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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Sailfast

  1. http://www.phuketbeer.com/Welcome.html I saw a guy here in the states wearing a hat with the Phuket Beer logo. It was several years ago, I talked to him for a bit, I think they were trying to market it strictly for export to the US. He was Thai and he pronounced it "fuckit" The website seems a bit cheapo for a legit beer company with funds to market and export. Anyway, I forgot all about it until I saw the Pattaya Beer photo.
  2. NO! The two on the left are enjoying a cold beer and ordering a pizza after giving each other oil massages. Then they break out into a pillow fight, Mei Li accidentally falls on Lt. Chan. Their bare breasts touch, there is a lingering stare, some embearassed giggling and then they kiss. Just for a moment their lips touch, then pull back. They go back for more, mouths pout open and tongues touch. Suddenly it hits them, they are hot for each other and there is no turning back. Before long they are buried deep in the hottest Asian Lesbian 69 ever imagined. Suddenly, the door opens an
  3. I'm just having fun imagining them all in the locker room shower after a hard training day. "Mei Li, can you rub my shoulders, I feel so tense..."
  4. I'm not saying it's a good way to go, but it probably beats dying in a rest home someplace. I figure if I make it to 85 or 90, my health starts going to shit and I overhear them talking about putting me in a nice place.... I'll take up heroin and cocaine. Maybe start off slow doing acid and ecstasy. Gradually build up to meth or molly, or whatever is the "in" thing by then. See just how much abuse an old heart can take. Throw in some viagra and pay some crazy hookers to fuck me to death.
  5. My plan is to be cremated and put in an urn with an inscription that reads as a curse of bad luck to any of my ancestors who do not prominently display the urn their home. I haven't got the wording just right yet... but my sister or my niece are going to want to kill me at my funeral.
  6. As opposed to sausage? :)
  7. Nah, I can laugh at anything funny. That was funny.
  8. As to credit, my Chase United card did well, no fees and a good exchange rate. I published some info in a trip report and at times the exchange rate I got was better than what was available from the banks in Thailand. Plus, as long as you are not putting yourself in debt, you are building those lovely miles.
  9. After my last trip I have given up on Travelers checks. The fees skyrocketed just after I deposited all my checks in my Thai bank account so it did not affect me. Now, it's just too expensive. I'll do a bank transfer and bring some cash, maybe a couple hundred in TC just in case. I can always cash them in when I get home if I don't need them.
  10. I tried that from a link in another (I think your post) thread. It gave me a great ticket with Etihad, but I could not book that flight through Etihad's website and I was afraid to book it through Myfly.com BigD, Have you tried this method? The last time I didn't complete a round trip ticket, and tried to fly out of the UK on another flight I was detained, my passport taken while I waited for some sort of decision and then given a rash of shite.
  11. Are you staying in a hotel? If so, have you checked to see if they offer a pick up service?
  12. I'd like to find a cheap and easy way to fly from New York to Manchester, then on to BKK and home to New York. I was hoping someone knows a secret that I've been missing on my online searches. It's looking like a one way to MAN then MAN - BKK - NY on Etihad is the best option (should be less than US$2000)
  13. Kind words Joe, Fortunately, even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and again.
  14. More importantly and keeping this in context, I'd like to know more about the cool refreshing drink surrounded by the cool refreshing boobs in the red top.
  15. 10 easy steps to topping up your mobile in Thailand or, I don't bother lugging my reading glasses around whilst wandering around foreign streets on holiday 1. Buy the minutes 2. Exit store 3. Walk into next bar 4. Order beer 5. A lady will magically appear by your side 6. Purchase a lady drink for her 7. Take out your phone and pretend to struggle reading the receipt when you are really looking at her boobs. 8. Smile stupidly at girl 9. Girl will take the phone from you and top it up 10. Fall in love and get married, what could possibly go wrong?
  16. Just the one episode, they don't seem to do any follow up beyond each episode (so far). Not the greatest of shows, but when one is stuck here in back to back to back to back to back snowstorms...
  17. It's out there, just do a Youtube search for Bangkok airport episode 5. Whack-a-mole
  18. Yes. Good for the OP. At those prices maybe I should invest In a unit or 5 :)
  19. Looks about right to me. The question is, what is the occupancy rate?
  20. ditto, thanks Shilo. We owe you a beer an episode :)
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