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slightly personal.. but here is a quick answer.

First met.. she is a bargirl, second time she is a shop cashier. Keen to join me after work.

Still together...

Both her sisters want farangs.....

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Went on FLB Bar Crawl on 11th Jan and I already 'hab (ex and now current again) FLB lady in condo'.


Drinking in one bar and I'm staring at a cute ass gyrating about in another.


Wander over, say hello and buy drink. Go back to Bar 1 and continue to watch for another 5 minutes


Wander back to bar and pay barfine.


With just a couple of missed nights in the first week, ended up as a 46 night (I think) live-in.


Still in regular contact and we'll see what happens in July.

Edited by Skygod
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Met her in a bar 3 1/2 years ago and have been living together the past 2 1/2 years. No dramas and next to nothing in disagreements. I think these live in situations stand a better chance if your not doing it to save some baht. Many guys will go the live in route because they do a cost analysis and determine that its cheaper to get a live in than going out and barfining a BG and then paying her S/T/L/T.

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Met her in a bar 3 1/2 years ago and have been living together the past 2 1/2 years. No dramas and next to nothing in disagreements. I think these live in situations stand a better chance if your not doing it to save some baht. Many guys will go the live in route because they do a cost analysis and determine that its cheaper to get a live in than going out and barfining a BG and then paying her S/T/L/T.
Well of course I would expect it to be cheaper, and it certainly is for me! :D If you continue to pay her the equivalent of BF + LT per day it is still a hooker/client relationship. Most important is being very careful in your selection before committing. Edited by jacko
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Well of course I would expect it to be cheaper, and it certainly is for me! :allright If you continue to pay her the equivalent of BF + LT per day it is still a hooker/client relationship. Most important is being very careful in your selection before committing.


Of course it would be cheaper. The point I was trying to make is that it is the only reason the punter goes the live in route. The live in will soon realize this and will more than likely jetison him as soon as she finds a better arrangement.

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yes, full time 'live-in' .... she was a bargirl. Well the original 'never go with farang' Cashier anyway, which I believe seeing as though I seem to be the only guy in town that has a taste for the 'heavier' lady :D


So far there has only been a few periods of 'sulks' and 'not speaking' ..... from me anyway, she's been great to live with.

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yes, full time 'live-in' .... she was a bargirl. Well the original 'never go with farang' Cashier anyway, which I believe seeing as though I seem to be the only guy in town that has a taste for the 'heavier' lady :banghead


So far there has only been a few periods of 'sulks' and 'not speaking' ..... from me anyway, she's been great to live with.

Yes I find mine easy to live with, and she only steps on her lower lip occasionally. Normally I bring this on...... hooking your little fingers together is a 'I want to be friends again' sign. :allright
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I met my BG almost 4 years ago, since then she has stayed knee deep in the country and I visit when I can. My only drama comes from a sister in-law that constantly talks smack behind my back, this lady has two daughters, one married to a farang and her other daughter hooked up with a farang. This Issan Mommy hit the Issan lotto i.e. both daughters hooked up with falang's now she is rich, however she continuely asks my GF when I am going to build her a house and what not, my girl contiunely tells her that I am broke, but she is okay with that because she has rice and the kids go to a good school, so she is happy, she found what she was looking for a farang to support her, so life is good. :clap2 (she owns her own house and land), Oh one more thing, for some reason both girls with the falang's hide me from thier falang boyfriends/husbands, it is totally weird, they don't want their significant other's to know that their Aunt is with a falang and that the falang stay's on the farm, nice girls as we all get along great when they visit.

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I was intoduced to a bar girl by my friend , who thought she was o k , i sponsored her for a while . while i was in the los. i had all the drama . phone slinging room trashing , sliting wrists. . got home sent her money for three months , then found out for shore what i already new , she was a lieing little sh.t. and had a thai man , never found out wether he was her husband or boyfriend , but now i am thailands number 1 butterfly. will return on 15 april . :gulp :D :thumbup

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By applying a 24 hour limit on live in visas you can reduce the drama to a very acceptable level,or avoid it all together. In certain cases this can be extended to a 72 hour "big O" visa, however she must meet or exceed all of the requirements during this extension period or face deportation. Joe.

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