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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I've read many complaints against Bahtbus drivers on this forum, but have never had a bad experience myself, until today: coming back to my hotel with a BF lady, I rang the bell for the driver to stop.


We get out, and I hand him a 20 Baht bill, 2*10, I'm thinking. He starts yelling that the cost is 100, and gets very agitated. I stay calm and tell him that I am a Pattaya veteran, and know what the rules are.


In the middle of all this, the hotel security guy has come over. Suddenly, the driver hits me in the chest. I know the rule, "never get into a fight with a Thai in Thailand", so I didn't.


Instead, I write down his licence plate no, and handed him the 100.


Both the hotel security guy and my BF saw the incident, and can confirm what happened.


I really do want to go to the police tomorrow to file a complaint. Not for the 100 Baht, but I don't approve of being punched.....And I have a nice bruise to prove what happened.


Question: what will in all likelihood happen ? I will be stopped from going home for the 10 years that the investigation takes ? I will get into trouble of some kind ?


Please give me your input.

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Just a thought - perhaps you accidently used one of the 100 baht (baht bus taxi's) without realising??


There is NO excuse for the violence though :ang2


I'd be inclined to let the matter rest, providing you are not injured.


He probably a downtrodden fellow, perhaps with a family to support?

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Guest Fatboyfat

Bad advice coming in from all parties here. :ang2 You have all the details and witnesses (who may or may not be of assistance); REPORT IT to the Tourist Police. :thumbup It is why they are in existence, and the reason that these drivers are not being weeded out is because people can't be bothered to report them, choosing to hide behind stupid "it's only $3" or "cheap charlie" insinuations. :D

Leave it and just maybe this goon ends up with a cosh, then a gun and makes even more money, he sure as well won't be thinking "well dear me, I was a bit naughty last night, and better not do that again" !


Best of luck


NB. Just to answer your specific question. my "brother in law" (sort of), who is Tourist Police confirms that you will definately not be detained, nor "in trouble".


Failing any actions on your behalf, please PM me, or place on this board, the number of the bus in question and date of the dirty deed (Drivers often rent the vehicle on a daily basis.

:gulp )

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Just a thought - perhaps you accidently used one of the 100 baht (baht bus taxi's) without realising??




Im with Ben on this one,id like to know the exact circumstances on which he boarded the bus.


Something similar happened to me on my first visit in 1988 boarded bus at end of walking st,not realising they were taxis and not baht buses.


Also if you ask any bahtbus driver to take you to a certain place,in then becomes a taxi with the usual fee being 100B,or negotiable.


So clarify and then the advice would be better.

Edited by pattysteve
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I tend to disagree with the majority advice on this one. If you intend to live in Thailand one day (you don't? I do!), then you can not let this crap happen. For god's sake, he hit you. What's next? an eye? a kick in the dick? Baht bus asshole is taking advantage of the fact you're on vacation and can't be bothered. I don't abide that. Where does it stop? I might have wrestled his ass in a headlock and had the tourist police straighten it out, I don't know. I do know I don't respond as calmly as you do to being punched.


I guess I admire your wisdom in the end, but I know myself and I would have belted the fucker. (probably regretted it later, too).

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U done the right thing. Id have headbutted him then been worried every time I left the hotel that Id get shot.

All for 100 baht. For your own safety you should forget it. But if you want to stop this sort of thing happening to other farang, you could report it. The guy will try it again if he gets away with it.

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g'day playmate


:sosad put it into the "too hard basket" !another day a punter who will not have your patience ,

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No excuse for throwing a punch...but i think you will have spoken to the driver of your destination. He has agreed to take you. In doing so you effectively have hired a taxi and in doing that have incurred the going rate for practically every taxi you ask for a price.


No reason otherwise to charge you 100baht

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I seldom speak to the driver before getting on a baht bus. In the main, I'm aware of whether I'm likely to be seen to be chartering the bus or not and invariably if the driver thinks I'm chartering he will say 100 baht (or whatever) before pulling off. On the few occasions I do charter a bus, he damn well takes me to the door of my condo.


Last night, I flagged down a passing bus and not being 100% certain that he was stopping for me, I asked him "Jomtien mai". He nodded his head so my bar fine and I got on. No problem paying 20 baht when we got to my condo. He did actually pick up one further passenger on the way. Note that I just said Jomtien as opposed to View Talay. If I had said View Talay, he could have interpreted that as being a charter and charged accordingly.



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Call me a wimp, but after reading reports of confusion (or deliberate exploitation by drivers) about whether a vehcile is a bus or a taxi, I have adopted one policy: Dont get on a pickup that doesn't have others in it. May be excessive care, but I haven't had any arguments either.

As to your incident, I am strongly with those who have suggested you do something about it. If you dont, then you are condoning such behavior by Thais (or anyone else). Too many of us are willing to let such things go, and the end result is a worse world for all of us. Sorry about the preaching! And good luck with the police!

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Abosulutely tell the tourist police. You should have called them immediately. The hotel staff could call right away when it happened if you requested it. The tourist police is very good from what I hear.

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IMHO, when a baht bus is stopped when you approach it, it is a taxi. If you flag one down or it stops to let others off and you get on it's a baht bus.


I stay on Soi 13 and walk up to 2nd to catch a baht bus. There is always one or two parked waiting for customers. As soon as you approach they will say taxi. Sometimes I will mess with them and ask how much to Big C and they will answer 100 baht. I say no thanks the one coming is only 10 baht.


Like was mentioned, I see alot of guys coming out of Walking Street and jump on a baht bus parked on South Pattaya Rd. I wonder if they know they just hired a taxi.




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IMHO, when a baht bus is stopped when you approach it, it is a taxi. If you flag one down or it stops to let others off and you get on it's a baht bus.


I stay on Soi 13 and walk up to 2nd to catch a baht bus. There is always one or two parked waiting for customers. As soon as you approach they will say taxi. Sometimes I will mess with them and ask how much to Big C and they will answer 100 baht. I say no thanks the one coming is only 10 baht.


Like was mentioned, I see alot of guys coming out of Walking Street and jump on a baht bus parked on South Pattaya Rd. I wonder if they know they just hired a taxi.



Totally agree, some people dont understand the difference between flagging down a Baht bus and jumping into a parked one (although there are exceptions, ie where the parked baht bus wait until it is full before leaving).

Using a parked one will normally be 100 baht plus and and even flagging down an empty one and stating a place you want to go can also mean you are hiring the baht bus (100 baht plus) rather than just using it as a bus (10 baht).

I wouldn't bother going to the Tourist Police unless the BM is sure he didn't actually hire the baht bus. From the original post the driver actually took the BM right to his hotel which would seem to be a hire, unless it was on a usual baht bus route.

Edited by windynoi
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Maybe there are a couple of Thai words we can use to establish whether a pickup is a bus or a taxi? Anyone know what they would be, and the appropriate response?

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Totally agree, some people dont understand the difference between flagging down a Baht bus and jumping into a parked one (although there are exceptions, ie where the parked baht bus wait until it is full before leaving).

Using a parked one will normally be 100 baht plus and and even flagging down an empty one and stating a place you want to go can also mean you are hiring the baht bus (100 baht plus) rather than just using it as a bus (10 baht).

I wouldn't bother going to the Tourist Police unless the BM is sure he didn't actually hire the baht bus. From the original post the driver actually took the BM right to his hotel which would seem to be a hire, unless it was on a usual baht bus route.

I admit to being a bit confused by that.

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Maybe there are a couple of Thai words we can use to establish whether a pickup is a bus or a taxi? Anyone know what they would be, and the appropriate response?


You dont need any words.in fact its better not to say anything.


Jump on the back ride to the nearest spot of your hotel or bar etc.ring bell get off pay 10B,,,, :D easy.

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From what I read so far, I'm still not 100% certain what really happen, but the original poster said "he rang the buzzer for driver to stop"--this usually means it should have been the 10b bus and not a taxi? Have to admit for a newbie, he showed alot of restrain. Not sure if all of us would've gave up the full 100b though--its not the money(cheap) but the principle, especially after being hit. If poster was indeed correct and flagged a regular baht bus, then he was scammed and scams should be reported--IMO


The main problems with the baht buses is not always knowing where they are actually going--without having to ask them and have been charged for this. I often go to Soi Buakou but whether I'm on Beach Rd , Walking St, South Patt Rd or 2nd Rd, there is no way to know if they turn onto Buakou without asking 1st--any ideas?

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I have had that problem coming out of walking street. I want to go to the RG and give a hand sign to the

turn right to see if there going that direction. I have got on the they go left.. AH shit.. off and start over..

But thats half the fun when you've had a few.


I had a trouble with a driver in front of the RG with a BG from the FLB.. I just paid him. Ya know what I thought... hummm :grin-jump

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Fuck yes, call the police, these guys can be complete assholes.


I had trouble with a Bahtbus driver when i was in Pattaya in late June - early July. I was at Guido's birthday party at Hammer's bar recently and I get talking to a guy who was staying at a condo near ours in Jomtien. We agreed to split the cost of a Bahtbus to Jomtien which was 100 baht. All was Ok, our new friend got off at his Condo, paid the 100 baht and the bahtbus drove us to the condo that i was renting.


When the Bahtbus stopped they wanted another 100 baht, I said "i'm not paying that". They try and talk Thai to my Philippina girl and she spoke no Thai. The driver told me in a louder voice, "100 baht", I said "i'm not paying that, you want 100 baht call the police". I started walking into the condo, by now it is getting louder, I said "fuck you, i'm not paying that". I then said "you Yet-Maa" (you mother fucker).


I start walking to the condo and this guy was being a complete asshole and he kept trying to scare me. I again said "you want 100 baht, call the police asshole". By now the security guard was coming over and asked what is the problem. I told him the problem and he tried to talk to the guy.


The driver yelled something and said "fuck you" to me. The New Yorker in me kicked in and I was pissed, I start to walk over to the guy and said "what the fuck you say"? As I said that they driver got scared and ducked behind the security guard and the security guard said "go to your room". I paid zero, fuck him.


It was cool the security guard came to my defense, he knew i was right. The condo I stayed at was View Taley 2 and most the residents are expats. I thanked the guard the next day


It's not the 100 baht i was pissed about, I hate when these fucking little rice dicks try and steal from us, I lived in SE Asia (mainly PI) for 3 months and hate when the locals try and steal from us.


It was a funny event, my girl thought it was so funny and didn't give me shit for what i did, I was right. This is why I never charter a Bahtbus, they try and scam you.


Call the police on that asshole, he deserves it.




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The biggest thing I hate about Thailand is having to back down to violence. At one stage I carried round a police batton ready for action. Now that i am more sensible, when I am pissed I make sure i walk around like johny concrete. If i get ripped off I laugh it off and pay it.


My biggest defense is learning thai, i have been learning for 12 months just to make my holidays run more smoothly and believe me Thai people love you more, i have a bangkok accent and most taxi drivers are in stiches when i speak.


I find it helps having Thai men as friends, the other Thais dont dare. I had a problem with that weird thai loner that works at performance bar and hangs around jp bar alone, he started on me after i confronted him about bullying my mate, the minute he pushed me, i walked off smiling, two minutes later my thai man freind was patting his head like a dog smiling, saying dont do that again etc.


I am not one for common sense, because when i'm pissed i dont care and think i'm invisible at fighting etc. I believe i've never had trouble because i put my shoulders out, smile alot and pay out when taxi drivers try it on (which is rare for me). I walk away laughing shaking my head. At the end of the day they are piss poor and in relative we are millionaires, ok they are wrong but what would you do it there position? (talking about charging extra and not attacking)

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