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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by atlas2

  1. Just did an 'Ask' cost of leasing a cargo plane. $5000 dollars an hour for a 747……+ fuel, insurance, pilots (although might be a good idea to have your own)…. Not beyond the realms of possibility. Although you could argue that to carry out the sort of 9/11 attack you envisage it's cheaper and more effective to hijack a passenger jet and have 20 nations alerted …..100s of ships and planes searching. Satellites scouring every possible airfield/ hiding place. I could see the logic if the plane hijacked was to be used in the same manner as 9/11… i.e. redirected straight into a building. B
  2. Must be easier ways of killing fellow patent holders too.
  3. Must be easier, less conspicuous ways of getting hold of a plane.
  4. Mis-information and keeping us in the dark makes some sense if a hostage rescue or deal is taking place……… I'm sure most reputable news outlets would play along, but not all of them. Someone somewhere would leak a scoop. In as far as more is known about all this than we are being told I think that must be true.
  5. He did?……….. I mean, he did! Quite right Jacko……..A clumsy sentence at least……… And proof indeed that 'Evil' is in fact an alien! A very clever one.
  6. Tsk tsk ……………Evil I thought you was above that!! 555
  7. The Americans have searched their satellites for flashes from an explosion in the area and say there wasn't one. Apparently lots of flights are made by passengers with stolen passports…….(Bit of a worry). The 'Pinging' from the black box every 2 seconds depending on the plane's height has a limit to it's range and so there are important holes where no one could track what was actually happening. Usually terrorists come out singing and dancing and slapping each other on the back over their kamikaze brothers..Shouting, 'It was us by Ali Akbar' Nothing heard from the usual suspect
  8. I went yesterday but it's not out yet.
  9. I used to pass it when I played golf down that way fairly regularly. My son was keen to try it…… I hope next time he's over we can do both.
  10. If that were the case I know a few girls who'd fit snugly in Y shaped coffins………… And one Board member who if you gave him an enema could be buried in a match-box!!
  11. A tall Russian walks into a bar wearing a wooden hat. Bartender says, "Is this some kind of a joke?"
  12. Yess siree! Them Reds are crazy sons-of-bitches………... Actually it's a toss-up as to whether it's the hats, or the expressions on the models faces that are the most wooden.
  13. My point was only that many Russians routinely convert their savings into Dollars and so for them the hit won't be immediate.
  14. This is quite possibly where the transformation began……..
  15. Just got back from a saunter along the beach and the 'Gay Superbowl' (the Oscars) is still going on……….. I'm hopeful even without seeing it that Railwayman features next year.
  16. Thanks I'll definitely catch it.
  17. It's a pedal steel guitar………Different from playing slide guitar. The pedals alter the tunings while playing.
  18. I must have listened to this two an a bit minutes of music a thousand times. Not for everyone I know! Not sure why I like it so much myself? It evokes a time before I was born……It's a great old song too and I love the bass lines that walk towards you. It's so jaunty and rhythmically percussive but without so much as a tambourine in sight. A bloody jazz violin of all things naff! And an illiterate gypsy guitarist with only two fingers on his left hand to call upon. But it's neat, concise and works…….For me at least. http://youtu.be/uCa3ca_1Xlo
  19. I was dragged there by my son a couple of times……….He learnt the error of his ways when I dragged him to 'Momentos' and he tried their steaks. 'Momentos' used to be at the Cocco Resort in Jomtien. It's moved to a bigger but similar poolside location where soi 8 and soi 10 Teprasit road converge. That's our steak place now. This is a photo of the skewers. The do chicken, Beef…… Duck or a combination of the three with a choice of six sauces. Tough to finish. Ordinary steaks come in 250 or 350 g sizes.
  20. I agree Cabbages and Condoms is fun. There's a main 'deck' and a central 'tower' you can reserve a table up there for around 6 pm. Buy her a sexy cocktail (orgasms are good…..tell her not to fake it), and if you're lucky the sunset can be quite stunning. Then the green lights of the squid boats pop up, the cooling breeze rustles the leaves of the tree you're almost sat amidst…….. You feel a thousand miles from Pattaya. Glass House is also good for the sunset and I prefer the food.
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