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aircon all the way to Pattaya please

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I'm coming alone to Pattaya from London in 2-3 weeks time. My first time. Boy, am I excited! But I've never visited SE Asia before, let alone Thailand. Serious culture shock! And then there's the heat. I'm a Brit and usually 30 degrees C is plenty for me. Then there's shaking off the Diazepam I had to take for the flight.


I've seen advice to Thailand newbies about how it's a good idea to stay in Bangkok a day or two to adjust, but I don't think I want to deal with Bangkok. My feeling is I'll want to get from Bangkok airport to the aircon in my hotel room in Pattaya ASAP - and just chill and adjust for a day or two. I'm intending to stay in Pattaya at least a month - and longer if I like it half as much as I think I'm going to, so there's no rush.


Which leads me to .. one simple question. Which Bangok-to-Pattaya taxis have aircon? I'm reluctant to splash out 2500 baht on one of those limo-type taxis I've read about but I suppose I will if I must.

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I'm coming alone to Pattaya from London in 2-3 weeks time. My first time. Boy, am I excited! But I've never visited SE Asia before, let alone Thailand. Serious culture shock! And then there's the heat. I'm a Brit and usually 30 degrees C is plenty for me. Then there's shaking off the Diazepam I had to take for the flight.


I've seen advice to Thailand newbies about how it's a good idea to stay in Bangkok a day or two to adjust, but I don't think I want to deal with Bangkok. My feeling is I'll want to get from Bangkok airport to the aircon in my hotel room in Pattaya ASAP - and just chill and adjust for a day or two. I'm intending to stay in Pattaya at least a month - and longer if I like it half as much as I think I'm going to, so there's no rush.


Which leads me to .. one simple question. Which Bangok-to-Pattaya taxis have aircon? I'm reluctant to splash out 2500 baht on one of those limo-type taxis I've read about but I suppose I will if I must.

I think that you have made the right choice bypassing Bangkok and going directly to Pattaya - This is what I have always done.


I would book a Taxi in advance, either through your hotel in Pattaya (Most will do this for you at no extra charge, or there are a couple on the Pattaya boards that tout their services. You can usually book one for about 1500 Baht or so.


Not only do you get a decent car with air, they also have good drivers rather than the normal Bangkok taxi drivers that may not know the Pattaya area, and cannot find your hotel here.

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Bart, I wouldn't dismiss Bangkok entirely. It is definitely worth a visit. I only took me about one day to get the hang of the place, and then it was easy to do my thing. Some day you'll kick yourself for being so close to Bangkok and not checking it out.

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Hi bart!

Yes the heat can take a bit of adjusting to on a first trip,doesn`t take long though.

You`ve had some good replies re, Transport,have a look in the Meeting-Cost Sharing section here. lostinspace service(which I have used and is good) and Mr.T get good reviews.

I now just get straight down to Pattaya,without staying at Bangkok(but have stayed there before,just prefer Pattaya) but it would be a shame not to give it a visit,maybe on your return for a couple of days. Up to You .

Have a Great Trip!! :cry1 :chogdee

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Thanks everyone. That's all really helpful. I probably will book a taxi from the Pattaya hotel. I'm just worried that if my flight is delayed or I get stuck in immigration the hotel taxi driver will give up and go and I'll get charged for it anyway.


I'm sure I will check out Bangkok - maybe on the way back. Pattaya just sounds much more relaxed a place to start (and stay, and stay, and stay....)

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Thanks everyone. That's all really helpful. I probably will book a taxi from the Pattaya hotel. I'm just worried that if my flight is delayed or I get stuck in immigration the hotel taxi driver will give up and go and I'll get charged for it anyway.


I'm sure I will check out Bangkok - maybe on the way back. Pattaya just sounds much more relaxed a place to start (and stay, and stay, and stay....)

Hi Bart,the driver will wait for you even if you are delayed for 1-2 hours but the best thing to do is to get the phone no for the driver or the hotel and if you are delayed then give them a call.They will not charges you i´m pretty sure of that.I have been delayed up to 2 hours at one of my trips and was very worried if the driver has left but he was there waiting for me :buzzsaw

About Bangkok my advice wil be that you go straight to Pattaya and then when you feel like then take a taxi or a bus to BKK and have a look it seems that you will have plenty of time to do so.



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I'm coming alone to Pattaya from London in 2-3 weeks time. My first time. Boy, am I excited! But I've never visited SE Asia before, let alone Thailand. Serious culture shock! And then there's the heat. I'm a Brit and usually 30 degrees C is plenty for me. Then there's shaking off the Diazepam I had to take for the flight.


I've seen advice to Thailand newbies about how it's a good idea to stay in Bangkok a day or two to adjust, but I don't think I want to deal with Bangkok. My feeling is I'll want to get from Bangkok airport to the aircon in my hotel room in Pattaya ASAP - and just chill and adjust for a day or two. I'm intending to stay in Pattaya at least a month - and longer if I like it half as much as I think I'm going to, so there's no rush.


Which leads me to .. one simple question. Which Bangok-to-Pattaya taxis have aircon? I'm reluctant to splash out 2500 baht on one of those limo-type taxis I've read about but I suppose I will if I must.

Hi Bart


My first time 26th May and am also concerned about heat.


I suggest plenty of 'linen' shorts and shirts. Just bought two pairs of linen shorts from Marks and Spencer today. Much cooler than cotton!

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The heat is a killer its like staying in a sauna for 24 hours a day every day with no reprieve, been there 3 times before and never got use to the heat. you first time will be a shock try not to do too much the first few days, saying that it would be hard to do with everything going around. you will be like a kid in a candy shop.

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Ben, sorting out my clothing is next on my list. I will go into M&S and check their linen stuff out - thanks for mentioning it. I suppose you've got your oral rehydration tablets already? But what about the 50% Deet mosquito spray? Had your jabs? Which ones? The preparation goes on and on.... boring, boring, but all part of the thrill. Goddamnit I haven't been as excited as this in ... years and years.

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Markytee, do you mean even with aircon everywhere is like a sauna? Every time I mention to seasoned travellers that I'm going to Thailand they say "God, it'll be hot". Gets me a bit worried. I'm still going to go though!

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Ben, sorting out my clothing is next on my list. I will go into M&S and check their linen stuff out - thanks for mentioning it. I suppose you've got your oral rehydration tablets already? But what about the 50% Deet mosquito spray? Had your jabs? Which ones? The preparation goes on and on.... boring, boring, but all part of the thrill. Goddamnit I haven't been as excited as this in ... years and years.

NEXT also have some linen gear, but make sure you visit one of the main stores, as they have all the range in one place.


Oral rehydration tablets? Never heard of those!! My plan is too drink 8 litres of good quality bottled water, even if it does cost me a small fortune! In that heat, if you down say 5 pints of lager, I reckon one needs to take in 5 litres of water afterwards! Make sure your hotel fridge is fully stocked up with bottled water, BEFORE you go out drinking.


Will be checking out the Deet spray, at the Boots in Pattaya, as well as the usual anti runs tablets etc: Will be cheaper too buy over there.


I've had a combined Hepatiitis A & Typhoid Fever jab and am immune too Hepatitis B.


I've also had a combined Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio jab. Had them all in March and am ready too party :rolleyes:


Was walking around town today and noticed how women always look through me, or around me, NEVER at me. Well I'm bloody well fed up with it!!


Not for much longer! I'm on the right side of 35 with baht in my pocket and I require servicing NOW :D

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you will be alright in the air con places but as soon as you go out in the open the heat and humidity hits you like a brick wall, most if not all beer bars are open air place. during the night is just as bad.

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:rotflmao :wub: :clap2

Now then you lucky first timers !

Yes it will be hot.But it is not a burning heat,more humid than anything else.I am 18 stone and I manage it.Of course you will sweat and the odd day will be unbearable.When it is just walk into an aircon building and the sensation is almost like an orgasm !!!!! :clap1

Go and have the time of your lives.If your gear is not suitable there are 1000's of stalls to buy cool,light t-shirts and shorts.Water is free in the mini-bars and an extra 2 litres will cost 10b.

Don't worry.you will wonder what the heat stress was all about once you have been there a day or two.

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Thank you, Soi Unwise (good name, if you don't mind me saying), that's very reassuring. Markytee's comment had got me a little worried. I hadn't realised that all the beer bars are out of doors - although I realise there are other places which are indoors and have aircon and where you can enjoy .. lovely company.

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I use a Pattaya based car service called KFC. They have cars with A/C and the cost is 1200 plus tolls. If you reserve a car I would give them your flight info, if your delayed in the air I don't think you can use your cell phone on the plane. I was delayed 3 hours back in January and my driver was still at the Airport at 3 AM waiting.


If you don't like the heat I would bypass Bangkok as its usually a little hotter there and the air quality is poor. In Pattay you'll get a breeze off the gulf.

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I use the airport car service and it's no waiting for a driver to show or not. I'm out of the airport in less then 15 minutes as the cars are parked right at the exit. This cost 2K and you can book one as soon as you leave customs they are on the left about 10 meters down. When you are at the luggage carousel ask if anyone is going to Pattaya. Easy way to share a ride and split the cost.


If you have an accident your travel insurance will cover you because it's a licensed car service. The other guys are not licensed nor legal to carry paying passengers.

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do BKK your last day before you fly. leave Pats about 10 in the morn get to BKK at noon...do your last minute shopping, get a massage/foamy have a few beers....see some of the nightlife and start making your plans for your return visit

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Your welcome mate.

Believe me the first time is amongst the best ever,the whole point of travel is the finding out.

Please don't listen to the old soaks who carp on about the negatives.The adventure you are about to have will change your life.

Enjoy,and I promise I wish I was in your shoes.

150 positives against 1 negative. :drunk

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FLB Bar is aircon.


There is a car service at the exit door of BK Airport. They charge 2,000 Baht to pattaya plus tolls. The cars are new. The drivers are experienced and know Pattaya. No reservation required.


You can get Penthouse hotel to pick U up with two bar girls.


Do at least one day in BK.


Eden or Poiseden. Or both!


When you get to Pattaya walk at least one mile in the heat of the day. Two miles is better. Once you sweat it out, standing around, drinking, in the humidity won't be a thang.


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Hi there,


Last year was my first trip to Thailand, 23nov-14dec 2005.

I went straight to Pattaya, stayed there for about a week, then went to the South (Krabi, Ao Nang, Krabi town, Phiphi) for a few days and came back to Pattaya again after that. Got stung by a mosquito only twice, and that was when I was having dinner outside in the evening in Krabi.


I am going again next month, from 19may-9juni.

A week Pattaya, a few days BKK, max 5 days at Koh Chang and end it again in Pattaya. This time it will be 30-35C compared to nov/dec this time will feel much hotter, luckily it does not bother me that much, even when wearing jeans...


Enjoy yourselves :-)

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hi bart , don`t worry too much about the heat,you will get used to it!! the first time i went i landed at 0200 and when the airport doors opened it felt like i was still at work ( i work with furnaces ) the heat was unreal.but a good air con ride to the hotel later i was ready for a few singhas..

do yourself a favour and spend some time in bkk there is so much to see ,the grand palace is wonderful and i`m not religious or into royalty,it`s like stepping back hundreds of years in time,peace and tranquility in the midst of mayhem!!

you can buy cheaper clothes out there don`t take too much with you ,and i believe it is slightly cheaper in pattaya than bangkok.i even took my girlfriend with me last time doh!!

she filled suitcases like there was no tomorrow,anyhoo,married two kids then divorced,so i will be back soon :sh

look forward to meeting some of the guys on this site,i don`t post much but i do read all of it !!

just take it easy for the first two days and it will be fine,enjoy :thumbup <grin

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Bottled water is very cheap and readily available everywhere.

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