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Heads up you bar owners... I had Thai TV on on the background and the TGF warned me that there are a LOT of fake 1000 baht notes circulating Bangkok, and no doubt will be here.

How many of you have one of these UV note checkers?

It might be worth educating some of the cashier staff how to recognise these fakes.


Also a friend had his bar scammed out of a chunk of money recently. The MO as follows.....

They seem to have a bit of inside info, like knowing the name of the owner and his wife.

They turn up at the bar saying they are collecting a payment from the owner.

They throw the names about and a bit of info, and might even get on the phone pretending to talk to the owner or his Thai wife.


Some gullible cashier or staff member, who is in charge for the early morning or afternoon shift, while the owner is asleep or out, might be taken in by a smooth talker.



Sorry if I am teaching you guys how to suck eggs, but I know some who have fallen for these things.



It might also be an interesting thread, useful to others, if bar owners enlightened others, to scams they have uncovered, suffered or detected!

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Many Sellers in pattaya are now displaying signs that they do not accept 1000baht notes.


Bangkok post says the tell-tale sign is a fake watermark that you CAN see without holding it up to the light. The original also has an embossed feel of the 1000 number.


It will be dark areas they try to pass these off i.e nightclubs etc.


Thankfully we cant really get these in our spending change but i wouldnt trust money exchanges 100percent so best to check if your exchanging your cash.

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Your staff needs to check the baht note in front of customer. If done out of sight the customer can say that was not his note.


When checking the note, look for watermark of king on right hand side of note. Have you staff look at note with flashlight. Also, in the upper right hand corner of the note there is 1000 number. Use your fingernail in a vertical movement to feel a type of ridge. Fake notes do not have ridge. Beware and be smart.

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Theres a scam with fake notes in cambo. The service person in the place you are in, takes your money and goes and changes it to a fake and brings it back to you telling you they cant accept it. The way round it is to point out the last 3 numbers of the serial number when you hand over a large note. Scheming little f**kers. They dont realise that as a scotsman, I know all the serial numbers of my notes at all times.

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Are the UV note checkers widely available in shops? If so then which shops?


I think a few baht spent on buying one of those would give you peace of mind especially as you get most of the money in 1000 baht notes when you go to a money changer.

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I feel that the bank notes handed over by the person at the exchange booth counters would n't be fake as they are bank authorised notes that they give out. I don't see reason to a fault there,atleast.


So using those notes issued, for transacting business should n't be a problem.

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Are the UV note checkers widely available in shops? If so then which shops?


I think a few baht spent on buying one of those would give you peace of mind especially as you get most of the money in 1000 baht notes when you go to a money changer.


Good idea! I use TC's and cash them at exchange booths. I usually go for 500 USA at a time, and have even done 1000 USA AMEX TC's.


So, what advice as how to avoid the bogus 1000 baht notes?



I feel that the bank notes handed over by the person at the exchange booth counters would n't be fake as they are bank authorised notes that they give out. I don't see reason to a fault there,atleast.


So using those notes issued, for transacting business should n't be a problem.



You wouldn't think so, but????? And, if more and more businesses are not accepting 1000 baht notes, can you demand, and will exchange booths give you 500 baht notes with no problem, no hassle?


Who has had recent experience at exchange booths?

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Imagine inadvertently handing over the usual 1000 baht note to your woman of the night and she finds out that it was a fake.


She'll go ape shit :bigsmile:

Yeah, she gets her UV scanner out of her handbag, puts it on the dressing table, plugs it in (or she might have the portable model Edited by jacko
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Yeah, she gets her UV scanner out of her handbag, puts it on the dressing table, plugs it in (or she might have the portable model :bigsmile:) and announces, 'money no good....and it's not enough either BigD'!


Very funny, loved that line!

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And, if more and more businesses are not accepting 1000 baht notes, can you demand, and will exchange booths give you 500 baht notes with no problem, no hassle?


Who has had recent experience at exchange booths?





Have you had experience with an Exchange booth, or do you know of anyone that has?


So far, no answer to my question. And, as I often exchange $500/$1000 USA for Baht at exchange booths, the majority of the notes are 1000 baht.



Anyone asked for and just received 500 baht notes while exchanging a lot of TC's?


I sure as hell don't want a pocket full of fake 1000 baht notes!

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Have you had experience with an Exchange booth, or do you know of anyone that has?


So far, no answer to my question. And, as I often exchange $500/$1000 USA for Baht at exchange booths, the majority of the notes are 1000 baht.



Anyone asked for and just received 500 baht notes while exchanging a lot of TC's?


I sure as hell don't want a pocket full of fake 1000 baht notes!

In answer to your questions, no. My TGF only relayed information from a report on Thai TV. Nor do I know what the 'banks' policy is regarding fake notes....do they retain them, 100%? Since there has been small incidence of exchange booths who miscount, it would be a distinct possibity that an odd employee might see this as an opportunity, and one can only say look at your notes closely, as you should count them closely, infront of the cashier. After all, foreign tourists are an easy mark.


I would expect this to be a problem more for the business people, than those who simply spend.


My own experience has only been as far as 1 fake 100 baht note the GF got at the market, and a bit of gossip from her friends, many who say they know someone who received one. I tend to take a good look at notes when I get some from the ATM now. As for a pocketful, unlikely, unless you sell something privately for cash.

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i dont have the link but our night time cashier has a net site that she types the number of the bank note into and it tells whether its genuine or not! i also heard the serial number on the fake banknotes starts with a number 9 ! this could be all bs though i dont know for sure !

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I found this for those who want to keep an eye open.


The following suggests that the notes in ATM machines have already been checked.


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Surely the only time we will be given 1,000 Baht notes is from a bank or exchange booth. I cant think of a situation where you would receive a 1,000 note as change !
Have you read anything in this thread, or the title of the OP, or are aware of the forum you are in :banghead Edited by jacko
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Imagine inadvertently handing over the usual 1000 baht note to your woman of the night and she finds out that it was a fake.


She'll go ape shit :angry2




Well just tell her that your hard on was a fake also thanks to viagra and or cialis :bigsmile:

Edited by ozboy
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