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Do you tip at the gas station?

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I have not found a self service gas station in Thailand. Every time I get fuel I tip the person who filled the tank (weather they clean the windows or not).


Usually 20 baht (65 American cents. Fuel more expensive here than in America.).


The Thai gal by my side always gets on me for tipping at the gas station.


Anyone else tip when someone fuels their tank for them?

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I have not found a self service gas station in Thailand. Every time I get fuel I tip the person who filled the tank (weather they clean the windows or not).


Usually 20 baht (65 American cents. Fuel more expensive here than in America.).


The Thai gal by my side always gets on me for tipping at the gas station.


Anyone else tip when someone fuels their tank for them?

Yeah, I drop them 10 baht, not much but it seems to surprise them and bring a smile to their face.

They seem to have quit cleaning the windscreen these days, but sometimes I get a free bottle of water.

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The service in Thai stations is way better than most of what I get in Australia. I don't tip here, but I do tip in Thailand, and reckon it is worth it (only about 20 Baht though). :banghead

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If they top up the air in my tires, I will tip them, but for the usual fill up activities, I always pay by debit card, so I don't even think about a tip.

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You Yanks are unbelievable.

Its their job to fuel up, don't tip. May be if they clean your windscreen/put air in tyres tip a little - 5/10bht.

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You Yanks are unbelievable.

Its their job to fuel up, don't tip. May be if they clean your windscreen/put air in tyres tip a little - 5/10bht.


In this thread, we have 2 yanks (the OP) and me, three Brits and an Aussie...most said they tip.


Read the replies and let us know who tips by region...this time accurately. The answer is...everyone but you and I has responded that they tip.


Or were you just hankering to take a swipe at Americans is all?

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I've only lived in Thailand for 5 years.

I'm slowly but surely getting over how poor most of these folks are.

I used to tip 100% for haircuts ( the total price wouldstill be 300% less than where I come from). Now it's 25% (75 baht all in).

I've stopped tipping at KFC (never could get anyone to take the tip).

It's been near 20 years since I've seen a full service gas station in the U.S.A. .



" I just tell them not to tie their shoe-laces in a revolving door. "



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In this thread, we have 2 yanks (the OP) and me, three Brits and an Aussie...most said they tip.


Read the replies and let us know who tips by region...this time accurately. The answer is...everyone but you and I has responded that they tip.


Or were you just hankering to take a swipe at Americans is all?

Actually he tips if they do the tyres and windscreens, not otherwise, exactly as you do. So you must be right there.


MM you use a debit card to put 90 baht of Gasohol 91 in the bike or do you use a car these days?


In the UK I gotta pump my own gas, there is no chance in hell anyone will put air in my tyres, likely I will have to PAY to use a machine and stand in the rain and do it myself. I have to stand in line to pay some surly sloth behind bullet proof glass a weeks wages for my 40 litres and get an ugly look and sometimes a rejection for a £50 note, that actually is what the overpriced stuff cost and then some.


To have a young Thai kid smile at me for 10 baht is refreshing....

Edited by jacko
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Jacko, I use a debit card to fill up a car. For my motorbike, I usually use the 30 b bottles.
Are you kidding.... I have no idea what they put in those? :rolleyes:
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In this thread, we have 2 yanks (the OP) and me, three Brits and an Aussie...most said they tip.


Read the replies and let us know who tips by region...this time accurately. The answer is...everyone but you and I has responded that they tip.


Or were you just hankering to take a swipe at Americans is all?



MM I can read and I know which flags are associated with each country.

My reply was aimed at the Op and Yanks in general. The excessive tipping culture in Pattaya and other tourist areas in Thailand is largely a result of Yanks automatically doing what they do back home. Now decades (since the sixties, with the US military) on, we are all under pressure to tip regardless of level of service. Thais don't tip to such a great degree, and in non-tourist areas tipping is not expected.

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Nup, I don't tip, I also do not allow them near my windscreen nor my tyres, don't get me started on that fucking advert display thing they insist on scratching my bonnet with.

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MM I can read and I know which flags are associated with each country.

My reply was aimed at the Op and Yanks in general. The excessive tipping culture in Pattaya and other tourist areas in Thailand is largely a result of Yanks automatically doing what they do back home. Now decades (since the sixties, with the US military) on, we are all under pressure to tip regardless of level of service. Thais don't tip to such a great degree, and in non-tourist areas tipping is not expected.


So, it was simply an opportunity to make a generalized off-topic swipe at Americans, without regard to the content of the previous posts where posters from other countries, including your own, acknowledge they tip as well.





If you want to get into a general discussion of tipping, it's going on here ... started by a Canadian, btw.

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My reply was aimed at the Op and Yanks in general. The excessive tipping culture in Pattaya and other tourist areas in Thailand is largely a result of Yanks


Sure, but also prostitution, don't forget there was no prostitution in Thailand before the Yanks arrived - the (spit) GI Yanks at that.


Powerful country, ain't it, going all over the world and starting stuff like restaurants and screw-for-pay and tipping? And uppity prixks, too, aren't they?


Aren't you sorry now that you started it, Dr Frankenstein?



Edited by joekicker
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Sure, but also prostitution, don't forget there was no prostitution in Thailand before the Yanks arrived - the (spit) GI Yanks at that.


What a load of poppy cock.


Prostitution existed well before any GI stepped foot in this country and infact was first legalized in 1934.

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Tip them are you joking, most times they are trying to rip me off by not zeroing the pump. We must get away from this crazy notice that you have to tip people for doing their job. Tips are for when someone does something special. Maybe if he gave me a blow job as well!!

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What a load of poppy cock.


Prostitution existed well before any GI stepped foot in this country and infact was first legalized in 1934.



Looks like someone doesn't get irony :clap1

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Yeah I just don't get Joe..........lets not confuse the matter with irony :clap1



Should we ask him to highlight the ironic, tongue-in-cheek comments with smilies? :clap1

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