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a true gent who will be sadly missed. RIP.

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I remember him co- presenting last years Glastonbury Festival, with a young West Indian girl. A Rap group had just done their thing and after, the cameras switched back to the presenters. " Wasn't that just great ? " enthused the young lady. John gave her a sideways look, paused and said, in his own inimatable way

" Not my cup of tea really "


It made me chuckle :rolleyes: :unsure:

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The first time I heard him was back in the Seventies, when I put the radio on in the middle of some seemingly endless, repetetive dirge about "Life is Life." Eventually it finished and there was a really long pregnant pause before this pithy voice drifted on and sighed, "God, I wish I'd thought of that..." Loved those stories about how he used to sit up into the small hours listening to every single amateur demo tape/CD sent to him, how he couldn't bring himself to chuck any of them out afterwards, and had to move to a bigger house to accomodate them all. I doubt you're on your own in shedding a silent tear, Nok. :crying

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