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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by davethailand

  1. Well you've come to the wrong place then because the thai's love it. (so do alot of tourists ) Its BANNED in my place.
  2. Although i have to say Suitcase that I truly believe that he is on this forum still! On this thread also maybe? (i think so)
  3. The promoters have told me they are talking with Linkin Park??? and Snoop Dogg.
  4. This guys obviously stuck at home bitter coz he ain't here. Ps, I only went because i had free entrance
  5. Fucking Harris again Come on Suitcase this is getting boring
  6. Agreed, he's definatley scraping the barrel by doing a gig in Pattaya.
  7. My mates are the sponsers etc. Paul in Hootys in selling the tickets. Coolio will be in Hootys later tonight also.
  8. Anyone going to the Coolio concert in Pattaya Bazaar? (The rap singer guy)
  9. They've been clamping down for years. Depends on who you pay and who tips you off.
  10. I walked past that place today, A big farang guy was sitting at the table with his shirt undone and his belly was hanging over his belt Did'nt really like walking into a public place with that prick sitting there with his belly hanging out, and i mean right in ful view of diners! Must have been European, Don't these people learn manners or tips on how to behave in public
  11. WTF? Won't be going there then.
  12. walking is a joke so busy its dangerous. i will be in my gaff till midnight then in a gogo
  13. 1, 4 & 5. Don't bother in the others as they are more for thai couples.
  14. Same here Rawlins You don't go to a live music bar to watch football just as you don't go to a live football bar and turn on the juke box
  15. If its a game that is pretty low key then i'lll probably screen it, If its a game that will have lots of noise, people etc disrupting the music then no I'd turn the box off. I'm going elsewhere to watch the games anyway.
  16. Not sure about malaria, get some jabs to be extra safe if you want. I have'nt had any jabs or the like for 4 years, bring some imodium and some repellant. Don't drink the water. You will have a couple of days with a dodgy gut as most newcomers to pattaya do. I've always gargled, brush teeth etc with the tap water here but you do get used to it although because of the water shortage our mains water is currently a cloudy greyish colour.
  17. Not stayed there personally but my friends and uncle have, yes its a nice hotel. Right across the rd from the beach and right across from the shopping etc, its in a great location. Here are some pics
  18. I wonder who I heard that a certain owner or owners went to the offices of one of the papers to talk about Nightmarch? Were'nt me guv
  19. Pete does'nt write Nightmarch
  20. Looks like nightmarch has been reading alot of feedback I will stand by early comments, Nightmarch should be about ALL aspects of nightlife in pattaya and NOT just the gogo's etc. This is not said because I own a bar because to be quite frank I don't need Nightmarch to help my business Nightmarch is a good thing but it sometimes its clearly about only one thing, this is annoying because its published everywhere, It should surely be looking around at whats going on and not waiting for bar owner inputs, which could be a load of crap the bar owner wants his place to sound good.
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