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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Am I the only one that finds the A.C. at FLB  a bit too efficient ? Last visit in Nov, had to leave after an hour or so 'cos me GF's teeth were chattering. I remember last Feb' when all the comfy seats were taken, we had to sit at door end of bar and it was like a freezer fan, might as well have been at home !


I always thought people drank less cold beer if they were cold !?


Perhaps I am getting old, or spend too much time in the open bars. just thought I'd mention it  :o

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Hi peewee  :o


Try to move a way from the bar - thats the coldest area ! - and I agree sometimes its too cold.


Last songkran, when everybody was wet and Ben and Pete long gone, we turned the hole aircon off  ;D ;D

- thats impossible when Ben is at work...  ;D



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Monkeyman, if you think there is nothing wrong with the A.C at all, perhaps you are better insulated than I am. Do I detect a touch of agression in you post ? I am pefectly aware of how many warm bars there are, I was just giving my oppinion. I don't need advise from you where to drink.

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I have to agree that FLB is sometimes a bit on the chilly side but when it's a really warm night outside it does give welcome relief from the heat . Every TG I've brought there called it 'the cold bar' .



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I never feel cold in the FLB, or any other Thailand bar for that  matter,  because:


a) I live and work outside in a country where temperature extremes are customary, and winters are long and cold;


B) whenever I am in the FLB I usually have a warm young lady (or two!) cuddling up to me!!

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I've had my experiences with "Hot" Bars and cold women in the past. Thank you, give me FLB anytime anyyear!






I came so far for beauty

I left so much behind

My patience and my family

My masterpiece unsigned

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I always enjoyed sitting on the couches or chairs right past the bar area and the overhead A/C would blow directly down on me (and my partner).  It was great for me but the grls always said it was too cold....and I always offered to keep them warm. If it was a "problem"...then we would move to the rear of the bar (back window area) and all was OK.

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I suppose 1 size doesn't fit all in this case, we all have differen't needs, p'raps I am a sensitive soul.

But I don't care where you work and in what temperatures, bet you dont do it in T shirt & shorts Snowbird !  Even in Edmonton where the summer is about 6 weeks long you have A.C in every car/van/truck to keep you used to the cold.


So Sammy your nipples get erect ? Mine too !  B)

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So Sammy your nipples get erect ? Mine too !  B)
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Actually my reference was of course in regards to any TG I would have sitting on my lap, however, yes indeed myself being use to cold Canadian winters playing hockey (yes the real kind, not that shit play on a grass field), on an outdoor rink my nipples would get hard when I forgot to wear my long underwear. I believe the proper latin term for it is: Nippi Erecti. ;D :D ;D :D

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Sammy, did you know the British Army invented Ice Hockey ? Only match I watched in Canada was Edmonton Oilers V N.York Cosmos ?? in the 80s Wayne Gretzky scored 2. Looks hard work to me, but then my cousin in Edmonton, can't work out how footballers can play for 90 mins without a break. ( And only wear shorts & shirt in the cold)


Oh, I knew you meant the girls nip's, thought it might have been the whole point of the cold temp'  B)

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I've heard the British Army invented many things. Hockey wasn't one of them. "It originated around 1800, in Windsor, where the boys of Canada's first college, King's College School, established in 1788, adapted the exciting game of Hurley to the ice of their favorite skating ponds and originated a new winter game,  Hockey. " Isn't Hurley an Irish game?


Not to start a war with a fine English chap, but calling hockey "ice hockey" is like me calling the game "soccer" rather than its proper name of football.


The team the Oilers played would have been either the New York Rangers or New York Islanders.


Cheers [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=beer.gif]

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Do I detect a touch of agression in you post ?
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None whatever.  Just pointing out that us fellers who like cold bars ain't exactly spoiled for choice, so we wouldn't want FLB to come off the list.


And I wouldn't dream of giving you advice on where to drink.  I charge for that kind of information.  ;D


be seeing you


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Thanks for the history lesson on Hockey Sammy.

I am surprised that the game was invented so far south in your wine growing area, lattitude wise its about on par with northen Spain. I got my info from a kids T.V programme about hockey.  Growler is right Hurling is an Irish game, a bit like Lacross.


Played with a Hurley eh ? Not Liz surely ?


Monkeyman, I get your point now about cool bars, your right, but its just that when I am sitting watching the Uglies in my shorts & T, drinking a cold beer, I dont want to end up shivering like a little Terrier dog pooping razor blades !


Cheers  B)

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That is a rather, uh, interesting(?) visual you present at the end of your post. Perhaps SF_Dude can capture it on film on his next trip. [smiley=teeth.gif] [smiley=teeth.gif]

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The Terrier dog bit was just one of my old Dads sayings , (God rest his soul) He seemed to have one for every situation. Recon he could have had them published!  B)

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Not to start a war with a fine English chap, but calling hockey "ice hockey" is like me calling the game "soccer" rather than its proper name of football.
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Except that games called "hockey" were played long before anyone thought to transfer the game to ice.


Various types of field hockey games have been around since the middle ages at least and arguably were played thousands of years ago.


The word hockey comes from "hook" and refers to any game played with "hooked" sticks for the purpose of hitting a ball or puck.  Hockey was always played with a ball until it was played on ice when a puck became more appropriate.



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Actually my reference was of course in regards to any TG I would have sitting on my lap, however, yes indeed myself being use to cold Canadian winters playing hockey (yes the real kind, not that shit play on a grass field), on an outdoor rink my nipples would get hard when I forgot to wear my long underwear. I believe the proper latin term for it is: Nippi Erecti.    

longunderwear or not why is life so unfair a girls nipples get hard and erect in the cold  while a mans dick proceedsto move into reverse like a winkle into its shell

aint life a bitch


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Not to start a war with a fine English chap, but calling hockey "ice hockey" is like me calling the game "soccer" rather than its proper name of football.


Sammy, I know this has nothing to do with the temperature in the FLB Bar. But please do not insult the name of football by associating it with soccer. Soccer is soccer and football is what is played in Australia and at which the Poms sometimes fluke a win.

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Sammy, I know this has nothing to do with the temperature in the FLB Bar. But please do not insult the name of football by associating it with soccer. Soccer is soccer and football is what is played in Australia and at which the Poms sometimes fluke a win.
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I am not a fan of the game played with the round ball anyway. Cricket, now there is a game that continaully leaves me baffled and yawning. Even worse to watch then a baseball game (excluding playoffs). I'd rather watch darts as at least I can wish I was in a bar hoisting a pint.

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