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The International Passenger Handling Tax is 700 Baht but is now included in the ticket price. No need to visit the booths or machines on departure to purchase the payment slip.

Edited by CheshireTom
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It depends when you brought your ticket.

It is now up to the airlines to pay the tax

so is in the price when you book your flight.

Unless you booked your ticket some months

ago as i did and had to pay at check in.

I am not sure there are any booths anymore.

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I've departed twice (november and february) and haven't seen any booth or machine. It's the airlines collecting the fee and also keeping a part of it - same system all over the world btw.


When I departed in Dec the booths were there and I had to pay the 500 to get the ticket and then have it punch a few seconds later as I entered the immigration area. When I departed this week, when I checked in at the United counter they called up a Thai who worked for the airport and I had to hand over 700 baht and was given the ticket. I can't recall who kept the baht but it does show 700 baht on the ticket. There were no booths this time and no one punched the passenger service charge ticket this time. I had purchased this airline ticket back in Oct.

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Just back, departed 26th Feb.

I can confirm that the booths where you have to pay the departure tax have now gone.

My ticket had the 700 Bt departure tax included in the price, and was shown as 10.10TS which is the converted amount into UK Pounds.

When I checked in, they checked and circled this on my ticket.

Some people obviously had tickets that did not include the tax, and were required to pay this at the check in desk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Traditionally the Airport tax in Thailand has always been paid on departure from Thai Airports. However as of February 1st 2007 the departure tax/airport tax (PSC – passenger service charge) will be included in the airline ticket price.

In addition to this, the tax has been raised from bt500 to bt700 from February 1st 2007


Does this affect you ?


If you bought your ticket for flying out of Thailand before November 1st 2006, to fly on or after February 1st 2007, then you will need to pay the departure tax in Thailand at bt700.


Reports say that the charge will either be collected at the check in desk, or in the departure hall area by airport staff. The original booths that used to receive payment are now unmanned


If your ticket was bought after November 1st 2006, for flying out of Thailand on or after February 1st 2007, then the airport tax (PSC) will have been added to the price of the ticket at point of sale.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw NO booths and NO mention of paying a departure tax...


I think the Thai government is charging you when you purchase your ticket (like other countries do). It was rather weird to have to stop by the little booth before entering the Customs area for departure.



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I saw NO booths and NO mention of paying a departure tax...


I think the Thai government is charging you when you purchase your ticket (like other countries do). It was rather weird to have to stop by the little booth before entering the Customs area for departure.




Here in N.Z. we still have to pay our Airport tax at the bank inside the Airport! :thumbup :banghead

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I guess they realized how much of a waste of manpower it is to collect the departure tax and just get an account of passengers leaving each day, week, month, quarter, etc. etc. from the airlines and charge accordingly. Now the thais are thinking straight.

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