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Alot of HOT young girls are there during May ?

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I am thinking of going during may......purchased a ticket to Las Vegas for vacation, but its very pricey in Vegas for a prostitute....it is around 250 to 400 for a "bang" (trying to keep this post G rated)...... so I am thinking of getting a international ticket from there

to Thailand. I have NEVER been to Pattaya before....... Please give advise if a MAY TRIP is worth it.

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May is a great month to travel to Pattaya. It is hot in Thailand. Well worth the trip.

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You're coming in May? Bummer! That's when all the hotties return to their village. But fear not: all ladies aged 40 (and above) volunteer to step into the breach.


(BigDUSA loves coming in May because he's a Cheap Charley and so is in heaven - but that's a whole different thread...)

Edited by sabaidii2
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May is a great month to travel to Pattaya. It is hot in Thailand. Well worth the trip.

Thailand is hot most of the time. It is better than being miserable in a cold place. Actually, May and November are my two favorite months of the year here in Pattaya. :thumbup

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Bryan from Iowa... you will have good times... unless you try to import the cretin US mentality and prices... remember... you are abroad....

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Bryan from Iowa... you will have good times... unless you try to import the cretin US mentality and prices... remember... you are abroad....


Cretin remark and totally uncalled for.

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