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Everything posted by kikc69

  1. They have pedestrian crossings marked but they mean absoulutely nothing. You cross the road at your own risk. In the daytime there is heavy traffic but you can see it coming and they can see you so it is not that difficult to cross in between the vehicles. At night I think it gets more hairy because of the darkness and they cannot see you as easily. Add to that some alcohol and it can make for a tough crossing. Usually wth a TG holding your hand you can make it.
  2. Robert I think you can book the room from the scandibar website and you will not need to purchase the card to get the discount. If that does not work or you just want to pay when you get there, contact Sandy Springs direct at their website and inquire how much it would cost for a room with membership. They will quote you the members price and you can purchase the card at the reception desk of the hotel.
  3. Photobucket says: "Pornography, nudity or offensive pics prohibited" Will this be a problem saving some pics from LOS?
  4. Great idea about the website. I will try it here before I go. Thanks a lot.
  5. I am kind of an idiot when it comes to Flash drives but can I purchase a Travel Flash drive, take it on my trip and download pics from my digital camera everyday. 1) How difficult would this be to do? 2) Do I need any special programs? 3) Is this the easiest way to store my photos when in LOS until I get back home? Any info on the simplest and easiest way to save my pics everyday and clear my camera (SD card) memory would be appreciated. (And others will appreciate it when I do a trip report with pics )
  6. I have actually booked a month ago when they had a price drop to 864.00 total from MSP. Looking at it closer now they may not be including BKK as I tried to plug in the dates in Febuary and the reply was no award flights available. Might be good to just call NWA and see.
  7. For those of you who fly Northwest Airlines they have just announced their winter Cash and Miles Deal. Always lots of restrictions but if you have NWA miles you want to use up it is a good deal. Example Mpls to Bkk roundtrip, $530.00 plus 20000 miles. Also you do not earn miles. Go to www.NWA.com
  8. Tengotodo Why do you have reservations at both the Areca and RG?
  9. Hub I have stayed at the Sandy Spring Suites and I liked them but am always looking for better deals and rooms. What is BVP Eastinny Place. Is it a suite at the Eastinny Place hotel? Always looking for a suite room with two seperate rooms. Thanks for any info.
  10. Mackem You will find plenty of information if you go to the hotel reviews section and look for the hotel you want. Also just click on the search function and type in the hotels name and search in hotel and accomodations. Many many reports on the Dynasty.
  11. Larry Time for me to give up on resizing for now. By the time I get it done I will be on my way back again. How was your trip to Koh Larn today? That was one of the best days on my last trip.
  12. Ok I can now add pics. But the size is too small. How can I enlarge them? They are saved at Pattaya Images and not on my pc.
  13. http://www.pattaya.dumcsi.com/details.php?image_id=6900 Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Can't get pic to work
  14. I see everyone talking about scheduling a car but I was wondering what about just going outside to the taxi stand and getting a car there. I believe they are about 1200 baht plus tolls. What are the negatives about doing it this way?
  15. Yes the location is fine. It is on Soi 2 I believe and close to beach and nightlife. Baht buses run past the area.
  16. Being an American I would avoid a bar with roudy fans watching soccer (football). I myself cannot get into the sport but understand that in all other countries it is one of the most important sporting events going. Now if it was real football , American style then I would sit and watch. Good time roudiness is okay as long as everyone is having fun. It is when it gets to the point where the roudiness turns to meaness that it loses its fun.
  17. Northwest has announced a fall cash and miles deal. You can fly from US to BKK for approx $450.00 plus 20,000 frequent flyer miles. Travel after 6 Sep and before a certain date in Dec. Not sure of all the rules but check it out at WWW.NWA.COM
  18. Does not look like they have a pool which is something that I would want.
  19. I myself personally like to bring travelers checks. If they are lost they can be replaced. Easy to cash at the banks. Many people like the bank cards but to me it limits how much I can get everyday. Bringing a lot of cash can be dangerous just because if you lose it or get robbed you are out the money and cannot replace it.
  20. I had not heard that the Nana was not friendly any longer. Where did you hear this as I plan on a few days there in Sept?
  21. Can't really change my plans as I fly out of the Twin Cities and NWA has a monopoly on the area. I was able to book a flight with 60000 frequent flyer miles roundtrip to LOS. I think NWA is positioning themselves where the mechanics cannot win. If they strike the airline will employ replacement workers and if backed into a corner file chapter 11 which will still lead to cuts in pay and workers. Other questions are of course if the govenment will step in and also if the fight attendants and pilots will cross the picket lines. I will guarntee this that if I do not make it out of here on 4
  22. Northwest's mechanics have voted to strike if they cannot reach a deal soon. Soon an impasse will be announced and then a 30 day cooling off period between the two. After that the mechanics can go on strike. Going to happen just about the time I am leaving.
  23. Crest has come out with a new mouthwash that does not have all of the alcohol in it like Listerine. Does not burn. Great stuff.
  24. When I log in to the members forum it says I am logged in but then only opens the forum open to everyone. Is the site down or what could be wrong? Disregard this post. I finally was able to get in. Different way but I made it.
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