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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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The biggest chess event in Asia is at the Dusit Hotel from Monday.


The details can be found on the Bangkok chess clubs web-site.


Starts 11 tomorrow. 50 GMs will be there. Goes on 'til Thursday ....I think.


I'm gonna pop in ......there's a book I want that might be there..... I gave the copy I had to my son.... Watch some games.......Give 'em a few tips.


I'll report back tomorrow.

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The biggest chess event in Asia is at the Dusit Hotel from Monday.


The details can be found on the Bangkok chess clubs web-site.


Starts 11 tomorrow. 50 GMs will be there. Goes on 'til Thursday ....I think.


I'm gonna pop in ......there's a book I want that might be there..... I gave the copy I had to my son.... Watch some games.......Give 'em a few tips.


I'll report back tomorrow.


Bangkok is a short flight from KL but it would take more than chess to get me on the flight.

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I have not played tournement chess for many years, but when I did I simplified my games......As White I always played English opening, as Black against King pawn I played Sicillian Dragon, and against Queen Pawn Kings Indian......memorized all the pertinent lines at that time, and always did quite well, obtaining draws against Masters and Experts, and occasionally winning!......


Have not played chess for so many years but, this thread may actually get me actice again! :thumbup ....nice to know there are Chess players on this board! :kissing ....Cheers :chogdee


I wonder if I am still in USCF records? :moon

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I have not played tournement chess for many years, but when I did I simplified my games......As White I always played English opening, as Black against King pawn I played Sicillian Dragon, and against Queen Pawn Kings Indian......memorized all the pertinent lines at that time, and always did quite well, obtaining draws against Masters and Experts, and occasionally winning!......


Have not played chess for so many years but, this thread may actually get me actice again! :thumbup ....nice to know there are Chess players on this board! :kissing ....Cheers :chogdee


I wonder if I am still in USCF records? :moon


This is more or less the advice I gave my son........ play one opening as white and keep to it and learn a defence to a `King pawn and one for Queen pawn openings....I gave him the only chess book that I'd kept when I left England. I t was the only book I found really useful ''Logical Chess Move By Move''......My son's on 100 GBPs when he beats me. Chess is the only game I will never just 'let' him beat me at..... the money has kept him interested. I'm clinging on forgetting stuff faster than he learns it. I hope I'll be handing over the money his next trip over......He's 12 now.



I'm sorta saving chess for my dotage when everything else goes to the wall.........soon I think.


I went along to Dusit today it was just registering at 11 so I had a snack and a friendly game in the bar with someone there. The whole thing is staring as I type 3 pm.


Didn't see any sets for sale or books but I'll go along tomorrow after a game of golf.... another game I'm crap at.. and drink in the atmosphere. I shan't be playing............You can't keep chess in a bottle.

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they should hold in in agogos , more crowds and will test the players concentration!


''.......I would invite you but the 'Queens' I use would not excite you...........I get my kicks above the waistline Sunshine''


........'' not much between despair and ecstasy......''




Popped in again today and caught the game between Nigel Short and an Indian IM.


Short was way ahead on time and held the initiative with that important 'move ahead'


Without a commentary, and just my own limited interpretation of what was going on and the player's body language to inform me, I found my heart pounding between moves.


Made me remember why I gave chess up at 29 and found more proper channels for releasing my adrenaline by playing squash.


Talking afterwards Short said he's now the oldest player in the top 100 GMs. Don't know how he's handled the tension for so long.....child prodigy and all that.


Anyway, Short won...........The Indian IM resigned...............couldn't tell you why.........

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Talking afterwards Short said he's now the oldest player in the top 100 GMs. Don't know how he's handled the tension for so long.....child prodigy and all that.

Different, and interesting thread. :allright


Honestly, I think most thrive on the tension. Food for the soul if you will. And speaking of prodigies.......I recently finished reading"Endgame".

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This is more or less the advice I gave my son........ play one opening as white and keep to it and learn a defence to a `King pawn and one for Queen pawn openings....I gave him the only chess book that I'd kept when I left England. I t was the only book I found really useful ''Logical Chess Move By Move''......My son's on 100 GBPs when he beats me. Chess is the only game I will never just 'let' him beat me at..... the money has kept him interested. I'm clinging on forgetting stuff faster than he learns it. I hope I'll be handing over the money his next trip over......He's 12 now.



I'm sorta saving chess for my dotage when everything else goes to the wall.........soon I think.


I went along to Dusit today it was just registering at 11 so I had a snack and a friendly game in the bar with someone there. The whole thing is staring as I type 3 pm.


Didn't see any sets for sale or books but I'll go along tomorrow after a game of golf.... another game I'm crap at.. and drink in the atmosphere. I shan't be playing............You can't keep chess in a bottle.

The neat thing about chess is it is learned quickly..Bobby Fischer of course was quite young when he became a Grand Master...I have a few years before retirement, but I hope Pattaya has a Chess Club when it is my time.....

as I have been recalling my chess days I think I scrapped the Scicillian Dragon for K-pawn and used Pirc defense as Black against K pawan, then Kings Indian for Q-pawn as they are so easy to transpos into, so fewer lines to memorize...look foward to any further snippets about the tournament....I guess they must be doing it as one giant Swiss Tourney, also curious if they it is 40 moves/2 hours?....Cheers! :allright

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they should hold in in agogos , more crowds and will test the players concentration!
Or perhaps in The Castle.
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The neat thing about chess is it is learned quickly..Bobby Fischer of course was quite young when he became a Grand Master...I have a few years before retirement, but I hope Pattaya has a Chess Club when it is my time.....

as I have been recalling my chess days I think I scrapped the Scicillian Dragon for K-pawn and used Pirc defense as Black against K pawan, then Kings Indian for Q-pawn as they are so easy to transpos into, so fewer lines to memorize...look foward to any further snippets about the tournament....I guess they must be doing it as one giant Swiss Tourney, also curious if they it is 40 moves/2 hours?....Cheers! :unsure:



Again Pirc was my defence..............Can't remember any of it now.


There is a place where they play chess in Patts.........never been but will have a look and get back to you.

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hehehe may the first game in the castle , 2nd in the devil's den and the 3rd in Lolitas , with all the trimmings! :toilet_claw:
Sounds like a good knight......

Ooops, started a threadfuck.....

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Back to Chess............ I used to play chess qute a lot in my junior days (competitive with all the clocks and handshakes after the game) but it was so boring. Then I tried lighting chess and it was too fast! Then I discovered football , booze and women


Till today I trick non players with that 4 move checkmate. :rolleyes:

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