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About laffnliv

  • Rank
    Elite Poster
  • Birthday 01/24/1933

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    Traditional Jazz

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  1. Glad to see Coop is still hosting his wonderful holiday meals. But am so sorry I won't be there. Not only is the food very good, but friends I have had for years are always there along with new people I always wish I had time to visit. Evil, if you stop in, please say hello to Dick, the former CIA AirAmerica pilot, and Rad, the well known retired Marine. Special people. Enjoy! Little Roy
  2. If you succeed...... Do it again! Little Roy
  3. Neil, if my math is right, that was 29 years ago. I started coming here 24 years ago and have been here during many Cobra Golds. The servicemen I have met have made me very proud. They have many restrictions and they all look after each other. Once I saw one start to be obnoxious, but all his buddies calmed him down and there was no trouble. Little Roy
  4. Thanks for the photo, VP. I just printed it and will frame and hang it! Little Roy
  5. I selected my e-mail name of "laffnliv" many years ago and have retained it through adventures with webtv, msn, verizon, and now gmail. The name suits me. At the bottom of each of my posts you will see, "I don't want to grow up." These philosophies have served me well. And I have been happily retired now for well over 24 years. The adventures continue. Little Roy
  6. That would really mess up my concentration! And my ability to walk. Little Roy
  7. ......and in the forties, and the thirties. I know. I was there. Little Roy
  8. Have been receiving SS for 21 years. Have never been asked to complete a survey. Maybe it's my baby blue eyes.....? Little Roy
  9. Get one with batteries. TIT I have had mine for over three years and haven't replaced the batteries yet. Actually, the mobile phone idea works fine. Uh...you posted this in the "Secure" forum....? Little Roy
  10. Please see my post on the Expat Issues thread below. Little Roy
  11. I think one should be very careful in getting involved with this project. Given the current political climate I can see the potential for many criticisms leveled by rather....uh....sensitive government types. For instance, how do you handle the bar activity? Or the ladyboy issues. Or the crime? Objective reporting could not be possible. Or will this be a Thai version of Fawlty Towers? Even that would be ripe for criticism as the Thais wouldn't understand the humor. And,....what is this company with the name Blast Films up to really? That name is enough to make anyone wary.
  12. I have used this service many times, including renewing my passport. Very fast and courteous. And saves a time consuming trip to BKK. A greatly appreciated service. Little Roy
  13. Yes, Martin, I understand you are looking for advice. But the advice may come from people who have been scammed but don't know it. Go slowly, my friend. I would trust a large chain jewelry store in the States before I would trust Thai "gemologist"...or whatever. Little Roy
  14. .....and so you get the work done, and then discover that the stones were switched. What do you do then? Make accusations? And the shop will deny, deny, deny. As a farang in Thailand what do you think will happen? (I know I am being negative and facetious, Martin,...but you know how it is.) Little Roy
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