up in the search. I have to hand it to the];unquote Would someone explain the word 'Walla"?--is that textspeak?----and maybe I missed something, but how does a girl provide deep throat and do anal at the same time?
  4. Very good--I also heard that three out of four people make up 75% of the worlds population?
  5. I discovered that I am bi-sexual----If I need sex, I have to buy it! l
  6. Never let the facts get in the way of a good sensational story----Sure they had probably been drinking, If they are/were both Americans--driving on the other side of the road, but what about this 'official' quote? "When they reached the curve with no lights of the under-construction road, the driver who could not control his bike, reportedly slammed it into the cement pavement edge in the middle of the road. It caused both of them to be ejected over the road and the kawasaki then rolled several times before coming to a stop nearly 50 meters up the road." Unlit road construction----1
  7. If they cant tell the difference between Rum and Whiskey--not suprising about the spelling variations!
  8. Heres over 200 pics of Rio[this is a great site for Japanese babes] http://www.bobx.com/av-idol/rio-sannomiya/
  9. Credit should go to the late George Carlin,--comedian and genius.
  10. to hide the empty eye sockets?
  11. Nang has a salon on second road by the Dolphin roundabout Pattaya North---Recommended.
  12. hilarious--kiss was great! I requested sex and they all got in the car an rocked it !
  13. Total bullshit about "my aeroplane is faster than yours" Limiting factor is the speed of sound.They all hit the wall at approx mach.82 so the only way to go quicker is get higher. thats where the technology is, along with fuel economy. It is well known that the 4 engine Airbus[340?] is notoriously slow on approach and holds up all the aircraft behind it on letdown. As an engineer who has worked on both brands,I would take the Boeing everytime. Ask someone who knows
  14. Jesus,thats a surprise,as I am paranoid about keeping my computer clean! I,m running just about all the anti everythings that you can put on a P.C. I will investigate further.
  15. Try satisfying this! Gives a new meaning to 'Mount & Do',or 'Cup Holder'! url removed-----[apologies for the problems ---just spent a day and most of the night reformatting my hard drive--my mate the computer whizz says"If you are going to fuck around with computers you are bound to get the clap sooner or later]
  16. Did you hear about the 'man' in Pattaya who put a nicotine patch on his penis? He's down to two butts a day.
  17. Thanks Keny,am planning trip 6 for me ,and 4 for my old mate,but he is away right now so I cannot confirm yet. I see that 'bvthunder' in trip reports used a Mr. Dang (Ja_Jar24@yahoo.com] at 1100 baht to pattaya. You wont do much better than that. especially if it was shared by three. Also takes away the anxiety of getting a good ride to Pattaya in the middle of the night. You might like to give me a PM and we can have a chat on the phone. Bob [and Grant]
  18. Keny, what's the flight number,mate?
  19. Pete, I just had to look up the word "onomatopoeic" ,as I certainly had never heard of it before. Well done! It fits the situation pefectly. But do you use it regularly? Does anyone else know what it means? Bob
  20. Knew a guy who had a dog with no legs------------------- took it for a drag around the block every night!
  21. Thanks Pete, I finally got the calendar yesterday at Bookazine ,Big C---Language barrier finally overcome ,but what may help others searching for the same item, It is marketed as "Sex Bomb"--in a cardboard mailing tube with a 'fuse' hanging out the end--just the thing to take thru customs next week. Bob
  22. Pete,when I look at the forums headings, I see that you are credited with the last entry on Nov 13th .But when I open the page the last entry is for Nightmarch October 2.--What did I do,or not do? What I need is last weeks copy as I get it e-mailed to me ,and I read it ,and then deleted it with about another 500 spam. I was interested in the piece about the calendars and the FLB one is no problem,but when I went to Bookazine in the Big C they had never heard of the other one and just referred me to the "calendar section" Your calendar was there,but I couldnt see any others that resembled wh
  23. It finally dawned on me--- You all have this on your screens ! Duh !!!! Sorry, the internet is no place for geriatrics.
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