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I have been exchanging ideas with some of you about a golf programme in November 2005. Last year, we had a successful trip to Kanchanaburi which has been well documented on the board. Indeed, some of you might like to consider re-posting some of the pictures from the Kanchanaburi trip to whet the appetitites for this year's programme!


There are 2 events that are firmly fixed in the golf calendar - the CATZ Open on Friday 4th November and the legendary RideHer Cup on 7th November. I have been suggesting that we have a road trip to Chiang Mai this year and this idea seems to have sparked some interest from the golfing board members.


I have been asked by a few guys from the USA to try to fit both the Pattaya tournaments and the Chiang Mai trip into a 2 week programme. Our friends from across the pond find it difficult to get off work for more than 2 weeks. However, there is a general view that we should be in Chiang Mai for Loi Krathong because this is a big event in Chiang Mai. Loi Krathong will take place in Chiang Mai between 14th and 16th November so it makes sense to have our road trip to co-incide with Loi Krathong in Chiang Mai. We will need to book up early!


I am also happy to arrange some extra golf days and activities in Pattaya if people are interested. The lawn bowling went down well last year and I have a few more suggestions like a golf clinic with one of the teaching professionals.


All things considered, here is a very draft programme that I would like to propose for your comments:


Wednesday 2nd November - A piss up to welcome everyone to the mongers golf festival. Venue tba and this will be followed by a prowl around town.


Thursday 3rd November - Golf clinic and practice round at Phoenix. Late morning start with an afternoon round (could be limited to 9 holes).


Friday 4th November - CATZ Open. Stableford individual competition over 18 holes. Venue tba. Package will include transport, green fees, caddy fees, prizes, polo shirts, food and a party at the new CATZ a GoGo.


Saturday 5th November - Recovery day. I have already booked my room at Pattaya International Hospital


Sunday 6th November - RideHer Cup launch and registration party at FLB. Commencing at 8pm, the sole purpose of this is to make sure all the USA players get to bed by 10pm and the European Team get thoroughly pissed. Nothing new here!


Monday 7th November - The 2005 RideHer Cup. Lots of information about this annual event on another thread. We are hoping to hold the competition at Phoenix CC. The package will include transport, green fees, caddy fees, prizes, polo shirts and the best party of the year at FLB.


Tuesday 8th November - Back into hospital for another recovery day! Perhaps a leisurely afternoon of lawn green bowling at the Pattaya Bowling Green. If there are enough takers, they can organise a barbecue.


Wednesday 9th November to Saturday 12th November - I will be pleased to organise a couple more golf days and a clinic. I would recommend we play the new Pattana Country Club and Burapha if you guys want some more golf.


Sunday 13th November - Depart for Chiang Mai. There are 3 alternative transport proposals:


1. We bus/mini van it to Bangkok and catch a direct flight to Chiang Mai from Bangkok.

2. If there is a lot of interest, we might be able to charter a plane to fly from Utapao (Pattaya airport) to Chiang Mai. I have been quoted a (very) rough estimate of 100,000 baht for a 12 seater.

3. We travel by bus to Chiang Mai but we take in a golfing and entertainment stop en route. There is a great stopover at Nakhon Sawan with accommodation, massage parlour and a nightclub. It would take about 5 hours to get there from Pattaya. We could then play a round of golf on the Monday en route to Chiang Mai. If we go for the bus option, I would arrange for a load of beer and some movies to be loaded together with a couple of service wenches!


Chiang Mai programme:


I have found a good hotel with decent prices that is located in the centre of town:


Amora Resort


I will get us a group rate as soon as I have the numbers.


My suggestion would be to stay in Chiang Mai from either Sunday or Monday (dependant upon choice of transport) until Thursday 17th. This will let us see all the Loi Krathong Festivities which will climax on the evening of Wednesday 16th November. I would like to suggest that we play 3 rounds of golf in Chiang Mai:


Royal Chiang Mai Golf Club


Chiang Mai Lamphung Country Club


Chiang Mai Green Valley


The programme will depend upon the selected mode of transport. If we go by coach, we would play in Chiang Mai Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with the coach departing immediately after the golf. If we fly, we would play Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then you would have the option of either flying back to BKK on Thursday morning or staying a few extra days.


The programme can include a golf clinic at one of the courses and some tips from the pro during the rounds. I can also arrange some "evening programmes" dependant upon the composition of the group.


Right now, I need to have "expressions of interest" so that I can have some rough numbers for transport and accomodation. Can you please post your responses on this thread letting me know:


- If you are interested and whether you want to bring your girlfriend on the Chiang Mai trip

- Your comments and counter-suggestions about the proposed programme

- If you want to go to Chiang Mai, which transport option you would prefer?

- How suitable are the dates?


To give you some price comparisons, I would expect the return trip by plane from Bangkok to be maximum 6000 baht including taxes. Given the baggage restrictions, I would send the baggage by truck to Chiang Mai. Transport to and from the airports will cost about 1500 baht all in. I don't know how much the coach would cost but it will be quite a bit less per head and will have the advantage of saving us transport costs to and from the golf courses. The down side is that it is a long trip!


Let's get the debate going and I hope we can get lots of takers for what should be a great couple of weeks.


Get posting.



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Sounds great :clueless :P . Count me and Greg in starting possibly on the 3rd but definitely there on the 4th for the Catz Open and then the Riderher Cup. Will be in for the rest, although we may have to leave a day early from Chang Mai, but will worry about that later. As to the various options;


8th - Lawn bowling was a blast last year and we are in for the BBQ

9th - in for additional golf and the clinic. I like the courses suggested but why not Eastern Star also for the entertainment venues ;) on the return trip

13th - the Bus option sounds the best to us w/ golf and entertainment enroute - beer, movies and service wenches a must. Is there golf on this day?

14th-17th - I can probably get the one additional day so no problem there. As to the Chang Mai options;


Will trust your opinion on the courses and the resort.


No girlfriends. Now, I know I brought one last time, but that was due to a concern of a lack of female talent in Kanchanaburi which proved to be accurate. I do not see that being a problem in Chang Mai so will go for the local talent (also might make the bus a bit more interesting depending on how accomodating the service from the wenches you arrange proves to be :( :eyecrazy :beer :( 2guns :cry2 ).


Finally, if the programme could officially wrap up on the night of the 16th with departure on the morning ofthe 17th that would be better for us but regardless of the dates Callum count us in :P .




BigKev :P :ang2 :beer

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Daddy, what a great looking program. Top stuff mate. :clap2


I'm hoping to arrive late on the 1st, so have the elephant and insect attraction perfume ready. :D :moon


As luck would have it a guy I work with is getting married in Korea on the 12th so worse case scenario I will have to return to Tokyo on the 8th on a midnight flight like last year. :cry1 :cry2


A finale of bowls, BBQs, and blowies would seem a fitting end.


I'll try to find a way to milk another week off for "work" but it's looking tough mate. :frustrated


Thanks again for all your efforts! :lol: :clap2

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Big Kev


I am pleased to hear that you and Greg are in for the trip.


Here are answers to a couple of your questions:


I hadn't planned golf on Sunday 13th. I suggest a late morning departure from Pattaya with the aim of getting to Nakhon Sawan in the late afternoon. I would propose a fun evening followed by golf on the Monday en route to Chiang Mai.


Departure from Chiang Mai on the morning of 17th is feasible. I really need to know your flight times if you are departing BKK that day. There is the option that you guys could fly down to BKK and the rest of us would play some golf and then take the bus to BKK and Pattaya. It is a long trip so we would not get into BKK until the wee sma' hoors. Just let me know nearer the time.




I am glad you are joining the first week but a pity you wont make the Chiang Mai trip.





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Sounds like a great plan. I am working on it and will let you know as soon as things firm up. Most likely I will not make both legs of trip and will only do Pattaya leg.



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I really hope you can make it for the Pattaya leg at the very least. I know that some of the others have some time constraints. I heard a rumour that the Pieman might try to go for both legs this time but that he may have to settle for just one. On the other hand...... :D


Hope to hear from you when your plans are firmed up.



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As you already know BigKev and I will be there. Sounds like a great time :D I'm looking forward to showing my new under shorts :beer :D Can't wait to play golf and spoof with you guys :rolleyes: Bus talent would be fun :banghead :P Thanks for planning :rolleyes: Greg

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As Dungheap said the programme looks great to me.

My current plan is to arrive 29 October and hopefully get a little golf practise in before the two big events.

Re Chiang Mai, my preference would be by bus with the halfway stopover however, after the fateful events of 26 April, I am committed to bringing a partner on the trip.

I was also thinking of shooting across to Phuket for a few days (9th to 12th November) for a short break from the Pattaya scene and maybe some others may be interested in this. I believe there are direct flights to Phuket from Pattaya.

I will be flying out of Bkk afternoon of 19 November so Chiang Mai agenda suits fine.

Really looking forward to catching up with the crew again.

Roll on November.





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We should be around for most of that doggie but as usual will probably make our own arrangements and meet you wherever. Chang Mai for sure this year as want to see it.

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I heard a rumour that the Pieman might try to go for both legs this time but that he may have to settle for just one. On the other hand......  :nod


Very effing clever :angry: .............thin ice china, thin ice. :clap2 :clap1


More seriously, count me in for both - Chiang Mai during Loy Kratong is something I've long wanted to do. Only possible problem for me is a departure on the 13th as that's the birthdays but what we'll probably do is bring the party forward a couple of days and have it on the 10th or 11th.


I know we discussed it a short while back but on reflection I don't fancy the journey by road. So if you go that route then, no worries, I'll sort a flight out and meet you up there. If you go with one of the other options (and I like the U-Tapao idea) then include me in the arrangements please.


Should be a great couple of weeks - top effort in putting it together. :D




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I know it is pretty far in advance, but (Pie or Callum) is there any idea what the range of tee times may be for the CATZ open? I am looking at potentially flying into Bangers that morning.



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I know it is pretty far in advance, but (Pie or Callum) is there any idea what the range of tee times may be for the CATZ open? I am looking at potentially flying into Bangers that morning.



Well mate, hope you can sleep on the plane. You do fly Hilly Class afterall... :D


I'm up for a late tee time...


Hub and Handsome Dunggers vs. Daddy and Son of Lobin, with Mourn on the bag...


Just a thought, you could film the event Doggie. :D

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Well mate, hope you can sleep on the plane. You do fly Hilly Class afterall... :P


I'm up for a late tee time...


Hub and Handsome Dunggers vs. Daddy and Son of Lobin, with Mourn on the bag...


Just a thought, you could film the event Doggie. :clap1



Sounds like a plan......you guys are making it hard not to book a flight.


I have dropped two references to Doggies' schedule this week at home to the better half and am waiting for the idea to settle in. The ducks around here have enough to eat as it is.



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If you are able to make it out to Thailand for the Golf Fest, I will make sure you are off in the last group for the Kittens Open.





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Definitely up for the Pattaya bits, not sure yet about the Chiang Mai.


It's the travelling on the 13th that I don't fancy, that's my 50th and I don't think that I want to spend it travelling. On the other hand, I'd love to see Chiang Mai......I'll have to think about that.


If I was to go, I'd vote for the coach, as long as the seats were really, really big! :chogdee2 You don't see much of the country from a plane.

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Off to Kong Khien today. Driver drops us at the airport and drives there so we have the car. 1 Hour by plane and 6+ on the road. Nok air less than 3K for their business class. I would do the same for this trip as the drive is too long and boring IMHO.

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The voting on travel to Chiang Mai seems to be split. It only makes sense to take a bus if everyone wants to travel that way.


I propose that we go for the flight option and that we send the golf clubs and baggage by road. We would travel by mini-bus to Bangkok Airport and then fly to Chiang Mai. If we get a lunchtime flight, this will get us to Chiang Mai in plenty of time to celebrate Big Brian's 50th!


All in favour?



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Daddy, much prefer a commercial flight over a chartered one given my love of flying.


Wouldn't all the gear fit on the plane? They use a decent sized craft between BKK and Chang Mai. I have this image of our van with all our clothes and clubs connecting with sick buffalo and us being forced to play a few rounds in our scuds...


Ain't much new there for some of us. :banana :angry: :D :banana

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We will go for the commercial flight from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Baggage allowance is 15Kg so if you can keep within that you are welcome to take all your baggage on the flight. That should cover your normal kit - a set of clubs and a packet of 3. It might not be enough to cover the weight of all the baht you will need to pay for the losses on the golf course.


Seriously, if some of the guys have a lot of baggage, the van option will be cheaper than paying excess baggage. Also, if some of the guys are connecting home from Bangkok, we can "pool" the baggage allowances so that their luggage can be carried on the return flight to Bangkok while the luggage for the Pattaya returnees can go by van.


Also, if we have a van, any last minute "mobile entertainment centres" that have been collected by some of you on the Saturday night can be shipped by road to Chiang Mai! I remember last year where we had some aditional baggage in the bus!



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I remember last year where we had some aditional baggage in the bus!



You must be speaking of "China" eating his own hand in the rear of the bus while we did laps aroud Kreung Thep!


Doggie, you may want to make sure this time that the van driver knows


a) that the hood (bonnet?) does go up and there are fluids that go into the engine occasionally other than petrol, and


B} the main thoroughfares in Bangkok (it was nice seeing every back alley in Bangers, but I've now checked it of my list



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There is a nice little postscript to last year's journey.


When I got back to Pattaya in February, I arranged for the same company (which will remain nameless) to collect us from Bangkok.


You will never guess which vehicle arrived? Got it in one. And, it only made it as far as half way down the highway before the effing thing conked out.


Needless to say that particular agent is right off my list now! We have a new guy based in Pattaya who has been spot on so far. Deuce and a number of the guys know Ken and he has never let us down.


I have also learnt that it is a good idea to keep "China" well clear of bridges!


Hope you can make it.



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No problem doing the commercial light so long as the seats are big enough to fit my ass :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes: . I still think the bus trip up would have been the road trip that legends could be made of but I bow to the majority. Look forward to seeing you in July.



BigKev :chogdee2 :chogdee2




I promise to add no mobile entertainment center to the baggage this year :chogdee2 .

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Looks like a good programme :chogdee2 2guns

Will definatly be up for the rideher golf and other stuff in first week.

Will let you kow in plenty of time if I will go to Chang Mai on second week.


More of the same as last year




More of the old trousers round the ankles shots.


Being proud of ones nationality


More playing with dolls.


A bit of bending over with heavy balls.


Forgetting life’s essentials


Getting friendly with the natives.


Having a restful time.


Representing ones country.


Drinking with mates.


And finally playing spoof.






This is what it’s all about





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