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I'm looking to strategically plan my next trip to catch the last 3 days of Songkran 2008 then relax the rest of the time. I need to know when Songkran day hits though....


Can anyone help me?

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Well, Songkran is specifically and unchangeably on April 13 every year and parties usually last until around the 15th in most of Thailand. But exact partying days depend on the timing of the long weekend.


HOWEVER in Pattaya there is a second (Mon) New Year on April 20, and the two compact into one, long water festival.


This year, the actual new year's days are on Sunday, so figure April 21, maybe 22 or EVEN 23 as the last of it in Pattaya because of make-up holidays.

Edited by joekicker
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Wern't you there with us last year? Or am I thinking about one of the other trips... I do remember you being there at some point, and could swear it was Songkran for Soi6 crawl....



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  frostfire said:


Wern't you there with us last year? Or am I thinking about one of the other trips... I do remember you being there at some point, and could swear it was Songkran for Soi6 crawl....



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Yep, myself and my dad! My ankle was fucked up during the Soi 6 crawl...

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Hi hope to see you on the 19th.

I will be with the "the show-off farangs with their big big pistols who think they are gods gift."


Don't forget your ear plugs.

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This will be 3 years in a row for me. Guess if I like it or not. :bigsmile:

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I am not normally known for making hysterical statements but Songkran was the worst days I have ever spent anywhere at anytime.


It is probably the only thing which could make me want never to return to Thailand. It's that bad. :bigsmile:

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