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I have completed the application form for my annuity. Unfortunately I have no heart or liver problems, or any other ailments which would increase the amount I am likely to get. The quote I got was based on my smoking 10 cigs a day for at least the last two years. I don't know if the insurance company will require me to take a medical. There were some surprising questions about whether I had any store cards. This is apparently to check whether I have answered honestly about my height and weight...they can check what size shirt and trousers I have been buying!

I saw my doctor a couple of weeks ago and asked him if he could tell me how long I have to live. This amused him somewhat, but I have always been taught that if you want to know the answer to a question, you should ask someone who has read books on the subject. He took four blood samples and found nothing wrong. My cholestorol is 4.9, which I was told was excellent. He didn't answer the original question however, so I will have to wait and see.

Owen, I don't expect to croak at 68. I just think that the money I have, plus the annuity will last until I am 68.

The only alternative I had regarding my annuity was to take it now or later. A lot of people seem to think annuity rates will fall over the next few years, and that inflation will be under control world-wide because of the amount of cash various Governments have pumped into the system to avoid economies stalling and serious deflation taking place. They won't allow all that money to disappear, and as soon as things start to level out or pick up, interest rates will be hiked to hold everyone in check. I think Owen believes that too. It's only a the theory, but it makes sense to me. I thought I might as well take the annuity and supplement the income from that with the other money I have, which will last a bit longer on that basis. The alternative was to leave the pension fund in place, probably not increasing much in value over the next few years and living on my capital. When my capital ran out, I would still have had to buy an annuity and there seems little possibility of getting a much better rate than I can now, except that I would be older and therefore the insurance company would expect me to draw it for fewer years.

I 've just had a quick look on-line at some annuity rates. They show £600 per month at 58 and £800 per month at 68 for a smoker with £100,000.00 to invest. This is a fixed rate of return without anything left over for next of kin.

The same tables also contain quotes for Annuities increasing by 3%, and by RPI. These begin at £386 and £324 respectively.

I think I have made the right decision, but only time will tell.

Owen, my house isn't worth nothing! As I said in my post, even if I could sell it I wouldn't know where to invest the proceeds where the investment would be as safe as in bricks and mortar. The house is a good investment and it's value will keep pace with any inflation. I don't have a mortgage and while I am not living here the running costs will be minimal.

I realise that my first post said that I intended to sell up and never return to the UK. I was having a miserable time when I posted and my attitude has changed. Having agreed to dispose of my business, going to work is no longer the drag that it was. I am not having second thoughts about that, but I am about leaving the UK permanently. I have been walking in the Pennines, and in the spring sunshine, England is a beautiful place to be.

Also, I have never spent more than a month in LOS and don't really know whether I could live there permanently. The next few years will give me the opportunity to discover where I want to live, without having burned all my bridges. I also intend to see some of the world before I get too old to travel, and it will serve as a base to come back to.

Edited by m62man
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The only alternative I had regarding my annuity was to take it now or later. ................. The alternative was to leave the pension fund in place, probably not increasing much in value over the next few years and living on my capital.

As I said earlier, look into "income drawdown" as I think there is an alternative that perhaps you have not considered.

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My FA tells me that income drawdown is where you leave your pension pot where it is and draw an income (ie take cash out) as you need it. He says that you would do this when annuity rates are low, and you need income, but don't want to commit to an annuity.

It also suits people where there will be a surviving spouse to inherit whatever is left in the pot. Where there is a joint life annuity, a large part disappears when one spouse dies.

He tells me that he thinks now is a good time for me to buy an annuity, and that as a smoker I get a good rate. Also, I have no next of kin to worry about.

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He tells me that he thinks now is a good time for me to buy an annuity,

He would if he is going to get the commission!!


Annuity rates might fall, but on the other hand might rise. You have to come to your own best guess about that - but be wary of taking advice from someone with a vested interest in your decision.

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Do not let your FA choose your annuity provider for you without input from yourself. You need to check that he is buying for you the best pension possible. It is possible/likely that he will have a vested interest in buying an annuity from a particular provider, whether or not that provider will give you the best pension.

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There are lots of annuity rate comparison sites on t'internet, so I already had an idea of how much to expect. My FA provided me with a list of his choosing, but I made the final choice. Except on boards like this, you will always have a problem knowing whether the advice you are getting is tainted by self-interest. Commissions are how FA's earn a living. That's just the way things are.

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Put a few bob by, to trade- not invest, in small companies. There is a lot of blue sea now on the markets. Some of the penny shares are up 100-200% in the last month. I think a lot of companies are doing better than expected after we were all told the world was about to end this summer. :D


It's just an idea and a bit of fun too, just don't go overboard. :D

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Put a few bob by, to trade- not invest, in small companies. There is a lot of blue sea now on the markets. Some of the penny shares are up 100-200% in the last month. I think a lot of companies are doing better than expected after we were all told the world was about to end this summer. :unsure:


It's just an idea and a bit of fun too, just don't go overboard. :thumbup



:clueless lol :bigsmile:

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:clueless lol :thumbup



Just for you villa,

Google iii, it is an investment website. On the Homepage, there is a search bar top right hand. Enter wkp.l and search share price. When the page appears for this company, scroll down to the box containing the biggest monthly movers by %. You will see some up in value by 200+%. That 'aint bad for a months investment eh ? :rolleyes:


6 months ago they were all red boxes, down about 40%. Now they are all blue and rising.


PS. From today they have changed the format. No monthly results to check out the big movers. They don't give the difference in daily trade volumes as sell or buy anymore either. The sight is becoming less 'new trader' friendly.

Edited by nidnoyham
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Just for you villa,

Google iii, it is an investment website. On the Homepage, there is a search bar top right hand. Enter wkp.l and search share price. When the page appears for this company, scroll down to the box containing the biggest monthly movers by %. You will see some up in value by 200+%. That 'aint bad for a months investment eh ? :drunk


6 months ago they were all red boxes, down about 40%. Now they are all blue and rising.


PS. From today they have changed the format. No monthly results to check out the big movers. They don't give the difference in daily trade volumes as sell or buy anymore either. The sight is becoming less 'new trader' friendly.



makes complete sense i totaly aggree :gulp <grin

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Just for you villa,

Google iii, it is an investment website. On the Homepage, there is a search bar top right hand. Enter wkp.l and search share price. When the page appears for this company, scroll down to the box containing the biggest monthly movers by %. You will see some up in value by 200+%. That 'aint bad for a months investment eh ? :clap2


6 months ago they were all red boxes, down about 40%. Now they are all blue and rising.


PS. From today they have changed the format. No monthly results to check out the big movers. They don't give the difference in daily trade volumes as sell or buy anymore either. The sight is becoming less 'new trader' friendly.




You don't have to look up all those fancy financial websites. A guy on here was recommending RBS at 14.2p a share about 3 months ago. At 46.7p today, thats a nice 230% increase ......... B)

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You don't have to look up all those fancy financial websites. A guy on here was recommending RBS at 14.2p a share about 3 months ago. At 46.7p today, thats a nice 230% increase ......... :clap2


And you said you would do better doing the Euro lottery. £110,000,000 tonight. B)

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QUOTE (nidnoyham @ May 8 2009, 01:33 PM)

Just for you villa,

Google iii, it is an investment website. On the Homepage, there is a search bar top right hand. Enter wkp.l and search share price. When the page appears for this company, scroll down to the box containing the biggest monthly movers by %. You will see some up in value by 200+%. That 'aint bad for a months investment eh ?


6 months ago they were all red boxes, down about 40%. Now they are all blue and rising.


PS. From today they have changed the format. No monthly results to check out the big movers. They don't give the difference in daily trade volumes as sell or buy anymore either. The sight is becoming less 'new trader' friendly.






You don't have to look up all those fancy financial websites. A guy on here was recommending RBS at 14.2p a share about 3 months ago. At 46.7p today, thats a nice 230% increase .........


True. But, in a few months it can be back down 14.2p or lower again.


We ain't out of the woods yet boys.

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Thanks Bazle. For anybody else interested in the subject, here is a link. http://www.sharingpensions.co.uk/pension_drawdown.htm#text4

It seems to me that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages for me, but I am a bit annoyed that my financial adviser didn't mention this option. I will speak to him about that.


hi all


loads of good info on that website. I've been considering drawdown for a while & still have a few years (less and less) before I have to commit.


Re Premium Bonds, I bought £5000 a month ago & 1st draw I was eligible for, managed to win £25, hardly a fortune but with interest rates at 1.5% I was quite happy.


My investment (£5000) in an Footsie tracker fund ISA @ 4000 2 months ago has managed to reach (today) £5530. I'll settle for plus 10% in 2 months anytime.

Don't you just love smug B*****s like me. Serves me right if it now collapses.


regards all


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Well, some bastard won over £113,000,000 last night on the Euro lottery. They won't have to work again, nor will the next 100 generations of their family. :clueless

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Well, some bastard won over £113,000,000 last night on the Euro lottery. They won't have to work again, nor will the next 100 generations of their family. :bigsmile:


Hi nidnoyham


Actually that "bastard" is a very dear relative of mine and I am currently trying to contact him !

He doesnt know yet I'm related to him, so some persuasion may be necessary !


(desperate times desperate measures my friends) :bigsmile:




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Just checked that iii website and one Investment co shares have risen 4950% this month. Now why didn't I use some toxic loan to buy them a month ago ? :bigsmile:

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  • 1 month later...

For anybody who is interested in the smokers' annuity question, I posted this on the 4th May

"I have completed the application form for my annuity. Unfortunately I have no heart or liver problems, or any other ailments which would increase the amount I am likely to get. The quote I got was based on my smoking 10 cigs a day for at least the last two years. I don't know if the insurance company will require me to take a medical. There were some surprising questions about whether I had any store cards. This is apparently to check whether I have answered honestly about my height and weight...they can check what size shirt and trousers I have been buying!"


I took what cash I could out of the pension fund (25%) and the balance has gone to buy a "smokers'" annuity with Liverpool Victoria. They didn't ask me to take a medical of any sort and I have an annuity of £7500 for life.


I will be coming to Thailand in November and staying for 6 months to see whether that is where I want to live.


In the meantime, after winding up what needs to be wound up after I close my business next week, I am going to travel in Europe.

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