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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Hello everyone Windmill Club has undergone some major changes.


First a very Big welcome to Mama Miki formerly at Whats up and Babydolls.


Windmill has undergone sustantial changes with new state of the art led lighting a superb new lazer, lots of good varied music


We now have a Jacuzzi and soapy matress stage.


The outside steps have been redesigned. Lots of new girls already and lots more are arriving daily.


We open at 7pm and go through to 3am .


We have new shows and all the girls interact well with customers.


For those of you that don't already know Bill has joined as manager


I look forward to welcoming back both old and new customers.


Happy hours is 7-10pm and we even have some special offers after happy hour.

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Paid a visit last night for Happy Hour and ordered a lipo but did not get Happy hour prices and was charged 95bht. Was told if i had ordered vodka with my lipo then the price of the drink would be 50bht! not sure what the logic is to charge 50bht for Vodka + Lipo but almost double for only lipo!

Edited by bestmate
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Being a teetotaler I have had the same complaint for years. Not everyone in Pattaya is a boozer. When will go-go managers wake up and include soft drinks among the happy hour specials?!

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same logic as going into a sandwich shop for a 65 baht special sandwich: chicken and ham...


ordered the special but didn't want the ham: price 85 baht...why? was the question asked by


the patron...


no ham means chicken sandwich (not on special) so cost is 85 baht


vodka + lipo = alcoholic drink = special price @ happy hour


lipo neat = not an alcoholic (read: happy hour) beverage, so no happy hour price...


may not make sense, but that's the thought process

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Being a teetotaler I have had the same complaint for years. Not everyone in Pattaya is a boozer. When will go-go managers wake up and include soft drinks among the happy hour specials?!




Soft drinks are already included in the Happy Hour prices 7pm-10 pm at 50 baht and have been for a very long time.

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Did Windmill last nite with two fellow mongers.


We sampled more than 10 gogos and Windmill came out equal top with Baby Dolls.


No comments either way about drink prices, seemed ok to me.


The shows and girls were great.


As we arrived one girl was just finishing the shower show and ended astride me still wet and naked.


Very good interaction throughout the place.


Well run, efficient service and most importantly GREAT FUN!



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Ah well you see the news had got out that THE Chris Brewer was in the are and it was all put on because of that fact. If there is a Pattaya royalty this is the man.

OK. Taking the piss a bit but I am in a good position to second Chris's comments.

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Paid a visit last night for Happy Hour and ordered a lipo but did not get Happy hour prices and was charged 95bht. Was told if i had ordered vodka with my lipo then the price of the drink would be 50bht! not sure what the logic is to charge 50bht for Vodka + Lipo but almost double for only lipo!

Like I said before most soft drinks are included at 50 baht happy hour coke, orange, sprite, water ,seems like I overlooked Lipo as it is rarely ordered alone but today I will change it to include it.

I do see your point and it is a very valid one, thank you for bringing it to my attention .David

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I was sitting beside one Windmill bar girl whilst she unfolded and counted out the little slips of paper that she got for each lady drink.


She counted out 20 and told me that this represented 1000 baht as she got 50 baht for each lady drink.


I was not all that surprised as Windmill is home to the bar girl who is most likely to say:


'Thank you for dink. I go dance now' 90 seconds after you have bought her a drink (because that is the maximum time that it takes for her to throw it down her throat and let out a satisfied sigh).


The next time you see her she will be doing the same to another customer.

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I was sitting beside one Windmill bar girl whilst she unfolded and counted out the little slips of paper that she got for each lady drink.


She counted out 20 and told me that this represented 1000 baht as she got 50 baht for each lady drink.


I was not all that surprised as Windmill is home to the bar girl who is most likely to say:


'Thank you for dink. I go dance now' 90 seconds after you have bought her a drink (because that is the maximum time that it takes for her to throw it down her throat and let out a satisfied sigh).


The next time you see her she will be doing the same to another customer.



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And some ppl ffel that if you buy a TG a drink they should at least sit there for a few mins to see if your interested.

although though :D sometime i have bought a drink under pressure :grin-jump and been very happy when they say they had to dance as it gave me time to run away from the dawg

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The girls stay there as long as they are permitted and its does not take a genius to work out that this aint long.

LD's are a way of life in Patts. I assume always that 100 baht drink has 1baht's worth of cola, thems the rules.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last time I went in Windmill, I was very dissapointed..... with everything!!! Girls, prices, atmosphere!!! Very poor!!


Baby dolls on the other hand.............. 3 thumbs up!!! I actually believe it is now up there with the best in Pattaya!!

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  • 1 month later...
Like I said before most soft drinks are included at 50 baht happy hour coke, orange, sprite, water ,seems like I overlooked Lipo as it is rarely ordered alone but today I will change it to include it.

I do see your point and it is a very valid one, thank you for bringing it to my attention .David



Well been back to Windmill a few times since i last posted and happy to report Lipo is indeed now included in the Happy Hour drinks. However last night i believe i got overcharged!


Turned up around 9pm and had two lipos (50bht x 2) when my friend turned up and ordered a bacardi coke. He got his drink and a separate checkbin. I attempted to put his bill in my bin as i was goin to pay both bills when a waitress comes over and asks if i want the bills together and i say yes. She then proceeds to take both bins and bills away to the counter and returns with the bills in one checkbin. I thought that was a little weird as she only needed to transfer my mates bill to my bin with my bills and just take a way the extra checkbin but didnt think anything of it as too busy chatting to my mate and also checking out the girls.


Now when we decided to leave (still happy hour) i found my mates bill (now in my checkbin) was 130bht for a bacardi coke. I queried this with another waitress (the original waitress had gone awol) and she said bacardi coke is 50bht happy hour and goes over to the counter to check but then returns and says oh sorry barcardi is not happy hour. I didnt believe her but just paid my bill and vowed never to return. Outside i looked at the sign and it says 'rum' on the list. Funny the waitress who switched one of my bills had asked how long i was in town and i told her 6 months so one would think they would try to be nice to a potential regular customer for the next few months but its the usual think today and not about tomorrow attitude.


I may well return but never buy a ladydrink or leave a tip for the next 6 months and would more than make up for getting ripped off 80bht!!

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In June when I visited the windmill with Chris and Teelack (two great guys even if they are getting on a bit LOL) I had I great time when I was there with them both. I also had a visited a couple of times by on my todd and again had a great time. It was one of my top 3 gogos.


Barcardi is a brand name for rum like smirnoff is to vodka. So if it says rum on the board then it could be any type of rum.

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i love the windmill club! i always have a great time there, i will either buy the girls a lady drink or give them a tip and they always stay and talk and joke with me. i never feel hassled there and if a girl is too pushy i just say i am not interested. the bar fine is 600 baht-too high for me but it goes down to 300 baht after 1:30am-unfortunately i never make it to that time as i have too many thai whikey and coke! i think its the best place in pattaya with some real friendly women...

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I thought happy hour prices are usually just for 'local' drinks?


As far as I am aware, Bacardi is imported.


No rip off.





In June when I visited the windmill with Chris and Teelack (two great guys even if they are getting on a bit LOL) I had I great time when I was there with them both. I also had a visited a couple of times by on my todd and again had a great time. It was one of my top 3 gogos.


Barcardi is a brand name for rum like smirnoff is to vodka. So if it says rum on the board then it could be any type of rum.


My thoughts exactly. Barcardi is no doubt considered a "call drink" and is more expensive than the rum one would be served at happy hour. Same would apply to any brand name liquor. I sure wouldn't expect Jack Daniels whiskey at Happy Hour price!

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Well been back to Windmill a few times since i last posted and happy to report Lipo is indeed now included in the Happy Hour drinks. However last night i believe i got overcharged!


Turned up around 9pm and had two lipos (50bht x 2) when my friend turned up and ordered a bacardi coke. He got his drink and a separate checkbin. I attempted to put his bill in my bin as i was goin to pay both bills when a waitress comes over and asks if i want the bills together and i say yes. She then proceeds to take both bins and bills away to the counter and returns with the bills in one checkbin. I thought that was a little weird as she only needed to transfer my mates bill to my bin with my bills and just take a way the extra checkbin but didnt think anything of it as too busy chatting to my mate and also checking out the girls.


Now when we decided to leave (still happy hour) i found my mates bill (now in my checkbin) was 130bht for a bacardi coke. I queried this with another waitress (the original waitress had gone awol) and she said bacardi coke is 50bht happy hour and goes over to the counter to check but then returns and says oh sorry barcardi is not happy hour. I didnt believe her but just paid my bill and vowed never to return. Outside i looked at the sign and it says 'rum' on the list. Funny the waitress who switched one of my bills had asked how long i was in town and i told her 6 months so one would think they would try to be nice to a potential regular customer for the next few months but its the usual think today and not about tomorrow attitude.


I may well return but never buy a ladydrink or leave a tip for the next 6 months and would more than make up for getting ripped off 80bht!!


bestmate, welcome to the world of computerized bill keeping. :bigsmile:


At many gogos and bars in town, computers are now being used for tracking orders. When your friend ordered, a bill was created for him, as well as one for you. Just moving the paper from his bill cup to yours does not combine the bills. It has to be done by the cashier. This is why the waitress needed to take your bills and his back to the cashier to combine them.


There are customer advantages to this system. First, you can no longer get charged for a drink where someone moves their paper into your cup while you are not looking. Secondly, your total is always available to you on your bin while it is in your possession. No more trips back to the cashier to total your bin and come back with some number written on a piece of paper.


Also, because the pricing is in the computer, and Bacardi coke was not a happy hour drink, the waitress was not messing with your friend. As others have said, if you order happy hour rum, you usually get whatever the bar chooses to call "rum". You can't pick Havana Club, Captain Morgan or Bacardi and expect the happy hour pricing.

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went in a few nights ago and found it a pile of shit, lots of fat ugly girls, some look like grandmothers, i cant see how its been moderised or refurbished, looked shit before and still looks shit now, much better fun and more action in just about every other gogo bar in pattaya

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Went in there a while ago and ordered a Jim Beam with Sprite. A usual drink for me. Drink came and it was NOT Jim Beam. Have only been drinking the stuff for 15 years so I do know what it tastes like. Complained that the drink was not what I ordered so the waitress comes back with a Jim Beam bottle. Could tell from the smell that Sangtip or something else had been substituted for the real thing. Check bin and see you! Haven't been back since.



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bestmate, welcome to the world of computerized bill keeping.


At many gogos and bars in town, computers are now being used for tracking orders. When your friend ordered, a bill was created for him, as well as one for you. Just moving the paper from his bill cup to yours does not combine the bills. It has to be done by the cashier. This is why the waitress needed to take your bills and his back to the cashier to combine them.


There are customer advantages to this system. First, you can no longer get charged for a drink where someone moves their paper into your cup while you are not looking. Secondly, your total is always available to you on your bin while it is in your possession. No more trips back to the cashier to total your bin and come back with some number written on a piece of paper.


Also, because the pricing is in the computer, and Bacardi coke was not a happy hour drink, the waitress was not messing with your friend. As others have said, if you order happy hour rum, you usually get whatever the bar chooses to call "rum". You can't pick Havana Club, Captain Morgan or Bacardi and expect the happy hour pricing.


Thanks for attemptiong to clear this up but while both bills were taken away in separate checkbins but when the waitress returned i still got 2 separate bills returned to me in 1 checkbin. Which is why i never uderstood the point of taking away the 2 bills since che came back with thesame 2 bills.


A few steps a way at Insomnia club Bacradi + coke is happy hour drink.

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