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Bike Paths & Routes Around Pattaya

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  • 1 month later...

In this post I mentioned plans to extend the park bike path around the Mabprachan reservoir. I'm happy to report the work to do just that is now underway.

I had a nice ride around the reservoir this morning to check on the progress. Pictures start at the north end go clockwise around the reservoir.

Looks like they've also started work on extending the park to the north.

Inside the park is the future connection to the north end of the extended bike path.

There will also be what looks to be a walkway extension into the expanded park to the north.

Reservoir levels are looking great for this time of year.

This will be the connection to the south end of the new bike path.

At the junction of 3240 with SCC Rd, the path widens quite a bit leading me to believe this will be a combination road and bike path when done.

There are also several bridges under construction on this section, and from the looks of them they'll be able to support quite a bit more than just bike traffic.


The path will have some nice views of the water.

The turn to the west at the junction with SCC Pattaya arch. From this point on they've only started grading and backfilling.

At the south end where SCC Rd passes under the new highway, another tourist trap is under construction.

A cool respite from the hot sun under the new highway.


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  • 4 months later...

Not in the Pattaya area, but a bike path in Nakhon Phanom made the news.

Unsafe new Mekong riverside cycling path closed

The viewpoint section of a new cycling path alongside the Mekong river collapsed, in Muang district of Nakhon Phanom province, on Tuesday. State engineers deemed the cycling path unsafe and have closed it. (Photo by Pattanapong Sripiachai)

A new cycling path along the Mekong riverbank has been closed after part of it collapsed only two days after an inaugural cycling event to promote tourism.

The cycling path, in Muang district, is about 1.1 kilometres long and only recently built, and was still awaiting acceptance by the provincial hall.

A viewpoint section about 50 metres long collapsed on Tuesday.

Engineers from the Department of Public Works and Town and Country Planning examined the path's structure and found many structural cracks and a mudslide had already affected its foundation.

The engineers said the structure as built could not withstand the riverbank erosion caused by recent heavy rain.

The collapse occurred only two days after the Tourism Authority of Thailand and local authorities held a cycling event along the path on Sunday to promote local tourism.

Chanchai Sribenja of a Nakhon Phanom cycling club said on Friday that cycling events organised alongside the Mekong River in Nakhon Phanom were popular with local tourists.

The collapse of the new cycling path could have a negative impact. Enforcing construction standards would be an effective solution, he said.

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6 hours ago, forcebwithu said:

Enforcing construction standards would be an effective solution, he said.


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It looks like one bad flood and it's gone anyway.

The soil that is showing in the photo looks like sediment buildup over time. The foundation needs to be very deep.

It reminds me of a line in the movie "The Bridge on the River Kwai" when the British officer tells the Japanese Colonel Saito that the initial position is wrong. Too soft.

Major Reeves: As I was trying to tell you a while ago, sir, the Japanese couldn't have picked a worse location. There's no bottom. You see those piles? They're sinking. Our chaps could drive those piles 'til doomsday and they wouldn't hold.


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11 hours ago, yorta2 said:

bicycle_lane.jpgJust had to post this shot of a typical Thai bicycle path out in the sticks (so I am told, He He):


The drystone wall and street-lights in the background point to it not being in Thailand....

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The bike path around Lake Mabprachan is a work in process. Starting at the dam wall it currently goes all the way to the "Pong park" with a running track parallel to most of it. I went around the barrier across the path into the park, then out the other end through the car park. This leads to the road for a coupe of hundred metres, then there is the track that leads from the far end of the dam wall, most of this is tarmac, however it stops or starts (depending on your direction of travel,) abruptly. Access to this part coming from the Pong park requires venturing through a drain with some water flow happening, I assume this will be addressed in the medium term. Will post some photos when I liberate them from the phone.

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@Chang_paarp great minds and all that. Coincidently I had a ride around the reservoir this morning and snapped the following pics.

I took ride out to check on the progress of the new Mabprachan Bike Path. I was happy to see it's about 90% complete.
Starting at the north entrance to the reservoir dam road, asphalt and lane markings are in.

The only bit that remains is at the northwest end that connects with the Bang Lamung Exercise Park Bike Path.

There are two remaining bridges that need to be constructed. Pilings are in.

And one of the bridge support beams is almost finished.

Work is also underway for the northwest extension of the Bang Lamung Exercise Park.

This is the last of the two bridges that need to be completed, which will connect the bike path to Bang Lamung Exercise Park.

On the other side of the park, the final touches on the new bike path connection are almost done.

The north side of the park also is the start of a walk/jogging path that is separate from the bike path.

One thing I noticed on my ride is the new asphalt seemed to be of lower quality than what I've seen on western projects. As proof to my thoughts I soon came across areas where they have already had to patch the bike path.

There's a good chance the heavy equipment they're driving over the bike path is the main reason for the needed repairs.

For the most part the bike path is separated from road traffic by steep, concrete lined storm water culverts. The few places where vehicles could enter they have a couple of low barricades, which is good b/c otherwise the Thais would soon be using the bike path as a parking lot.

There were a few places where there was sand and gravel on the path, but I think once construction is finished that will be swept off and the storm water culverts will probably do a good job of keeping storm debris off the path.

Not that it really matters, but the smaller culvert that separates the paths, someone didn't plan the fall correctly so the rain water won't make it all the way to the outlet hole.

Nice sweeping curves on the bike path across from the Soi Siam Country Club arch.

Looks like they ran out of shoreline, so the walk/jogging path ends about 800m short of the south end of the reservoir dam road.

The bike path might eventually extend farther west, but for now you can continue your ride through the bike gap in the south end reservoir dam entrance.

It's a 2.7 km ride, straight shot across the reservoir dam.

The view from the north side entrance to the reservoir dam road.

The green line in the map below marks the existing Bang Lamung Exercise Park Bike Path. The area to the west of the reservoir dam road has quite a few single track paths in the woods that make for an enjoyable ride in the shade on a mtn or hybrid bike. The ride around the reservoir is 10.3 km.

Edited by forcebwithu
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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...

For those interested in a bit of off road riding, there are some nice paths around Mabprachan Reservoir on the west and north sides. The screenshot below are tracks from various rides I've made over the years around the reservoir.

The area parallel to the dam is primarily eucalyptus trees with trails that are hard packed and easy to negotiate.

While the area on the north side of the reservoir is a good mix of service roads, hard packed trail, and narrow single track.




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  • 10 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Huai Chak Nok Reservoir has a new park and the beginnings of a new bike path on the north end. Looks great, IMHO, and looking forward to seeing the completion of the bike path and how far around the reservoir it will go.






Screen Shot 11-11-22 at 11.24 AM.JPG

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