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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Gonzo

  1. I thought you would appreciate the smile of that little short woman.
  2. Gonzo

    Euro 2012

    It was a great game, for Spain. I am glad Germany lost against Italy, otherwise they would have received a similar hiding. Super Mario misfired big time and can now return to Manchester City. I had picked Italy to win. Be advised never to follow my tips.
  3. Gary, That does remind me of the fat and useless manager from the Jomtien Beach Codominium. About a year ago he called the cops when I opened the fire escape door next to my end unit to let the breeze in. He called the cops without telling me first. When the young Thai copper turned up, gun and all, he seemed rather bemused and embarrassed about getting called out over such a trivial situation. He asked who owned the condo. My missus told him we bought the 45sqm "condo" about 5 years ago. The fat and useless manager then declared that it was not a condo, but a room. Well, the building complex
  4. Well observed my learned friend. Some people would regard your comment as nitpicking, but I appreciate it when someone puts me straight when I am mistaken. Like yourself, I am trying to be a perfectionist.
  5. Gonzo

    Euro 2012

    This has nothing to do with Euro 2012, but I bet you like to remember the penalty shoot out against France in 2006. That was after your team had eliminated Germany.
  6. Gonzo

    Euro 2012

    Italy turned it on this morning all right. It hurts me to see Germany consistently getting beaten by them when it comes to the sharp end. Nevertheless, it was good entertainment to watch the game. Joachim Löw has gone from super coach to villain. His rotation system badly backfired. All he could do was to stand there chewing his fingernails. I cannot see Spain win this competition. They have not got a Super Mario Balotelli and a great goalie like Buffon. Besides, Italy seem to have the most fire and passion in their belly. Congratulations Italy. See you again in Brazil.
  7. Some of the older blokes on this list might appreciate John Morrison.
  8. Gonzo

    Euro 2012

    I like to see England play well for a change. They are a fantastic footballing nation, but have not achieved much since they won the World Cup under controversial circumstances against Germany in 1966. Their winning goal never crossed the line.
  9. Grayray, that first song was played by an amateur German band in a bar in Naklua more than 10 years ago. The song was pretty popular in Pattaya and I managed to buy a CD with that song on it. I have lost that CD and cannot remember the name of the band. Any clues would be welcome. Cheers
  10. http://www.thaiproperty.com/
  11. ANZAC day today. Lest we forget.
  12. Most seem to have using the ATM down to a fine art. Let them have your debit/credit card for a couple of days and find out what will happen.
  13. Her voice sounds a bit thin, but she has been been popular. I like Edith Piaf better. The Gypsy Kings are from the South of France and sing in Spanish.
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