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Everything posted by Sailfast

  1. We call them zip-lock bags (trademark for one brand, I think) here in the Yankland. By them at any supermarket in the UK. Probably near the plastic rap and al-U-m-I-ni-U-m foil Sailfast
  2. Same to you Paul and Jan. Wish I was getting picked up at the airport soon See you next year some time! Sailfast (Rob)
  3. Nice work, thanks for taking the time. What kind of camera? Where in the PI where all the sailboats? Thanks again, Sailfasat
  4. Noonish sounds about right for me. The important thing is that I get my morning BJ. The morning performance will often determine if she stays another night. NOTHING starts the day off better than a blowjob, er well, recieving one If they pull that 6 am surprise exit crap, then it's just short time w/ the use of my hotel room as a crash pad. That is bullshit. Now, if they tell me before the bar fine that they have to leave early then that is OK and I we can negotiate from there. Sailfast
  5. Damn it..your going and I'm not! Oh well. Did you book your HK to BKK with Bangkok Air? If so, please let me know how it works out. I'm thinking of Spending time in HK next trip, then Flying HK to Koh Samui. Cheers, Sailfast
  6. One more thought... Fly to Hong Kong and then connect w/ Bangkok Air. I did not check, but SF to HK must have loads of flights. Just a thought...Sailfast
  7. I just flew ANA, business class w/ ff miles. I had to book 6 months ahead to get the flight. The attendants are the best! Not as hot as Thaiair IMHO...BUT cute and there must have been something in their training manual that said they could not break eye contact with you until after you broke it off. Gives me a woodie just thinking about it now. JAL are cute as well :) Cheers, Sailfast
  8. I wish I was still in Pattaya to take advantage I'll be back though Sailfast
  9. I travel with 3 - 5 other guys. We can easily add up a 5000 baht check bin in a couple of hours at a gogo. I think that 5000 baht is a bit steep, but, it's a start in the right direction. Maybe I can run a tab for a week Sailfast
  10. Hopf Brauhaus on Beach road (just past pizza hut) Decent pizza. You can watch them thow the dough around and the oven is a brick wood fired type. The brew is not to bad either. Pretty sure they brew it on site, but I can't be sure of that part. Small salad bar, but the stuff has always looked very fresh. Sailfast
  11. I like the idea. I don't mind paying a barfine, but I'm not crazy about shelling out 5-600 baht when I know she will be out of work soon. 200 seems fair at that time of night. It's a strange system.... I can walk in to a small gogo, bar fine two stunners, not spend a dime on drinks and leave. This could put a dent in the evenings drink sales as two of the hotties are gone for the night. I can hang out all night and run up a 5000 baht tab and still have to pay the barfine at the end of the night. Just rambling, Sailfast Good chance for the cheap charlies to me
  12. oops, forgot...Hongkong to Samui direct on Bangkok Air...just book a flight to Hongkong, than fly direct to Samui and save yourself lots of hastle.
  13. I have not purchased a ticket at the new airport, however, I can't see why you won't be able to, subject to availability of course. Like any airline, the flight could be half empty or it could take you a day to get a flight. Also, if you wait till you get to the airport to decide you might not get the earliest flight and/or you might have a bit of trouble finding a hotel room. Sailfast
  14. Thanks for the warning. I won't be turning my back on you!
  15. Put down the purse. I thought my smileys denoted a bit of humor along with my explanation. Sailfast
  16. Well, it's been posted about a billion times. Been email forwarded about a gazillion times so it does get a little old. It was funny the first time I read it, but, come on man, the friggen thing is AT LEAST SIX YEARS OLD. The point is that some of us get tired of people who will just cut and paste anything without bothering to see if it is correct or if it has been posted here before. Not saying you are one of those people, but you acted like one for a moment Then we get to read about it in every other SEA based forum as the git continues to hop from board to board with his new f
  17. Snopes.com Don't know why people just don't check stuff out before they post (cut and paste) it. Yes, it's cute and funny. No it's not Cleese.Sorry but for some reason internet urban myths and stupid email forwards annoy the shit out of me. Being a big Cleese fan this double annoys me. Considering Cleese has lived in California for many years makes it really stupid. There are also replies to this that have supposedly been written by Robin Williams (this letter was also attributed to Williams, again incorrectly). More bullshit. Besides Snopes.com another cool site is:
  18. Don't forget to get one or two sizes bigger than you need. A few machine wash/dry cycles and my XL's are now L. Sailfast
  19. Stayed there and won't do it twice. As stated above, 500 baht joiner fee. So two "guests" cost me 1000 baht/night!! And it ain't all that great anyway. Not a shit hole, but starting to look a bit dated. Sailfast
  20. 700 baht per week in April. Hopefully it has come down or is free now.
  21. Don't forget we hold the most important trophy in golf. The RideHer Cup Sailfast
  22. You got a decent deal. The 5 pm traffic won't kill you because you it will be closer to 6 before you are even in the taxi. You are gonna love this flight. BKK hotel: Grand Business Inn on Soi 11. PM me for more info. Sailfast
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