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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Hi Folks


I am Pleased to announce the introduction of the new Club Misty's Madness Happy Hour! from Monday 6th October :)


From 8.00pm until 10.00pm we will be offering Draught Beer on a Buy One, Get One Free basis.


During the same period, the same offer will apply to all House Spirits including Vodka, Gin and Thai Whisky.


Customer Tequlia Shots will also be available during this period at 50 Baht per Shot.


We look forward to welcoming you in the near future and don't forget Misty's Showtime from 10.30pm - 12.30am.







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The last time I was there in August on my first night in Pattaya I was descended on by both the mamasans ordering drinks for themselves and some girls, who hardly spoke to me, that I was down 900 baht within 20 minutes.


I never made it back for the rest of my trip as a result.

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The last time I was there in August on my first night in Pattaya I was descended on by both the mamasans ordering drinks for themselves and some girls, who hardly spoke to me, that I was down 900 baht within 20 minutes.


I never made it back for the rest of my trip as a result.




You may wish to consider learning the word "NO" before your next trip then! :D







Edited by PSP
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Mistys is my favourite gogo in patts, always had a great time there especially with the lesbians upstairs, cant wait to bar fine jum on the 21st (my birthday).




Glad you enjoy Misty's.


Hope you have put in your request to Jum early as she is a very popular lady!







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This post aint a slur on your establishment on a whole or an assumption that this wasnt an issolated incident....its merely an account of 1 visit (on sunday).


Popped in Mistys, had my first draft beer of the evening(65baht) and paid bin to mammasan with 1000baht note. Black change wallet duly arrives and with a quick glance (i.e briefly see a 500,a few red 100's and a pile of 20's and a 5baht coin..i make a guess-ta-mate that the change is correct). I take the notes and add 5baht to leave 10baht tip (ok not big spender but better than nothing).


Get outside and something is "niggling" me. Check my change and guess what : i look at change and i have 1x500, 3x100, 5x20 (total 900). I guess my draft beer really cost me 105baht!


Now it could be that the cashier is shit or it could be the old "sneak 30 baht of coins in the wee triangle scam".


Before i get the slams......it was my fault. I accept that. (and it is nit-picking over a few baht...called me roland2 if you like). My point is that PSP should be aware that it is going on in his joint (so he can fix it).


Having said that ....i will be back.

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Now it could be that the cashier is shit or it could be the old "sneak 30 baht of coins in the wee triangle scam

learn to count your change, or at least appear to.

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This post aint a slur on your establishment on a whole or an assumption that this wasnt an issolated incident....its merely an account of 1 visit (on sunday).


Popped in Mistys, had my first draft beer of the evening(65baht) and paid bin to mammasan with 1000baht note. Black change wallet duly arrives and with a quick glance (i.e briefly see a 500,a few red 100's and a pile of 20's and a 5baht coin..i make a guess-ta-mate that the change is correct). I take the notes and add 5baht to leave 10baht tip (ok not big spender but better than nothing).


Get outside and something is "niggling" me. Check my change and guess what : i look at change and i have 1x500, 3x100, 5x20 (total 900). I guess my draft beer really cost me 105baht!


Now it could be that the cashier is shit or it could be the old "sneak 30 baht of coins in the wee triangle scam".


Before i get the slams......it was my fault. I accept that. (and it is nit-picking over a few baht...called me roland2 if you like). My point is that PSP should be aware that it is going on in his joint (so he can fix it).


Having said that ....i will be back.



Hi Vidman


I am sorry to learn of this incident and Thank You for bringing it to my attention.


I can assure you that such pratices are not the norm in Misty's and I can only assume that a genuine error was made. That said, I will speak both of the Cashier's and the Service Staff this Evening and tell them to be more careful in future.


Please stop by again when you have time and I will be happy to buy you a beer by way of compensation.







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Cheers Paul for your reply.


I knew you were a top bloke (same birthday as me) and just wanted to nip any minor probs in the bud.


Could have been a 1 off but worth pointing out!


Will pop in soon (no free beer needed but cheers)

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Hi Vidman


I am sorry to learn of this incident and Thank You for bringing it to my attention.


I can assure you that such pratices are not the norm in Misty's and I can only assume that a genuine error was made. That said, I will speak both of the Cashier's and the Service Staff this Evening and tell them to be more careful in future.


Please stop by again when you have time and I will be happy to buy you a beer by way of compensation.






Eh Paul! Where's my free beer then! :ang2


The last time I was there in August on my first night in Pattaya I was descended on by both the mamasans ordering drinks for themselves and some girls, who hardly spoke to me, that I was down 900 baht within 20 minutes.


I never made it back for the rest of my trip as a result.


You may wish to consider learning the word "NO" before your next trip then! :rolleyes:






I was smoked 900 baht within 20 minutes whereas Vid had a couple of 10 baht coins fall through a hole in his shorts or something - total cost 40 baht (assuming that 40 baht is not actually stuck to the bottom of his shorts rather than really lost!)


The point that I did not really emphasize was that the mamasans ordered drinks for themselves and a couple of other girls which I had NOT agreed to.


I had only gone in Mistys to have one or two beers and buy a couple of LDs when I noticed this girl who I had known for over two years who always freelanced but had decided to get her first bar job in Mistys (maybe times are hard!). I bought her a couple of drinks and her friend but then the two mamasans descended in a pincer movement.


I did talk to the mamasans who came round out of politeness but I did not agree to them ordering themselves drinks or drinks for the two other girls who also briefly walked by and said hello. Who would want to buy a drink for a mamasan let alone two anyway - what's the point!


I am an old hand at this but in a momentary lapse I did not monitor my bin until after 20 minutes by which time the damage was done. Knowing that it is nigh impossible to get drinks off the bill once it is on there - even ones which I did not authorise - I decided that the best thing was just to pay up and leave.


I can remember the slightly sneering look on one of the mamasan's face which read 'there's another one that we have managed to way lay tonight. He has probably learnt his lesson but there will be others along at some point who we can ambush to make up for the slow nights that we have been having'.


Unlike many guys who just drink their one draught beer and agree to buying no lady drinks I had attempted to at least play the game. The problem was the mamasans thought here was someone who was at last opening his wallet so lets just abuse his genorosity and sting him for all he is worth. As I mentioned this was on the first day of my holiday and I never went back.

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I am an old hand at this but in a momentary lapse I did not monitor my bin
These things happen.

It is worse in Bangkok.....:rolleyes:

Edited by jacko
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I am an old hand at this but in a momentary lapse I did not monitor my bin until after 20 minutes by which time the damage was done. Knowing that it is nigh impossible to get drinks off the bill once it is on there - even ones which I did not authorise - I decided that the best thing was just to pay up and leave.


I am not so sure that was the smart move. I think you had a more than fair chance of getting the unauthorized drinks off you bill AND the greedy mamasans would have had to coved that. That would perhaps make them rethink their mode of attack (probably not though). At least you would have felt better getting it off your chest and the bar would have had a chance to keep you as a customer.

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I am not so sure that was the smart move. I think you had a more than fair chance of getting the unauthorized drinks off you bill AND the greedy mamasans would have had to coved that. That would perhaps make them rethink their mode of attack (probably not though). At least you would have felt better getting it off your chest and the bar would have had a chance to keep you as a customer.


So, are you saying that Sybarite is NOT a "Smart Monger?"

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I am not so sure that was the smart move. I think you had a more than fair chance of getting the unauthorized drinks off you bill AND the greedy mamasans would have had to coved that. That would perhaps make them rethink their mode of attack (probably not though). At least you would have felt better getting it off your chest and the bar would have had a chance to keep you as a customer.

One of the reasons why it is next to impossible to get the staff to back down and remove from your tab drinks that you did not specifically order, is that many bars have a rule that if the customer does not pay for the drink that was 'ordered' for a particular staff member then that staff member has the cost of the drink deducted from their wages.


As for the option of only paying for the drinks that you think that you ordered and not the rest - well, Misty's is on Soi 15 which is the Soi where there have been quite a few falangs guys recently who have been given a kicking by Thai's for one reason or the other.

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As for the option of only paying for the drinks that you think that you ordered and not the rest - well, Misty's is on Soi 15 which is the Soi where there have been quite a few falangs guys recently who have been given a kicking by Thai's for one reason or the other.


Are you suggesting that the Mistys' Security would take you outside and give you a good kicking?

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I think the staff prefer to kick you in the wallet...where it most hurts.


You've already been told that you have the option to say NO.


NOT rocket science :bigsmile:


If, as you say, drinks were added to your bin without your permission, you have already been advised that you should voice your concerns to the management.


To intimate that you would receive a kicking for doing so is totally unjustified and is an uncalled for slur on the management of what is considered to be a well run Agogo.


I think an apology on your part is in order, wouldn't you agree?


You have already stated in various recent threads that........


"I am a Smart Monger."


"I am a Hardcore Monger."


"I am an Old Hand at this."


Etcetera, etcetera.


What went wrong?

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I was smoked 900 baht within 20 minutes whereas Vid had a couple of 10 baht coins fall through a hole in his shorts or something - total cost 40 baht (assuming that 40 baht is not actually stuck to the bottom of his shorts rather than really lost!)


The point that I did not really emphasize was that the mamasans ordered drinks for themselves and a couple of other girls which I had NOT agreed to.


The point you're making is that by your own testimony you let this go on for 20 minutes, never raised a peep of protest - and it is the bar's fault because it is the sort of place where you will be badly beaten if you go to the management.


AND it is another poster's fault, too, for bitxhing that HE only lost 40 baht, compared with your serious predicament.


Just my opinion you are way out of line - about your actions, about your slur on the bar. You did the wrong thing, and your claim about the bar is not even credible, and thus really a libel.

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