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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Gonzo

  1. Great fingerpicking by Hank Marvin, one of the best guitarists I have listened to.
  2. I am happy I bought my little 45 square metre corner unit in Jomtien at a very fair price from a Scot seven years ago. You would remember him from the expat club, where he used to be a regular member. I only paid 1.5 million baht for the condo and had it totally refurbished for less than 50000 baht by a very good Thai builder and his electrician mate, who rewired the place perfectly. The little money I paid I would have paid in rent in the last seven years. The condo has a very nice kitchen as well and the missus loves cooking good Thai and our favourite Farang meals, Unlike other Thais she de
  3. Time for some real music again. Yuja Wang,a classical concert pianist from China is not only beautiful, but seems to have an orgasm every time she plays on her Steinway or is it a Steinbach? http://youtu.be/etmrzQgSh_s
  4. I used to go the Wide World a Go Go on Beach Road a lot and the outdoors bar next to it, when I used to stay at the Sabai Lodge, my favourite hotel then.
  5. One of our best singers. http://youtu.be/ElPs9NLZoUY
  6. Don't get too cheeky. I can handle cunts like you before breakfast.
  7. Great guitar picker. He certainly made my day after having to look after the missus after her operation on her right eye for the last couple of weeks. It is normally the other way around with her looking looking after my old decrepit old myself.
  8. And I always thought you could understand basic and simple German.
  9. That sounds alright but I have sworn off the piss until further notice. Verstehts Du das, mein halb Deutscher Kamerad?
  10. I had some problems for a while when MM made some changes to the software. Having a very sore head did not help much either. Now after MM patiently explained what to do, it is a lot easier to post videos from You Tube than it was before.
  11. At least I have still enough guts to handle compulsive Googlers.
  12. Alright you prick, how did you know my real name is Sigi? You must have been a member of the old Bahtbus board then, when that great moderator Noel Thomas Noel (aka Sweeney Todd) ran the show before he died. You must be an old cunt yourself if you can remember the great exchanges we had on that great message board.
  13. I have been feeling blue as well since drinking too much on New Years Eve. Your good choice of good music certainly helped..
  14. There is some awfully good music you shared with us on the favorite music thread. Cheers
  15. Jacko mate, It has been getting warmer for the last couple of days. Mrs Gonzo does not have to cuddle up all night long and you can have a piss in you small pool again.
  16. I like skinny women, but that fat arsed Scot woman would probably do anything to protect and help you when the need arises.
  17. Chelsea nearly have half of the German national team playing for them. I thought they would perform better. Maybe the the Germans are just taking it easy before the World Cup In Brazil.
  18. We have been using the same dentist (Napaporn) four the last 10 years since 2004 for our sixth-monthly check-ups and despite of my advanced years I still have all of my original teeth, exept one implant Napaporn did with great skill for about 50 000 THB, I can get cheaper dental work done in Darwin, as I have top cover insurance there with Medibank Private there, but Napaporn is the best there is. We always park our car at the Tops supermarket, when we have appointment with her, and it only a 5 minute walk from there to her clinic between Klang and Soi 7.
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