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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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  Sailfast said:
I hope you are able to extend paypal donations.


My Paypal account was empty so I transfered money into the account, but, it takes 3 business days or so for it to go through.


There may be other board members who want to contribute but have not yet been able to.





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Okay...I have been assured by people on scene that we can come up with a way to transfer any payments to the family beyond that which is given to them at the funeral.

So, if you or anyone else, wants to donate funds to Om's family, go ahead and use the instructions at the top of this topic. I have reopened the FLB Bar Paypal account again.

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Thanks for reopening the account as I hadn't seen your post until now. I've just sent a donation. Hopefully there will be many more to follow. Om deserves nothing less.


be seeing you


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thanks martin for allowing us to donate to Aom,s family just sent a donation via paypal looking forward to meeting u on the 17th april thanks again mate

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If you can keep it open till thursday (payday) I would appreciate it as I will pop a 50 in. If you have already passed on the money to the family by then, then it can always be put towards covering the cost of the coach etc.




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Popped in the bar Yesterday to give my donation into the box.

Originally wanted to stay for a drink or so, but couldn't.

The atmosphere (for me) was one of sadness.

Hope the girls, managers, and me get over this feeling quickly; life must go on, also for Om's family, my thoughts are with them!



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Well, the bus just got us back from Petchaboon where Om's family lives. 40 staff and friends went to the funeral on the bus and hundreds of others from the town showed up to pay their respects.


We met her parents and sister...nice, stable folks. I think they will use the money wisely to replace the support they had from their daughter, Om.


We had a collection box in the bar that had a total of 27,000B in it, thanks to contributions by expats, visitors on site, staff and friends of Om from all over Pattaya.


Your contributions from Paypal at the time of our departure were 57,000B, and PattayaPete, being a round kind of guy, donated enough to make the total sum given to the family an even 100,000B!


Om's sister, Wan, will be coming to Pattaya to next week sometime, and I can give any additional donations to her to give to her parents. At the present, there is about 8000B additional in the Paypal account. I will keep the account open until her arrival.

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  MM said:
Well, the bus just got us back from Petchaboon where Om's family lives. 40 staff and friends went to the funeral on the bus and hundreds of others from the town showed up to pay their respects.


We met her parents and sister...nice, stable folks. I think they will use the money wisely to replace the support they had from their daughter, Om.


We had a collection box in the bar that had a total of 27,000B in it, thanks to contributions by expats, visitors on site, staff and friends of Om from all over Pattaya.


Your contributions from Paypal at the time of our departure were 57,000B, and PattayaPete, being a round kind of guy, donated enough to make the total sum given to the family an even 100,000B!


Om's sister, Wan, will be coming to Pattaya to next week sometime, and I can give any additional donations to her to give to her parents. At the present, there is about 8000B additional in the Paypal account. I will keep the account open until her arrival.

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It's times like this when these forum's really are worthwhile, great effort everone..... <laugh

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Did not know Om. Have only seen Pete and Ben in the bar when I have visited. Never was the kind of guy that would go up and introduce myself. But I do know that life is precious and a young one was lost. I have sent a small donation to help Om's family. May she rest in Peace.

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Om's father, mother and sister are coming to Pattaya today, and thanks to additional generous donations of support for her family, I was happy to place 14,500b in the collection box on behalf of










Thanks, guys!



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And, for those many many people who placed donations in the collection boxes, we

add our thanks. I personally saw Hilly and Mrs Hilly, LadyDrinkKing, doghaus (by proxy)...any others, as I find out, I'll update this message.

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