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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Buying a bar / business in Thailand.

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I have been doing a lot of research into owning a Beer Bar, and I thank you for your candid study. I think I am now more scared than I was at the start, but I think that is probably a good thing. Of course my Thai wife is ready to simply stumble into this business. I must say that I could see all of her girl friends that said they would work for us simply disappear. And without the women there really is no business.

We are planning a trip in June to study further. I can see a strong business concept is gong to be very important. Why is anyone going to come to our bar? My family spent many years in the Restaurant business, which by your stories is not really that much different. Albeit was in The USA, but all the same things apply. My memories of the restaurant were working 7 days a week, and living in absolute fear when I spent a day on vacation. Something would invariably go wrong. And I must say that I enjoyed it even with all the problems, but would I do it again? I've told myself no. Is the bar that much different? I honestly am not in it for the women. I'm in it for the money. I want a stable income. I'm hoping that if we made it past the two year mark we'd know if we were going to make it or not.

Can a Bar be lucrative enough to justify the life? And could it be run as a long term business? I'm not really into it for only a 3 year term. Much more thinking to do......Thank you Pete, and all. I hope to be able to be in the postion to buy you all a drink..



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  • 4 weeks later...

All this talk warning off people from buying a bar is fair enough.But some of them must be making good money surely?Otherwise they would have closed down long a go.Maybe having 3 or 4 in the same descent area would even things up a bit?

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I think a few make good money and many just get by which is fine for the guy who isn't looking to get rich, just wants to support a Pattaya lifestyle.

Quite a few bite the dust but that's business, innit?

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Some guys in England ask as "mine host" while their wives actually run the bar. They must get a rude awakening when they split from wifey and have to run the bar on their own, especially in a place like Pattaya. They sometimes find their dazzling personalities arent enough to run a money making enterprise.

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