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NEW LIVING DOLLS 1 - Member's Night

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Walking St agogo, New Living Dolls 1, will be hosting a Pattayatalk members' get together on Monday, 4 December from 8 to 9:30pm. Draft beer will be free during those hours. Thanks to BM, alan lad, for making this night available to our membership. :allright


This is an opportunity for anyone who is not familiar with New Living Dolls 1, and/or wants to meet other board members, to share a few drinks and make some friends while ogling a bevy of damsels.


Please remember that the service staff should be tipped, even if the beer is free, and attention of the dancers will depend on your willingness to buy them a drink (unless you're just too hansum). :cry2


Hammer will be in attendance if you have any questions. I, unfortunately, will be out of the country at the time.

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I have been to similar events at NLD1 and they are a great idea. Something that has been done before at the end of the free drinks is passing a bucket around to collect tips for the service staff. I wish I could be there.. :cry2

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What a great promotion! Everyone has to like free, wish I could make it. Looks like Alan is going out of his way to hook the Bm's up here.

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I was in Pattaya a few weeks ago and went to a Livings Dolls go go .the stage was on the left and the small bar was at the end.........the place was not very good and the service so poor I had to go to the bar to pay my bill. In my notes taken on my last trip I refer to it as Living death not living dolls. In 15 years in Thailand it is the first bar i have not left a tip. Are we talikg about thesame place here?

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  The wah said:
I was in Pattaya a few weeks ago and went to a Livings Dolls go go .the stage was on the left and the small bar was at the end.........the place was not very good and the service so poor I had to go to the bar to pay my bill. In my notes taken on my last trip I refer to it as Living death not living dolls. In 15 years in Thailand it is the first bar i have not left a tip. Are we talikg about thesame place here?
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Don't know which bar you went to but it obviously wasn't LD1.


If you had been in there you'd know that as you enter LD1, the stage is to your front. In fact it takes up the middle area of the room.


Also the bar is on your right near the entrance to the door. So if you are going to slag off a business, how about making sure you've got the right one. Huh?


I think you owe Shane an apology.

Edited by rightsaid
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This bar has been one of my favorites on the my last two visits to Pattaya. Shane and his son and management team are a bunch of great blokes and The wah does indeed owe them an apology.

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hi guys


Guys thanks for jumping in on my behalf, but go easy on him (please).


Yes it does sound like it is not my bar , but please any time some one has some thing that is not to there liking i DO WANT to hear about it .


So if by some chance it was my bar and you were not treated well sir please let me know ,so i can make sure it does not happen again.


Guys even a gogo bar is a service industry and as such we (bar owners) have a duty to provide the very best of service, I would rather hear about thing that are wrong so i can fix them .


again sir i am very sorry if it was my bar (in fact sorry that any bar would make you feel this way) that made you feel bad. Please ask for me or one of my staff and i will be happy to buy you a drink to help you feel better about gogo bars.


To the poor guy who is going to get hear late ,please let me know if i can do any thing more than buy you your first drink ?



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  alan lad said:
hi guys


Guys thanks for jumping in on my behalf, but go easy on him (please).


Yes it does sound like it is not my bar , but please any time some one has some thing that is not to there liking i DO WANT to hear about it .


So if by some chance it was my bar and you were not treated well sir please let me know ,so i can make sure it does not happen again.


Guys even a gogo bar is a service industry and as such we (bar owners) have a duty to provide the very best of service, I would rather hear about thing that are wrong so i can fix them .


again sir i am very sorry if it was my bar (in fact sorry that any bar would make you feel this way) that made you feel bad. Please ask for me or one of my staff and i will be happy to buy you a drink to help you feel better about gogo bars.


To the poor guy who is going to get hear late ,please let me know if i can do any thing more than buy you your first drink ?



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Hi Shane,


Did I get this right?


He slags you're bar and you offer him a free drink. :banghead


We defend your bar and we get nothing? :allright


Don't take it personal mate, just some good old fashioned shit stirring. :banghead


Cheers, Alf.


ps. 10 days and I'm back in Patters, can't wait.

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  DutchGuy22 said:


I dont what this article is about, nor do i know any of the guys talked about in it. I've been showcase and LD1 on numerous occasions but i just stumbled on this article last night. Any truth in it?

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I have spent some time in Shane's company while briefly dating one of his staff, and my impression was that he is a genuinely nice guy. There are always two sides to a story, and I don't know the details. I can tell you he and the other managers run a great bar, and found them all to be excellent hosts.

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Thanks for the beer offer, I'll be glad to take you up on that and offer you one in return. I'll drop in as soon as everything opens back up. I'll be around for about 35 days so I am sure we will see each other more than once.


Hey rightsaid, you must have me confused with someone else. I'm the guy that doesn't get there in time. I didn't say anything about the bar. Two completly different posts and people.

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  RWB said:
Hey rightsaid, you must have me confused with someone else. I'm the guy that doesn't get there in time. I didn't say anything about the bar. Two completly different posts and people.
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Apologies mate, not really sure what you're referring to.


I replied to The Wah on this thread who dissed Shane's (aka Alan Lad) bar LD1 when it was obviously not LD1.


Did I say something on another thread?


Cheers, Alf.

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What a great gesture. I will not be in town till Feb. For your generosity I will most certainly occupy one of your stools/chairs and buy the first round for YOU.

Thanks again


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hi guys


Well the shit that Ken has on the showcase site is still out there yes i know !


Well is it true ? Yes 2 parts are true and only 2 parts !


Yes i was locked up in HK for 12mths it was a case that no were else in the world would have even gotten to court,as we tried nothing wrong. 2 Aust lawyers gave me and a friend some money to take with us on a trip to HK . It turned out after giving the bank a copy of my real passport ,plane ticket ,details of where i live both in Thailand and Aust . It turned out that the money was not real .


Guys this was all over about $5000 us with no attempt to run away (my last years income was about 100 times bigger than this so i sure was not doing it for the money. I spent about 30 million BT trying to clear my name later only to find out that no one had won a appeal since 1998.


Second part ,yes my family are comfortable ,which again shows why would i have to do this for if i had known the money was not real !!


Now the best part WHY would ken write this on his site !!! Can anyone tell me what it has to do with running a bar ? And why does he think you guys would want to know for what reason ??


I will never speak badly about another person as i dont wish to lower myself to the gutter were ken must have been when he wrote this .


Guys you come here for fun and a good time not to get involved in bar fights or any other shit that goes on .


I will leave it up to you to work out your reasons to beleave who !


I will leave you one more thing to think about ,if ken wrote this about me what do you think he might say or talk about YOU ??


Me i am too busy trying to provide a good service at a affordable price to worry about a person this small.


Sorry this time guys i atill cant give all the details for legal reasons , so i do hope that this has but some light on this matter.



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