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Self Defence Tips to Protect Yourself in Pattaya

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here is a site I found with some Self Defence Tips on it, that might help some members should they get into any trouble.


God knows...everytime I pick up the Pattaya Mail, I read of another attack or mugging....


Good to be prepared!



Self Defence Tips Pattaya Martial Arts Krav Maga

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God knows...everytime I pick up the Pattaya Mail, I read of another attack or mugging....


Good to be prepared!


Heh. You are going to get into a fistfight with someone in Pattaya? Up on the balls of your feet, prepared to strike with your hands held outward, elbows bent?


Let me assure you that between four and 27 young men will proceed to give you some basic self-defence lessons in muay thai and stick-wielding, using you as the example-opponent.


The proper position to assume when you are about to get in a fight on the street in Pattaya, is:


With your back turned towards the opponent, move your feet as fast as you can, assuming the gait of a stripe-assed ape as you (hopefully) disappear from your opponents' (plural, please believe me) view.


Alternatively, if you speak Thai, you can probably talk your way out of it.

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The proper position to assume when you are about to get in a fight on the street in Pattaya, is:


With your back turned towards the opponent, move your feet as fast as you can, assuming the gait of a stripe-assed ape....



This tactic works well all over the world. But 1 question: how fast can a stripe-assed ape run, and how do you know that?

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This tactic works well all over the world. But 1 question: how fast can a stripe-assed ape run, and how do you know that?


Let's just say that I have not served as the bag during muay thai lessons, ever.


Seriously, I did take muay thai for quite some time, it's a hell of a .... um, sport. After you get into it for a while, you get to kick one of the boxers in the camp for five minutes on, one minute off for about 30 minutes. He does little but defend his vitals, the idea that you're working on your accuracy, and he's working on his callouses.


It is a hell of a long time, but it's nothing to what happens when your 30 minutes are up, and he smiles and says, "My turn".

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I thought it was a "Spotted Assed Ape" :bigsmile: !?


But then people from the small island off Europe would say you misspelled Arsed.


You can't win. You also can't lose or quit of course.

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Why in god's name would I need to 'protect' myself here? These people are pretty awesome. They aren't pushy, and when they ARE pushy, it's not EVEN pushy. I dunno, been here a couple days, staying on Soi 6 :bigsmile: and I have had no problems with anyone.

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Why in god's name would I need to 'protect' myself here? These people are pretty awesome. They aren't pushy, and when they ARE pushy, it's not EVEN pushy. I dunno, been here a couple days, staying on Soi 6 :clap1 and I have had no problems with anyone.

the soi 6 girls can be kind of pushy, but i like it that way :bigsmile:


as for the self defense portion..you better A) be a fast talker :gulp a fast runner or C) be fighting a farang, because if you are fighting a thai you are going to get your ass kicked



lucky for me I can talk fast, and run even faster


but when in LOS the only thing i want to beat up it the spot between a TGs legs <grin

Edited by don_dadda
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They aren't pushy, and when they ARE pushy, it's not EVEN pushy. I dunno, been here a couple days, staying on Soi 6 :D and I have had no problems with anyone.

Have you tried walking back up Soi 6/1 in the dark? :D

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Yea, there is absolutely no reason to be fighting in Pattaya. As always, the primary reason that to-do's do happen is because of a bit too much to drink. The previous writer's advice to get the hell out of dodge is ALWAYS the best course of action. If you do get stuck in a position that you need to defend yourself, I have always found that the time-honored martial art, know as bottle-and-chair, works pretty good in the short term, followed by the get-the-hell-out-of-dodge maneuver shortly thereafter.

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even if you win the fight (doubtful, considering YOU will be the enemy of every Thai in close contact) you will still get put in jail if the cops get involved


sort of like when there's a car accident, the Falahng is almost always at fault, no matter how obviously wrong the Thai driver was


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Why in god's name would I need to 'protect' myself here? These people are pretty awesome.


Hang out on Third Road after 2AM as the biker boys get out of karaoke. Tell them how awesome they are.


More seriously, if you stick to safe areas and don't do stupid sh*te then all you have to worry about are drunken football hooligans.

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I've found that the Katoey are the most direct/pushy but they arent hard to shake, and actually tonight I'm waiting until about 1AM before I head out to soi 6 to see what I can find...heh. What is the average barfine on soi 6 anyway? Haven't really been using this street as my haunt, just enjoy the view from my room. Any advice welcome.

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I have never had a probelm whatsoever in Asia. In the US, I've' had quite a few altercations due to rude behavior and improper responses. In LOS, I've been very lucky to find almost everyone very polite and agreeable. The best Self Defense in LOS, in IMOP, is to shut up and smile.

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The first rule of self-defense is this: Don't be an idiot.



Don't get too drunk. Don't behave like an ass. Don't go where you don't belong or where you're not wanted. There's a corollary to Murphy's Law that says "No matter how much of a bad-ass you are, or think you are, there's always going to be someone who's badder".

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  • 2 weeks later...
There's a corollary to Murphy's Law that says "No matter how much of a bad-ass you are, or think you are, there's always going to be someone who's badder".


Yep. or ten guys with lengths of pipe, knives or what have you.

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If they start bashing you, the best thing to do is to drop to the ground and get in the fetal position covering your head with your arms.


After they are done bashing you, then you can go back to your truck and get your .38 pistol and come back and see if they want to fuck with you then 5555! OOOOOPPPPPSSSSS! That's just me.


When the fuckers get pissed off at me while I am driving, I just reach under the seat and get the smoke wagon and show it to them. I have never had one that didn't get the fuck out of there after that 5555!

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