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The 2005 RideHer Cup will take place in Pattaya and at Phoenix Country Club on 6th and 7th November 2005


For those of you who are not familiar with this world-famous golf match, here is a brief explanation. The RideHer Cup is a team event played between the USA and Europe at one of the golf courses in the Pattaya area. This will be the fourth year that the event has taken place and the score is currently 1 match apiece with one tie. The trophy was one by team Europe last year following a putt-off in the bar between the two captains. The event is open to any board member that can swing a golf club plus Ben. Players can elect to play for either USA or Europe based on whatever spurious claims of residency or heritage they may decide to use to convince the organising commitee on the registration night. Our antipodean friends will be allocated to one or other of the teams to ensure we have the same number of players in each side.


This is a golf event where the focus is on having fun - ability is irrelevant! The proceedings start with a launch party at FLB on Sunday 6th November where the captains select their groups of two players and the order of play. This Sunday event starts around 8pm and continues until nobody is left standing or, in the case of the USA team, has gone to bed at 10pm. Players are issued with their T-Shirts and I try to explain the rules.


On Monday 7th November, we will collect all the golfers from a central meeting point in Pattaya - the Residence Gardens Hotel. You are transported to Phoenix Country Club in time for a 10.30 am tee off. We play 18 holes - 9 holes as foursomes and 9 holes as a four ball better ball. Don't worry about the fine details - the rules will be published in due course.


After the golf is finished, it is back to your hotels for a shower, shit and shave and then we congregate at FLB Bar at 8.00 pm for what is always the best FLB Party of the year! There is a dinner buffet, prizegiving and we ensure that all the girls are well pissed in time for the legendary dance competition which is judged by the winning team.


The cost will be Bht 3000 per player. This includes the parties, transport, green fees, caddy fees, share of a golf cart, polo shirts and prizes. Green fees in Pattaya have increased substantially since last year's event but Martin has decided to keep the entry cost the same as last year by generously donating the buffet as a gift from FLB. A big round of applause to Martin for his support for the event and to the FLB for donating the grub.


We can accomodate any number of players. I just need to know the numbers by the end of September so that we can get the Polo shirts printed and the final tee times confirmed. To enter the RideHer Cup, please post a reply on the thread RideHer Cup entries. I need to know your handle, which team you want to play for, your handicap and your shirt size - S/M/L/XL/XXL. I would also like to have your email address so that I can send you the rules and team updates by email. Please send a copy of your entry to me by pm or email me at bertiewon@yahoo.co.uk.


I will be posting more information about the Cup on this board so keep checking in.


I look forward to meeting up with old and new players in Pattaya for the fourth RideHer Cup!



Edited by doghaus
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. Players can elect to play for either USA or Europe based on whatever spurious claims of residency or heritage they may decide to use to convince the organising commitee on the registration night. Our antipodean friends will be allocated to one or other of the teams to ensure we have the same number of players in each side.


Hedging my bets here.


My grandfather made and lost his fortune in the gold rushes and my family (on me ma's side) all origionate from Canada. I have several times spent 3 months or more in the USA and even once nearly bought a boat to live in in Florida. I also have a good mate who is a doctor in the USA and even shagged a US law student once. On the second time she was pissed and I gave up.


Therefore can I make my mind up as to who I play for when the event gets closer?

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OK Hilly


I will let the captains sort this one out. I am sure they will both be clamouring for your services! Now that you know it is Phoenix, can we rely on you to play more than 7 holes on the back nine? :P



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I have three definates. 1 XL and 2 L. Playing for the Stars and Stripes.


They are giving me funny looks at the driving range now that I take every other practice shot with my pants down around my ankles.


Do you need any other info?



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Thanks Sailfast.


Can you let me know the handicaps for each of your players and nicknames I can use for the entry list?


When will you be arriving in Pattaya? We will have a few golf days before and after the RideHer. There is also a trip to play golf in Chiang Mai from 13 to 17 November if you are interested.





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