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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Butch

  1. Hi Surry I always use one of those "price comparison" website which often yields half decent options. Last trip I used "Alpha insurance" which was a worldwide policy and came in 40% cheaper than anyone else.
  2. Thanks for the link MLC, I have an interest in Tanks in general, more so the German ones from an engineering standpoint because they weren't over engineered like some may think, they were in fact over complicated for what they needed to do, however, the technology developed back then paved the way for modern day Tanks and armoured vehicles.
  3. Hi Well the creative 5.1 surround system isn't really cutting it for me. There's just not enough "depth" and they sound quite "tinny" when the volume gets above a certain level. The treble control seems to be all or nothing which is mildly frustrating, so I've decided that I'm going to give them to my Daughter for her PC. It seems I'll be going the Amp + speaker route after all. Just a question of finding one with a headphone jack, it's a shame that one doesn't have one Lantern, otherwise my brother could have brought me one over when he visits the UK next month. He did say he'll keep loo
  4. "It seems to me, that entrenched attitudes ("I voted ....., and I CAN'T have been wrong") are the order of the day" - Perhaps the self serving elitist remainers should take heed of that statement?. It is becoming more and more obvious that project fear, calls for a second referendum and tantrums thrown by those who still complain about a democratic vote not going their way are clutching at straws to try and force a second one. What happens then, we have a "2 out of 3" vote on the decider?, if it is again a vote to leave, do we keep running votes until the screaming brats get what they
  5. Try Mulligans outside Central Festival. They serve Singha in pints (or in pint size glasses, last time I mentioned that it went on to be an epic threadfuck on the capacity of a glass) and often have deals on. Food is crap though. Sit yourself outside on the corner closest to the road (The right hand side corner facing the beach as you stand looking at Central) and watch loads of pale skinned Korean cuties going into the Hilton, countless Beach road freelancers going to / from CF, some Hi-So Thais heading home or out shopping, off duty GoGo girls heading to Starbucks and other shop girls k
  6. bloody hell BD. That's just incredible renumeration for a US Specialist. BTW Sorry for referring to them as "heart surgeons". I was berated by Mrs Butch because they are in fact "Cardiovascular Surgeons". Many of the top end consultants I know are pretty anal about stuff like that. Apologies firepole, and to the Mods, I've pulled this thread way off topic. My fault.
  7. Bloody hell it sounds like a system which is purely driven by the bottom line and accountants, a numbers game with the hard working end user footing the bill and getting charged more and more. I expect any pricing increases are not going to be in line with inflation. Our system is abused, but in many cases it is getting better managed. Hospitals are now allowed to negotiate for contracts, so if supplier "A" can supply Aspirin at 2 pence per box they get the contract, whereas previously it was only from a list of approved suppliers (whom the Hospital and local Council directors usually had
  8. not wanting to TF, but a genuine curiosity here. I've read reports that some hospitals in the US charge $10 for a paper cup to put the pills in, $20 for tissues and $20 for Aspirin, and that's before you even get into the cost of various treatments and post treatment meds, is this true?. Mrs Butch works as a Doctor here in the UK specialising in haematology where we have the NHS which is a "free" healthcare system (although abused to the point of bankrupcy in some trusts by many "health tourists" and people using it to get stuff ike antibiotics to send home to their families abroad - but t
  9. just looked at my recent cathay etickets that we printed out Gus, they're the same like "Wankerbutchmr" with no spaces. Don't worry mate.
  10. Interesting pictorial Evil, thanks for posting. There are many similarities with village life in the Philippines. I'm often surprised about the amount of heavy drinking that goes on in rural areas. For men it's a nightly thing it would seem.
  11. A couple of links containing videos, it all seems a bit "project fear" at the moment but given the right conditions it may well have an adverse effect on air traffic. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1021679/volcano-news-katla-iceland-volcano-eruption-warning https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/katla-volcano-scientists-warn-huge-icelandic-volcano-is-about-to-erupt-dwarfing-2010-ash-cloud-a3943411.html
  12. Any specualtion as to whether this is a good or bad thing?.
  13. There's only one Klipsh dealer in the UK, but I've had a look at their website have got my eyes on an RSB-6 Soundbar!. They don't do PC speakrs unfortunately so if I did want some. I'd have to order via the USA (which is'nt a problem as my sister in law is in Boston MA).
  14. From an engineering and factual standpoint, I picked up a little gem from a bookshop in Cavite, it's "Panther and its variants" (the book, not the shop) by a German guy called Walter Spielberger (an oddly Jewish sounding name) and is regarded as a definitive resource on the Panther Tanks. I picked it up for £8 , normal retail (if you can find one) is about £50. Either way, the level of expertise the German Engineers had in developing these tanks is quite frankly incredible. They were extremely advanced (perhaps too fragile for WW2 battlefield hardships in varying theatres) and it was sheer
  15. Jesus Sam, that's some pretty shit luck on the last flight, but the other two I guess there's a lesson there somewhere!. I once boarded an EVA 747 back to LHR, the bloke in front of me in the queue was still obviously well wankered from the night before. He managed to vomit on the airbridge and was refused entry to the aircraft, as luck would have it he would have been sat in the row adjacent to me...
  16. That seems a decent set up Lantern, I'll look into the amp in more detail once the speakers turn up and I'll see how they perform mate.
  17. Well I'm taking it one step at a time now. I've ordered a creative inspire 5.1 surround speakers from ebay (second hand) for the horrific outlay of £20. If that fails, it's no biggie as it'll get plugged into my daughters system in her bedroom. I'll then move on to getting an Amp and a decent set of speakers and running it from the PC, budgeting around £100 for the lot (putting more towards the amp than the speakers which I'll rob back off my daughter). If that doesn't work then i'm stuffed and might well look into putting a PCI card in and moving forward from that. Time wi
  18. Respiratory complaints such as a bronchial infection might clear up with Antibiotics, but it is getting it diagnosed correctly in the first place which makes it important. Stuff like asthma can be treated with the relevant inhalers. Pleurisy is viral in some cases won't respond to antibiotic treatment anyway, unless it's bactrial in which case it will, but getting the right antibiotics for the infection can only be determined by following the correct procedure. Gonorrhoea is a dual pronged treatment using Azithromycin as part of it. As you say Grandpollo, people throw advice around about a
  19. Great post Bazle, and an indicator of just how polluted our oceans and beaches have become in recent years. slighty off topic, President Duterte has allowed Boracay to re open in a few weeks, and it is really clean, apparently he's given the vendors and locals a pretty stern warning to keep it clean or risk another, possibly permanent closure.
  20. Second pic is the upper deck apparently, 66 seats, first pic is the rear of the lower according to the post I lifted them from ..
  21. My PC is old, 9 years now!. I use it for internet, downloading movies which are then played on the TV downstairs and music when I'm in the room doing my accounts or other stuff, so it serves the purpose pretty well, I don't use it for anything heavy like photoshop or music editing, although I have done some video editing on it and it struggles big time. I've put up with the low volume since day 1, but recently I've had more spare time and it's getting slightly annoying.
  22. Isn't the minimum transit time allowed 1hr?. I might have read that somewhere, or dreamt it lol. Either way, that is a damn good price. I googled Qatar recently for June next year and they came in around the £440 mark.
  23. Bloody hell 660PAX in a single class config :eyecrazy In some ways you're lucky because it's a relatively rare version to have travelled on, but brings a new meaning to the phrase "cattle class". Pics courtesy of "Planehunter" on flyertalk, all credit to him. Looks pretty cramped.
  24. There's some great suggestions there guys, many thanks. I listen to a lot of music through headphones and speakers, I'm looking at a budget of about $150-$200, or £130 to £180 for a set up. Would it be an idea to upgrade my soundcard?. I have a slot for one but currently use onboard sound.
  25. So do you plug into the speaker jack on the PC, separately power the Amp and run speakers / headphones from the Amp?.
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