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Everything posted by Gonzo

  1. I thought Fascino on Pattaya Nua was the best for a while, until I was told about the pharmacy located on Sukhumvit. It is located on the left side of Sukhumvit about 100 metres after Highway 7 joins Sukhumvit driving South towards Pattaya Klang. The pharmacy building is painted green and not hard to find. Slow down before you get there on the left lane. I normally have no difficulties finding a parking spot on Sukhumvit close to the pharmacy with only Thai writing on it. They have 3 ladies working in there, one of them a pharmacist, have a good command of English. Unlike Fascino, where th
  2. Hi Jacko, I was hoping Gary would come up with some advice. He must be busy at the moment. I was glad when Mick told me about the Garmin shop at Tukcom. I will go there tomorrow afternoon and most likely will buy any Garmin available, if they can be bought for as little as 4000 or 5000 baht, as long as it has a recent Thai street map and gives directions in English. I can always buy a better model later if I am not satisfied with the one I get. I paid 15 000 baht for the Garmin Nüvi 3770 three years ago, which was a new model then. Gary did not think it was one of the better Garmins and always
  3. Deliverance, a great read and a great movie.
  4. Hi Mick, I go to Tukcom often, to drink coffee and to eat a cheap meal in the basement, after I visit my Kasikorn Bank branch next door or the nearby Friendship supermarket. I only bought a Samsung Laser printer at Tukcom on the third Floor two weeks ago and asked in a couple of shops, if there was a shop in the building, where they sold Garmin GPS products, but only got negative replies. I also had a look on the fourth floor and must have walked past your Garmin dealer a couple of times. I will go there on Sunday after the Expat meeting. Jacko will tell me to get my eyes checked and s
  5. Hi all, My Garmin Nuvi 3790T with an ESRI Thai Street map has stopped working and is beyond repair. I bought it about three years ago at a Garmin shop on the 4th Floor in Bangkok at the MBK shopping mall. I would like to go back there next week and buy another Garmin. I know there are a lot of different models for sale I don’t have a clue which one to buy. I want another Garmin with a suction cup, so I can attach it to the windscreen of my car. The Garmin Nuvi 3790T was less than perfect, but always got me to the desired destination, even when it had to often recalculate as it was
  6. For all the Liverpool supporters.
  7. Good to see you back here. You started one of the longest running threads on this board. Great stuff.
  8. Hi Pete, Hi Pete, You are on the right track. When I first came here in 2001 I thought I had landed in paradise. Shortly after arriving I started to mostly lurk on some message boards to learn a bit more about Pattaya. Many of the board members, who had been living in Pattaya long time before I found my way here, raved on how much better Pattaya was when they first arrived in the early nineties. When I tried to say that I thought Pattaya was still one of the best places to visit or to live in my opinion, the old- timer experts usually got stuck into me and told me that I was a totall
  9. A few more of the best ever http://youtu.be/VfXTCmWeNYo
  10. The German team suffered from food poisoning on that day and were drugged as well. They certainly were not at their best.
  11. Great to see Roy Orbison and Johnny Cash giving a performance together.
  12. The Doors best song in my opinion.
  13. Did anyone mention seeing Jimmy page on Walking Street? If anyone should happen to see him again,ask him if he ever heard about this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcL---4xQYA&feature=share&list=PLC2164973F48193E8&index=2
  14. Certainly one of the better games of any World Cup. I doubt if Italy has anyone as good as Rossi in the 2014 World Cup.
  15. The best option would be to fly with Jetstar from Suvarnabhumi airport to Singapore leaving at 9.15AM arrive there 12.45 PM(SIN time), stay in the transit area so you won't have to go through Immigration and the return on the same day in the evening at 19.10 PM (SIN time) and return to Suvarnabhumi Airport at 2035 back in Thailand. You will then get another 30 days on arrival. To fly to Phnom Penh you would have to use Air Asia, which is more expensive and their flights leave and arrive from Don Mueang, which could be even more of a problem . Check it out on the Internet and book a flig
  16. Quite a few of the top class ski jumpers and even a few of the medal winners were annoyed, when Eddie received more attention and praise than they did and wanted him banned from the sport. I have never tried ski jumping, but stood on top of some of the ramps and just looking down the ramps scared the shit out of me.
  17. I hope Eurovision on BTV cable in Jomtien show every minute of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, when they start next week. Austria and Germany should bag quite a few medals. Australia is sending a reasonably good team and should be good for a medal or two. Who can forget Eddie the Eagle, the ski jumper. He will be part of Olympic games history forever.
  18. I had a good workmate from the Gorbals in Glasgow. He was as tough as nails and a hard worker in the tropical sun on the wharves or on the rig tenders. Jock (James) would talk at times all day long about his beloved Celtic if you let him and would go mad when I happened to mention Glasgow Rangers. He died from alcoholic poisoning only a few month ago in Darwin after living in Angeles City for 12 years. We both retired at the same time in 1999, after getting a very good redundancy deal from the oil companies. When he returned to Darwin late last year we met again and he only looked like a shado
  19. Sorry for drawing a comparison between that great Italian side in 1982 and that infamous incident when your team played against Australia in 2006. You would have been less than happy when Italy played against Spain in the Euro Cup final in 2012. http://youtu.be/Ud0--48F9ag
  20. CT mate, let's cut out the bullshit and talk about football.
  21. Fair enough, Rossi was a superstar scoring his three goals against Brazil, but in my opinion he should have been banned for life for match fixing instead of only getting 2 years so he could play in the 1982 World Cup. What about that cheating cunt taking a dive in extra time to get a penalty against Australia in 2006 when the score was 0:0. He should have been red carded and sent off. What a dickhead of a referee. The Italians should not have been allowed to win the 2006 World Cup. If you google will find out that Ralf was Michael's younger brother, not a bad F1 driver himsel
  22. CT mate, you are trying to have a lend of me. I don't believe that you really think that I don't know the difference between Harald and Michael Schumacher. Both were great sportsman and sometimes bullies, especially Harald, after he knocked that poor French player out. cold during a World Cup match in 1982.
  23. I especially like the Wold Cup game between Germany and Scotland in 1986. Some still very famous names of high quality players in those two teams. Cheers mate.
  24. What a great and brave man right to the end.
  25. I am glad the two threads about the Wold Cup in Brazil have finally started. A bit of harmless banter is fine, but so far there has been too much of it, instead of discussing what will or could happen when the competition will start in a few short months . I was a still a kid in 1954 when Germany beat the hot favourites Hungary in Switzerland and listened to the final on the radio with my Dad. In 1958 I went to a pub in Vienna with an uncle to watch Brazil on TV demolish Sweden with a very young Pele showing the world what a superb player he was. In 1962 I had to listen to the game
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