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Your Girlfriends email password is:

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I know two internet shops (1 in soi hok) with girlie hotmail accounts and password taped by the cashier's desk - - - yes both passwords are 123456...probably too difficult to remember without a prompt.


One ex had a problem with her 123456 but as her name was Neung I changed it to 111111. Seems us farangs are indispensable for the more complex problems.

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I've never had much interest in Emailing a woman after barfining her.  However, last week I was at a Bar on Soi Yodsak and I wanted to take a girls picture ;D, she finally agreed if I email her the picture when I return home. When she gave me the email address she also gave me the password, I could not believe it.  After being a little curious, I discovered there are 4 guys who email her on a regular basis, one guy really loves this girl.  



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Yes there is !!   Did a search on Google.   Hackology.com came up first go ! Having said that the instructions on how to get a password could only be understood by a computor genius.


Then again I'm computor illiterate so if anyone can explain how use hackology.com in words of one syllable ??????


Cheers Hall

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Basically, you go to www.hackology.com & download munga bunga's brute forcer. There is a standard password list that comes with it, you may wish to add more/less to it.

Once downloaded, just install & it is simple to use, just follow the instructions on the screen, it will ask minimum/maximum pw length to try and then just wait... It can take a few days/weeks but it works like a charm.

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Basically, you go to www.hackology.com & download munga bunga's brute forcer. There is a standard password list that comes with it, you may wish to add more/less to it.

Once downloaded, just install & it is simple to use, just follow the instructions on the screen, it will ask minimum/maximum pw length to try and then just wait... It can take a few days/weeks but it works like a charm.


Just how many hotmail accounts have you cracked using this method?

A big fat ZERO I'll bet.

I'll set up an account and give you a month to crack it.

What d'ya think?

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i tried this on an ex tg who is now in samui it worked a treat.very interesting reading she has 11 guys sending baht various requests due to sick mum,motorbike crash etc etc

she has even kept emails from me from over a year ago and we dont even talk now (am i her true love cos i didnt send money?)

good for a giggle but would it be "not nice" to change her password for her,the thought of her going nuts in internet cafe is amusing as she is very fired up young lady

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I'm running Windows Me (I know, it's not listed as being compatible in the User's Manual, but that's what I've got to run).


I'm getting:


Component 'comdlg32.ocx' or one of its dependents not correctly registered:  a file is missing or invalid

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I just tryed the hackology but was not able to hack non of the emails i have to bg`s in thailand:(

Maby they have some unic passwords?


That's cos it doesn't work!

I added my own password to the list and tried it on my own Hotmail account and got nowhere.

Don't waste your time with this crap.

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I banged a girl for my web site and the dumb bitch: I asked for her e-mail, she gave it to me. I asked for her password, she gave it to me!  :( It was of course, 12345678. I checked and sure enough it was true. There was no hiding it with her.


Of course, she had several farangs writing her professing undying love and promising financial contributions. Some of them were probably angling for more sex in the future at a cut rate, while some were probably being sincere. Poor saps.

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A similair thing happened to me.  I was in Pattaya 3 weeks ago and this little girl gave me her email address and password if I send her a picture that I took of her.  After a quick look there are about 4 guys emailing her and she is giving them all the same line "I love you, I only have you". ::) I normally wouldn't care what they do, as I m one of the biggest butterflies when I go to LOS.



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It works! well, for me it did! I just added a 78 at the end of the password and I was in! Feel alittle bad but hey! she was taken me for a mug! or was that both of us were taken each other for a mug! deep down we all know what they are up too! its common nolage! Like somebody else said we are just as bad! fucking around with girls when we are back home!well, I am anyway! :(

Remember the saying! You can take the girl out of the bar! but you can't take the bar out of the girl! Wise words!!!



Good Living.

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