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What kind of drinker are you in Pattaya?

What kind of drinker are you in Pattaya??  

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Curious to see how many alcoholics here. I'm a social drinker at best. I never keep beer in the frig and I can go weeks without a drop. When I go out for an evening, here in the states, I'll have one, two at the most and be done. But in LOS, its not possible. Ive been shitfaced in LOS because, there, you're obligated to not only drink but get drunk. For people that chose to answer 3,4,5 or 6 LOS is just like heaven but I feel a little like the Vegetarian that goes to the Steak house because they just happen to make the best Fettuccine Alfredo. :thumbup :beer :gulp :thumbup :zzz: :zzz:

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I do not feel that there is any pressure or expectation to get "shit-faced" when in LOS. I often have soft drinks when out on the town in LOS.


I think the mere fact that we are in Disney World For Adults induces us to drink more alcohol to maybe enhance the moment - rather similar to taking poppers to increase enjoyment of sex. Just my opinion of course.

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Ive been shitfaced in LOS because, there, you're obligated to not only drink but get drunk.

What are you talking about ? :allright

I don't know where you go to drink in Pattaya

but I do not drink alcohol and never get any problem/pressure from that.

I drink soda, cola or orange juice and I am welcomed everywhere. :thumbup

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What are you talking about ? :chogdee

I don't know where you go to drink in Pattaya

but I do not drink alcohol and never get any problem/pressure from that.

I drink soda, cola or orange juice and I am welcomed everywhere. :nod


I was actually thinking of BKK when I said "LOS". One place in paticual, we were hovered around by the servers, grabbing the bottle and filling our glasses even if the glass was almost full to begin,as if we needed to drink a certain about per hour. Also in pattaya,I was made to question my tastes. I've had girls lift my water bottle or soda as to infer I should be drinking alcohol or harder. "U dont like to drink honey?". I cant be the only one this has happen to :rolleyes:

Edited by Al_Davis
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I had my 1st drink of the year when I arrived 2 weeks ago.I simply don't drink much/at all any more but when I sit and watch 3 PL matches in a bar on weekends,for some reason I do.Go figure...........

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  • 4 weeks later...

I chose the 6-pack option...but it would be mixed drinks (Maekhong whiskey/Diet Coke)


I'm not an alchie, but I sure can hold my liqueur, especially in Thailand. I am very active while there, usually walking everywhere so the booze leaves my system quickly.

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Curious to see how many alcoholics here. I'm a social drinker at best. I never keep beer in the frig and I can go weeks without a drop. When I go out for an evening, here in the states, I'll have one, two at the most and be done. But in LOS, its not pohttp://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.php?act=Post&CODE=02&f=12&t=50630&qpid=818765# :nod :nod :nod :clueless :D ssible. Ive been shitfaced in LOS because, there, you're obligated to not only drink but get drunk. For people that chose to answer 3,4,5 or 6 LOS is just like heaven but I feel a little like the Vegetarian that goes to the Steak house because they just happen to make the best Fettuccine Alfredo. :grin :beer :gulp :huh: :kissing :zzz:



Thats because you Yanks don't know how to drink :puke :puke :puke :puke :rolleyes: :wanker

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The happy hours in the GoGo bars fuck me up and then there are those places that give you 2 drinks for the price one where you drink too quickly if there is nothing decent on offer.


I dont go to Pattaya with the intention of drinking but most days I end up drunk coz when you're out you're out.


I drink a couple of large Leo beers at the beach, I drink red wine or tequila sunrise at dinner, I drink San Miguel light normally when I'm out, I drink Vodka in the 2 for 1 places, sometimes I do shots if I'm out drinking with guys that I know,when I get twisted I start drinking brandy straight. ....... and at the end of the night I go back to my room and drink a sexy lady's pee.


It's no wonder that I get the skitter sometimes.

Edited by dontcha
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^Hi dontcha,

What did you quote ??

Do you need an AXA insurance to drink in Pattaya bars ? :clueless



posting on this board while using a smartphone is not the brightest thing to do in between customer calls.

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Thats because you Yanks don't know how to drink :poke :puke :puke :puke :grin :kissing
I didn't see any picks of you passed out this year, resplendent in your pink!

Does that meean you have learned how to drink now?

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I've gotten sick of getting hangovers and blowing 3-5k each night, so I try to limit my boozing here.


Last time I took just one 1,000 baht note with me and I drank the entire night, went to the disco & everything. believe it or not, it lasted.. barely. shows how much you waste on drinks when you are pissed drunk.


Now, I might get a beer from the 7-11 and drink it in my room then go out and buy a few lady drinks at some choice bars/gogos. if I'm really horny, I get a ST on soi 6 or coconut bar. altogether, I don't spend more than 2k on a night out these days.


frugal freddy tip: drink in your room first, and then go to the bars. you'll feel less need to buy very many drinks. :D

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I am a full blown fucnctional alcoholic and i dont pretend otherwise. i drink all say on holiday but maybe just a bottle an hour while reading a book, but when its out time i knock it back. i keep beer in the barfridge chang 750 mls and i have a few before i go out when on the internet.

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What are you talking about ? :D

I don't know where you go to drink in Pattaya

but I do not drink alcohol and never get any problem/pressure from that.

I drink soda, cola or orange juice and I am welcomed everywhere. :thumbup


problem with drinking soda/juice is that it's dull. i'm just too damn 'square' to enjoy myself without at least a couple beers.


go to a gogo and drink a diet coke or juice and see what i mean. that's no fun.

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problem with drinking soda/juice is that it's dull. i'm just too damn 'square' to enjoy myself without at least a couple beers.


go to a gogo and drink a diet coke or juice and see what i mean. that's no fun.

i personally was sober for 18 months and that is why i got divorced, 55555, i do not say you have to drink but i think people who dont drink at all are strange.

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Many nights in Patts I'd prefer not to drink alcohol. However, finding something else to drink all night is a problrm. Juice gets old after one or two, diet coke is enough after a couple, etc. What do you non-drinkers drink when staying off the booze? Thanks.....

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I seem to think that there is a category missing here. I do over indulge and put in drink till I am pissed. Well the truth is that If I start at 9 and keep going and walk a lot till say three I have over indulged but am not silly pissed. Oh, I sure as hell have been but more often than not I try to make sure that if I take something home its not a waste of money.

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I average about 5-6 beers on a typical workday here in the US, but when in Pattaya, I drink to excess everyday... :chogdee
You are still doing that????????

Shit... I thought you were BigD with the Avatar... carry on!

Edited by jacko
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