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hi guys


Well i am on my honeymoon as the wife has gone for a 4500 bt massage (i did not want one at that price) and is gone for 2 hours ,i thought i would do some threads that i should have done a while back.


I am out to try and improve the bar and the service we give and as such over the next few days i will be asking some stupid things PLEASE bear with me !


I was thinking about having most of my bottled beer chilled in ice water as over here fridges are just not cold enough in my view .


D/beer sorry guys that is a hard one to get colder than we have now ,but if you say its not cold enough we will try again .


So tell me is your beer cold enough when you are out drinking or would you like it colder than you get now ,please dont just talk about my bar BUT if this is some thing you find in other bars tell me (just dont name the bar as this might be unfair to them)


Does cold beer make you want to drink more (i dont drink beer) ?



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Very cold (ice on the outside of the bottle) in an iced glass if you use glasses. It cannot be too cold until it actually freezes, at which point it's sxit, take it back! Colder the better, and yes it makes me drink more beer.


I'll be interested in the responses to this. I'm betting there won't be a consensus at all.

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Very cold (ice on the outside of the bottle) in an iced glass if you use glasses. It cannot be too cold until it actually freezes, at which point it's sxit, take it back! Colder the better, and yes it makes me drink more beer.


I'll be interested in the responses to this. I'm betting there won't be a consensus at all.



I agree, I like my beer COLD and yes, I'll drink more especially if the bar offers peanuts, pretzels and pretty BG to go along with this.

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Very COLD beer, most definitely!


I will stay and drink more. If a place serves beer that is not cold, one and I'm outta there.


Maybe peanuts and/or pretzles are a pain in the ass to serve and constantly replenish, but it is a fact that the salty little bastards do intice one to drink more beer, here again-especially if the beer is real cold.


A lot of bars here in the USA have large tubs full of ice in which they place their beer for additional chilling. You can start by stocking in your cooler, then when beer is cold bring it out and over to the tub of ice and it will get colder.

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It would be very helpful......a beer thats not cold will make my stay last about as long as that beer lasts. Cold beers and cold towels and hot women are a winning combo in my book....................I search far and wide for places that have frozen mugs and visit them often just for that usually.



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Depends on the beer.


Bottles of shit lagers/pilsners taste best cold because your taste puds don't do their job wilst frozen.


The proper temps vary from beer to beer so a happy medium should be found.


I like the Ice water idea as some could be served less cold from the cooler, others could order extra chilled from the bucket :clap1


Oh, and speaking of buckets, I like the places that will serve 4 -6 beers in an ice bucket! Maybe that would be worth having a go at? Slight reduction in price for buying in volume?! Feel free to market my idea as: "Sailfast Bucket of Beer" :D


I will not drink out of a frozen glass.


Quality tap beer should not be frozen to death.


Another thing about the tap(s) Keep those lines clean.


Serve my Stout ice cold in a frozen glass and I'll be sending it back

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hi guys


Well thank you for your coments the interesting thing is that on another board some said they did not like there beer too cold .


BUT i think i will get a big tub made once i am back in town (i should have it up and working in 10-14 days ) and we can start putting the beer in this to chill it down as much as possable .


We get the lines in our bar cleaned 2 -3 times a week to try and keep it all cleaned (many bars do it only once every 1-3 mths).


again please more inputis always welcome and the bucket idea i will look at more you might have some thing there . When serving does the girl open them all at one time ?? Other wise it might get to be a pain in the ass to get her back to open them as you need them.



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If you get a large Ice/beer tub made, make sure you have a simple tap at the bottom or corner with a length of tubing for the water to drain away, if it is ever so slightly tilted this will help. You dont want to be humping a tub of water out every 4/5 hours to empty it.


And yes, I like my beer ICE cold.

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hi guys


Well thank you for your coments the interesting thing is that on another board some said they did not like there beer too cold .


BUT i think i will get a big tub made once i am back in town (i should have it up and working in 10-14 days ) and we can start putting the beer in this to chill it down as much as possable .


We get the lines in our bar cleaned 2 -3 times a week to try and keep it all cleaned (many bars do it only once every 1-3 mths).


When serving does the girl open them all at one time ??



Open as needed. Bottle opener on a string might work?

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Open as needed. Bottle opener on a string might work?




Yep a "BigD" bottle opener attached to the bucket handle. :D


If yer really sharp, you will use plastic beach pails and have them screen printed w/ your bars name and sell them as keepsakes to drunken sailor's


What happened to the day's when all I needed was a plastic pail and shovel to keep me happy at the beach? Now I need three bar girls, a cooler of beer, beach chair w/ attendant to wipe sand off my feet, waiter, waitress, oil massage, blah, blah, blah. I can't wait for my second childhood to kick in! Things will be some much simpler in a napie :banghead Am I getting of topic?

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Funny you should ask this Shane as I was in the club a couple of weeks ago and the beer was absolutely piss warm. Complained to the waitress and she did what any thai would do. Brought me a glass of fucking ice!! Fortunately for me, I am not a newbie moron and so I woke Steve up :banghead and told him the beer was shit. He did what I would have expected; took a big swig and spit it out. Started screaming and then I got a cold beer.


While you are so bored and waiting to respond to the needs of your customers, how about you mosey on over to my "Where are barfines headed" thread and make a comment or two about why I was charged a 600 bht BF in your place when you have been all over the boards harping that they are 400. Then add some thoughts about how you can be charging showgirl BF's in the first place when every single girl in the place is fully clothed.


Some responses to those questions will take you a long way with me!!

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I love and appreciate very very cold beer :beer .....i find it very hard to find in LOS, and I believe that putting ice in the draft beer is what give's one the "shits".....I will always drink at a bar that serves very cold beer :beer , and will recommend it to all my friends, but the problem is, very cold beer :beer is very hard to find in Pattaya. :(


Not just my 2 satang worth, it's the truth :o


travlling to a bar that serves very cold beer :beer + :beer + :beer= :P & :banghead

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Not rocket science. I've had beer on ice for years and have the fridges regularly serviced, re gassed and just chuck the fans and motors away about once a year to avoid breakdowns and lack of performance.


Keeping bottles in ice and water is not difficult but you have to be careful of how long they are in there and how you rotate them.


I have some on ice due to a lack of space for a large (ish) variety (including some spirit bottles) but for people with enough space, they should have no need to put them on ice if they sort out their fridges and educate their staff.


We all know that bottling up prior to opening is a waste of time and should be done before going home, big firdges with lots of air space are a nightmare to keep cold not cool beer in as air will not cill easily. Having glasses in thre fridge is fine for your draught drinkers (we have this in naklua) but you shouldn't need ice if al else is ok.

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Well a few weeks ago i was in alanlad's place and got THE coldest bottle of heineken. It did have a little ice floating around there but an old trick is to place a 10baht coin under the bottle and in 2 minutes ...hey presto no ice....




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Depends on the beer.


Bottles of shit lagers/pilsners taste best cold because your taste puds don't do their job wilst frozen.


The proper temps vary from beer to beer so a happy medium should be found.


I like the Ice water idea as some could be served less cold from the cooler, others could order extra chilled from the bucket :bigsmile:


Oh, and speaking of buckets, I like the places that will serve 4 -6 beers in an ice bucket! Maybe that would be worth having a go at? Slight reduction in price for buying in volume?! Feel free to market my idea as: "Sailfast Bucket of Beer"


I will not drink out of a frozen glass.


Quality tap beer should not be frozen to death.


Another thing about the tap(s) Keep those lines clean.


Serve my Stout ice cold in a frozen glass and I'll be sending it back :D


I will second Sailfast's idea. Buckets of beer might be another route to go. This is how I get my bottled beer in bars back home.

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Quote Vidman:"Well a few weeks ago i was in alanlad's place and got THE coldest bottle of heineken. It did have a little ice floating around there but an old trick is to place a 10baht coin under the bottle "


Roland, Ive found your lost 10bht coin, Vidman has it.!!!! Do I get a reward now, LOL.

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The colder, the better. For whatever reason, I tend to drink very cold beer quicker than I do beer that isn't quite as cold. Yes, I drink more and, it costs me more but, I'm happy and, so is my local bar owner.


All draft lines(coiled) should end immediately after they exit a barrel of ice water or chiller. It makes no sense to chill tap lines and then have the last two feet exposed to room temperature air before it hits the spigot. If it's slow or, you're the only one drinking that brand, it's going to get warm in the lines before it's poured. Once it starts to get warm it rapidly loses its carbonation as it's poured. Not even a frozen glass will replace that.


Bottled beer should be kept, almost frozen, in a reach down cooler to prevent the cold air from "rolling out" every time the door slides open the way it does in a stand-up cooler.


All glasses(thicker is better, i.e., mugs) should be kept in a freezer and a new one should be used for each beer.


Those that enjoy beer not quite as cold(the minority, I'd bet) can always wrap their hand around the glass for a couple of minutes before drinking the first one and ask that the same "warm" glass be used for the next beer(s).


Bottom line: I will pay more for ice cold, fresh beer. That's my two satangs worth.


I think I'll get myself a beer.


BTW, if there is a bar owner who'd like to do an experimental study on how fast beer is drunk, ice-cold vs. not-so-cold, I volunteer my services as guinea pig.

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