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How much should you pay a GoGo girl

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I calculate that I won't have to pay anything at all, as by the time I've worked my way through that lot all the bars will be closed. :hairout

i reached 2500 Bt by this calculations but 100 was the penalty for using your table, he he he , cheers

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Great formula however in the end analysis its what YOU want to pay and what YOU can afford.


I know exactly what I will pay and what I wont and this makes trawling the clubs very easy. I was in a well known club some weeks ago and a cutie and I shared a drink. When the subject came to bar fines etc I asked her how much she wanted for LT. She in turn asked me how much I would pay.

Ha ha, says she and I was about 1000 baht out. Now I am realistic to know that in addition to the fact that my offer may have been less than she wanted I am also old and wrinkled and I guess I was penalised for this in her price. No problems, no issues, and good knowledge for a mere lady drink. The one thing that I have learned is that if you are older, or bigger and possible less attractive, its the girl that has to want you as much as the other way around. If she doesnt, then your in for a miserable night.

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Guest Fatboyfat

LOL....That works out at 200Bt a pull for me on account of my "incognito beard" ! I don't think so, although I rarely pay more than 1000 in hard cash, I also NEVER negotiate prices beforehand and never have done over a period of many many years.

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There's only one test when it comes to price - if you're happy and the girl is happy, then the price was right. Don't pay more than you can afford, but don't worry about what anyone else says they pay or what they say you should pay. Your baht, your business. That's all that needs to be said on how much to pay the girls.


Remember, too, there is no ISO standard for P4P performance, no union scale for compensation. A lot of it comes down to the luck of the draw. If you meet a good lady, be thankful. A bad one or disappointing experience, shrug it off and move on. There are thousands of other ladies in Pattaya waiting to meet you.




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There's only one test when it comes to price - if you're happy and the girl is happy, then the price was right. Don't pay more than you can afford, but don't worry about what anyone else says they pay or what they say you should pay. Your baht, your business. That's all that needs to be said on how much to pay the girls.


Remember, too, there is no ISO standard for P4P performance, no union scale for compensation. A lot of it comes down to the luck of the draw. If you meet a good lady, be thankful. A bad one or disappointing experience, shrug it off and move on. There are thousands of other ladies in Pattaya waiting to meet you.





There's only one test when it comes to price... if she wants too much, she don't want to come with me and probably will be a starfish and / or and early runner...a failure...


The sheep mentality... being ripped off and be happy to see the bright future... IMO, the rip offs, cheats must be punished to teach, not being accepted like a sheep and to encourage the future frauds... Would you shrug it off if you find some raw sardines in your box instead of the paid smoked salmons ?

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I don't know if there is really much point in responding to this, but what the hell. As they say in the Recon Battalion of the Pattaya Street Warriors - "Semper Fido."


There's only one test when it comes to price... if she wants too much, she don't want to come with me and probably will be a starfish and / or and early runner...a failure...


The sheep mentality... being ripped off and be happy to see the bright future...


You and I have very different perspectives on Pattaya. It has nothing to do with a sheep mentality. For me, the glass is always more than half full; for you, only a little drop is left in it.


Whether through skill, luck or the hand of Buddha, I have very seldom had any problem with starfish or runners. 99% of my experiences with the girls in Pattaya have been positive. And when I wrote the word "bad," I was using it in the sense of "not good," and "disappointing" in the sense of "not living up to expectations." To me, a "bad" experience would be one where the girl got too drunk or started in on a hard-luck story about needing extra money for a sick relative. To be sure, if that's the worst thing that happens to me in life then I'll have lived a very charmed existence. But those aren't good scenarios when you want to have fun with a lady.


I honestly wasn't thinking of outright frauds, cheats and scams because I don't fall victim to them. There's a Scottish saying you should learn, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I trust my experience and instincts. If I have any reason to suspect the lady won't be satisfactory, I just decline her services. And if a girl were to succeed in scamming me - shame on me, I should have seen it coming. I would indeed shrug it off in the sense I'd consider it an unlucky one-off experience like the heavy flooding in central Pattaya last September. It wouldn't make me bitter about all bar girls or suspect each and every one of them is trying to con me.


Also, some of things you regard as frauds or scams I consider a option that I'm free to accept or decline. A bar fine of 1,500 baht or a lady drink at 180 baht isn't a crime against humanity, it's simply part of the bar's pricing structure. Maybe it will work for the bar, maybe it won't. But as long as no extortion is involved, I don't consider high prices to be a scam in and of themselves. And in any case, the solution is simple - ask how much drinks cost and how much the bar fines are before you order anything. That's a very natural thing to do in any bar you enter for the first time.


Finally, there are bars where the ladies will never try to scam you. FLB is highly recommended in this respect. So if it's too tough for you in the go go bars, you might consider a gentler sphere of operation.



IMO, the rip offs, cheats must be punished to teach, not being accepted like a sheep and to encourage the future frauds...


I leave it up to you, Harris Black and the other street warriors to punish bar girls. In that particular conflict, I'll claim the status of a conscientious objector.



Would you shrug it off if you find some raw sardines in your box instead of the paid smoked salmons ?


That is such an absurd comparison I'm not going to bother refuting it.


EP note to other BMs: The difficulty in framing an answer to Gabor's post is that he and I have radically different ideas about what constitutes a scam, fraud, rip-off, etc. To me, to qualify as a scam or rip-off, there has to be an element of deception or compulsion involved; otherwise, it's a matter of choice. I consider the Arab's bars in BKK to be scam operations, likewise the "European dancing girl" bars on WS. Best way to deal with them is to avoid them. If one day I encounter what I (not Gabor) consider a scam in a bar, I'll decide my response at that time. Maybe I'll shrug it off, maybe I won't. But for me, it's mostly a hypothetical question since it's not something I've encountered often and have virtually always been able to deflect immediately.




Edited by Evil Penevil
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Also, some of things you regard as frauds or scams I consider a option that I'm free to accept or decline. A bar fine of 1,500 baht or a lady drink at 180 baht isn't a crime against humanity, it's simply part of the bar's pricing structure. Maybe it will work for the bar, maybe it won't. But as long as no extortion is involved, I don't consider high prices to be a scam in and of themselves. And in any case, the solution is simple - ask how much drinks cost and how much the bar fines are before you order anything. That's a very natural thing to do in any bar you enter for the first time.



I leave it up to you, Harris Black and the other street warriors to punish bar girls. In that particular conflict, I'll claim the status of a conscientious objector.



EP note to other BMs: The difficulty in framing an answer to Gabor's post is that he and I have radically different ideas about what constitutes a scam, fraud, rip-off, etc. To me, to qualify as a scam or rip-off, there has to be an element of deception or compulsion involved; otherwise, it's a matter of choice. I consider the Arab's bars in BKK to be scam operations, likewise the "European dancing girl" bars on WS. Best way to deal with them is to avoid them. If one day I encounter what I (not Gabor) consider a scam in a bar, I'll decide my response at that time. Maybe I'll shrug it off, maybe I won't. But for me, it's mostly a hypothetical question since it's not something I've encountered often and have virtually always been able to deflect immediately.





it seems you have a selective memory... I wrote thousand times, I have no any problems with the expensive bars admit who they are... ( as an example : Angelwich ) I have problems with the bars pretending to be a " ordinary bar ", cheap drinks, misleading or the lack of the published barfines ( and demands... agency girls ) and when the punter already spent his time, efforts and money the cold shower and the thunders arrive from the bright sky... I call it the scam, the fraud... I and you know the bars, I know what to except... but the newbies will be ripped off.... Just like the decoration girls ( no high barfines, no agency girls needed, but the latest trend ... ) ... The newbie sitting down, the girl landed next to him... OK... but the girl must to go dance and a mamasan and a service girl vice him and the high pressure - of course he want to look to be a nice guy, he has plans - and pays the ladydrinks for them too... so, the girl returned... and an other round...for the three... The gullible loser was harvested, he can leave now and the girl / mamasan says a silly demand ( not for my price structure, but commonly ) There are 4 possible result:


1. The guy leave the venue with sour face ... he spent cca. ( 6 ladydrinks and his only one drink if he don't ordered an other pressured own dink ) the lowest 830 baht ( 120 / ladydrink 55 / draught beer ) for the big nothing... to be humiliated... ( I witnessed it around me MANY times lately ) OK, I know, some will call it a night...( maybe to justify his failure ) But I call it a lame loser way to pay for waiting for the planned nothing... ( in the theory, the guy want to barfine, not only peeping... if he is a peeping Tom and it was worth for him... it's OK, no cheats )


2. He thinking with his small head and agree.... and the girl suddenly says : " Solly, I no go out with farang " even worst...


3. See above and the girl agree... Remember my test... if a girl demand too much, she probably will not happy with you... and you will get what you paid for... a crap experience... however... what a nonsense, you must to woo for a whore and entertain her with the hope, she will like you... otherways you will get a crap or none service you pay for... Despite of my best advices many mates agree with the silly prices ... calling me a stupid cheapo... and moaning on the next morning about their crap experiences....and still calling me the stupid one and calling it only the bad luck... It's also funny, when I'm encourage them to go back to complain, they call me again a loser... Maybe to hide their failures...( just to shrug it off ) no one want to be looked as a looser with a failure... I don't care how I look in the other's eyes, all I want is the service and the good one I paid for... Also funny, when they enter in a bar with me and says Whooowaaa on a girl... and usually she sit next to me.... because I know her... ( and they knows me... and the other side... the farang bullshits... they knows i'm a frugal guy, but without the farang bullshits... maybe worth an other thread... )


4. She and he agree ( see above ) and the girl will never arrive to the hotel, or the deed never will happen... A mate despite of my best advices told me: You are a fucking cheapo, fuck off, but I want this girl....they went to party ( despite of my best advices ) and the girl asleep before anything happened in the room... My mate was tolerant and wanted to look like a nice guy... so no problems... he prepared to sleep too thinking, OK have fun at the morning ( again... what the nonsense, looking for her comfort instead to demand the service he paid for... again... the sad, miserable wish to looking nice instead of the agreed service ) But when he noticed, she only pretending to sleep and blinked to see what happenings... he throwed her out... and she still asked the agreed LT money... ( without any shag and cheating him ) Finally I was proud of him, he wasn't the usual weak loser " paid for her time " or " just shrug it off " just kicked her out without any money... ( I lie... he was a sad loser to pay her taxi.... 180 baht ... maybe in the next time he will be wiser... ) ... but he still lost the time, efforts and money to be cheated and humiliated....


OK... I know... you had only sucess stories...


BTW... what is the problem with the Russian venues ? They don't hide their rip offs, they have a price structure you may not like... but nothing is hidden, nothing pretended being a " normal bar on the WS "... Hmm.. maybe the usual selective / commercial, Secretologist promotion thoughts ?


HB cheats the girls... ( see the story in my biased rants ) I don't... I'm honest... " May kheenyao, payat " Not a cheapo, but frugal... and most of them accept it... and knows I'm not a miserable fuck looking for an ego trip, but a fair guy looking for the good service with the good looking girls and I avoid the fugly jellies the sad farangs use instead of the shrinks to make a mental trip...

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In short: " It is a Fuctuating experience. Some times higher and sometimes lower but always at a price you accept"


The optimum for most is to realize that it IS a monetary transaction so act accordingly.


Thin has to be balanced with age and looks, both hers and yours, in order to get a happy satisfying transaction (not LB, an exchange of money for goods or services).

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