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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by kaiser71

  1. 5 kilos of liquid cocaine. People get tricky when the rewards are high. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/videos/liquid-cocaine/
  2. I saw a show recently where they caught a guy bringing in a couple hundred feet of climber's rope impregnated with drugs.
  3. You have to buy the correct(sweet) rice- go to an asian market and ask. Soak for an hour then steam it, rather than boiling, until it's translucent.
  4. Excellent. Thanks! Your receipt seems to say you deposited 200B to borrow long pants.
  5. Always has a big smile and is always very helpful. Best wishes Dr. Mick.
  6. Probably get more for your money with a used bike. http://www.bahtsold.com/en/quicksearch?co=Thailand-1&c=1006&ca=25&pr=NULL&submit=
  7. This link http://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=953 says v3m is CDMA - no sim card
  8. I don't think the breeds with smashed in faces do so well in hot, humid places.
  9. Three Stooges http://www.hulu.com/search?query=three+stooges&st=0&fs= Little Rascals http://www.hulu.com/search?query=little+rascals&st=0&fs= Mr Bean http://www.hulu.com/search?query=mr+bean&st=0&fs=
  10. Yeah^^^^ Rent this one and keep a bedroom available for BMs
  11. "Christian groups in South Korea and the Philippines and Islamists in Indonesia" So who's the force for repression in Thailand?
  12. 15 km North East of the most fun place on Earth.
  13. We need to hire that girl to train everyone in town.
  14. Is the OP going to give us the answer? Is it because half black babies are shunned, like in Vietnam?
  15. ^^^^^^ All the browser add ons that downloaded video seem to have stopped working for me. But, if you stream a video it ends up in your browser's cache and you can save the file from there. You'll have to use google to determine how to access your particular browser's cache.
  16. That would cast a shadow and definitely freak me out.
  17. Thanks guys. Yeah, I was thinking of it as a small tablet with the e ink feature.
  18. The lack of eye strain is really drawing me towards getting one. Anyone know: Can you turn it sideways for viewing wider page setups? Is the touch more enjoyable to use? How is the experience viewing larger page setups, like textbook size?
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