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Everything posted by teelack

  1. Dont suppose its any good telling you that the Friendship Market is only a couple of hundred metres from the crematorium?
  2. One thing that might help is a phone app. I am sure that there are a number of them but the essence is "Internet Sweet Spots". As far as I can tell whatever system you have will have black spots and after a while you know when you need to shift in order to get a strong signal. A friend of mine living in Pattaya taught m that this is a reality.
  3. I was there a while ago and did a trip report. I was influenced by Rhino Tusk (great photos) but perhaps if you look at "Search" you will find other points of view.
  4. Depending on your needs. Are you a smoker as I think that would make a hell of a difference. Non smoking: Retox Soi Lengkee. 98 baht, Almost next to Retox is the Vogue/Thailand and the breakfast is about the same price but you can sit out doors and smoke. Killkenny. Basic breakfast is 110 baht but you can smoke and you do have the Soi LK circus to look at.
  5. One last comment regarding Leather. I had heard of his Private Dancer but could not find a copy in our conservative land. One night I was working late and looked it up on the Internet and lo and behold, there it was ordering me to print it of while the office was empty! I did so and wondered if in fact there was checks on the printers and paper usage as this was about 200 pages of print. I didn't get the sack and I didn't get an account but I did start a long enjoyment of his work. I always assumed that there had been an 'arrangement' when Ricky was running the Private Dancer club because if I
  6. Funny but I too know Praed Street and in the only other Spider book that had a presence in Pattaya he puts his mate up in the Penthouse Hotel and that get a bit of free publicity.
  7. I haven't read this entire thread so if I duplicate, sorry. I have just finished read Stephen Leather's TAKEDOWN which I think is probably his latest. It a hard to put down read and while not the best of his work is still worth a few hours of your time if your into the hard case mentality beloved of the Lee Child school of writing. What else makes this worth a review is the Pattaya connection. As is probably well known Leather is no stranger to Pattaya and brings the place into this novel. I will get back to that. The book concerns a number of threads but of interest to Pattaya peopl
  8. I can understand you not wanting to debate or indeed substantiate your comments. I would have thought that the offer of a retraction or an apology would have had you drooling. Bugger! Wrong again. As for the green/red ticks. I am still a long way behind some of the best contributors to this board and right or wrong, I always tend to read their contributions. I will concede that travel in general and Thailand in particular are important parts of my life but that is perhaps why I have totally no interest in social dating or chat sites. If I have anything to say its here and not Twitter etc
  9. Jacko. You mentioned that you wanted to get back to topic. For this reason I have been quiet for a few days but perhaps you will allow me to take umbrage at the above. To the very best of my knowledge I HAVE NEVER WRITTEN A LIE about you and would be pleased to retract it or apologise should that be the case. I have said many times that a mans spending habits are up to themselves but should I wish to express an opinion then its up to me. I am one of the most strident believers that Pattaya is for everyone, and be you well heeled or frugal, you can still have the time of your life here. Pl
  10. Same thing happened to me quite some years ago and it was very hard to get over. I guess that somewhere in my psyche I may have a reluctance to get involved with freelancers but then again it still happens. I can only believe that when a girl is employed by a bar/club there is at least some possibility of tracing her but then I ask myself who's side the cops would have been on. I did call them but when they turned up the guest register and indeed the receptionist were of no value at all.
  11. Fisherman the use of the invented word slobbishness I think covers your description of guys who neither dress, smell or look the part. It's easier to say than list the sins individually. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  12. I wasn't going to bother but hey, let’s do it. So. By preaching a bit of caution this labels us as "Glass half full" people? I don't think so. Perhaps forewarned is forearmed is just as applicable. As your previous posts point out, and indeed the above, you are prepared to pay 4000 baht plus 1500 for a LT plus all the trimmings. This is over the odds for Pattaya but each to his own. The vast majority simply cannot pay this when added to food, hotel, flights and what have you but as sure as hell they all have a good time in this town. Then again a lot live here full time and there are
  13. Evil. It depends what value you place on the view. Yes, the Baht Buster is great value but only if you want TV sets showing a different form of sport on it. Give me people watching any day and bugger the 11 baht difference! Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  14. Kilkenny has a 99 baht breakfast. The breakfast is fine but ask for the fried tomatoes, not canned. The the real joy of the place is that the view from the corner of Soi LK is as good as it gets if you are a people watcher. Sip the coffee, see the Pattaya life and think just what 99 baht get you in most of the world. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  15. As usual. a big thanks. The multi use condoms got me going.
  16. Well done. This is the best way to handle your question. Don't forget to spend an hour or two each day looking at other accommodation options in the area that you like. I admit that I took some time of looking and inspection before I found what I wanted. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  17. Well located and I have read positive comments over the years but never stayed there. If your looking for it on the internet try SUTUS Court.
  18. The only advice I will offer is as follows. Read all you can about your destinations on sites like this. In my case I believe that it saved me a lot of time and money as well as having introductions before I even set foot in some of the places mentioned. If you cannot find the information that you look for make a note and post it here. The one thing however that you CANNOT rely on is that any boardie will have the same opinions, needs, wants as you do. For every guy who is happy to pay premium prices there is another looking for a bargain on Beach Road. For everyone that tells you Tha
  19. Hi there and thanks. Here are a few more details. The direct Thai Air has been about $1750 for the last 2/3 years so I gave up using them. They recently extended to flying seven days a week and have cut the price to $1200. The price that I have paid via STA Travel is $604.00. Here is the point. The plane leaves at midnight from Auckland with a stop over in China and then arrives in Bangkok at 10.40am and this should land me in Pattaya by 1.00PM. Haircut, bank, money exchange swim and nap and its like getting an extra night in town. The Thai Air flight gets in at 8.55 PM. You will also note tha
  20. I completely agree with you and understand but against Thai Air special price for instance the saving for me is $600 and that is not to be sneezed at. I also tie in well with regional flights and arriving at 10.50 am is like having an extra day. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  21. I have never bothered booking seats as I always ask for the emergency seats or I am last on and look for a bunch of empty ones. I am usually lucky and land the extra leg room. When you talk about a budget carrier I have to say that for my money when you are at the back they are all 'budget' and I have flown with many carriers. There seems to me to be very little difference between them. As for China Southern. I flew with them possibly four years ago and mentioned in my trip report that what they needed was a few years of dealing Euro passengers in order to understand their needs. Accordin
  22. In my opening post I mentioned that the fare was the lowest that I had seen. Well bugger me! Today I logged on and that price was reduced again by over $160! Booked on the spot. Thanks for the feed back.
  23. I have been looking for flights into Bangkok and by far the lowest cost is China Southern. It is in fact the lowest cost I have ever seen. It does have a 3 hour stop in Guangzhou but I don't care as most of the other details are spot on. The plane is stated to be a 777-ER. Has anyone any comments to make re the airline or the plane type? It is yonks since I have used a Chinese airline. Skytrax isn't all bad but some personal feed back would be appreciated.
  24. This only applies if you don't lose your phone! Yes, it does happen. It happened to me and also to a friend of mine in Pattaya. Losing one sim is bad. Losing two is a disaster. In the long run I believe it better to have two phones. Personally I throw my home phone in the safe and start it up again the day that I leave Thailand.
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