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World according to Americans

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Hard to believe that map. If coffee comes from down there, wherever that is, why do they have coffee machines in Safeway, huh?

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Got to have a sense of humor here.....perhaps sometimes, just sometimes we are a tad self-absorbed!


Believe it or not, this map is a bit too complicated for many Americans. If you gave them a map of the world they might be able to find the USA. That's about it. It's pretty scary. Those type of people vote, which is one of the reasons we have our current president.



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Those type of people vote, which is one of the reasons we have our current president.


Most countries have those types, including the countries where they are not allowed to vote.


BTW, I wonder what "type" voted for Jimmy Carter?

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Hard to believe that map. If coffee comes from down there, wherever that is, why do they have coffee machines in Safeway, huh?

Whoa! Too complicated to ponder when doing my grocery shopping!


Thanks a lot, Joe!


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Americans. If you gave them a map of the world they might be able to find the USA. That's about it.


As opposed to... ?? Thais who can find Thailand? Germans who can find France?


That old joke-map comes from the USA, by the way, where some people can laugh at themselves. Lots of similar ones from people who can't, though, such as:




Reminds me of the scene in The King and I where the prince is furious that the world map shows Thailand to be such a small country and Anna says, "Not as small as mine". You either have a chuckle about this stuff or fly into a rage, doesn't seem to be anything in between.

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Most countries have those types, including the countries where they are not allowed to vote.


BTW, I wonder what "type" voted for Jimmy Carter?


Actually, Jimmy Carter wasn't that bad. He gets a lot of bad press because of the inflation, but that problem was set into motion long before he ever ran for office. Take a look at LBJ and his guns and butter philosophy during the Vietnam war. It all came home to roost in the late 70s.


In any event we got a slew of bad presidents after Carter, and America is now broke, with Bush begging the Saudis for more oil.



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Actually, Jimmy Carter wasn't that bad. He gets a lot of bad press because of the inflation, but that problem was set into motion long before he ever ran for office. Take a look at LBJ and his guns and butter philosophy during the Vietnam war. It all came home to roost in the late 70s.

Your wrong, he was the worst president that the U.S. EVER had, IMHO


In any event we got a slew of bad presidents after Carter, and America is now broke, with Bush begging the Saudis for more oil.

Kinda funny - The libs will not allow the U.S. to drill for oil in the U.S. where there is a ton of it, so he has to ask the Saudis for more - Go figure...

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Geography was a one minute class.


Canada is North.

Mexico is South.

Pretty much everything else is overseas.


And, Hawaii, as on the map, is backwards and upside down (Big Island is drawn in northwest position, instead of southeast). Most frequently asked question by U.S. mainland tourists visiting Hawaii: "Where do I exchange my dollars?"

Edited by zaphodbeeblebrox
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Most frequently asked question by U.S. mainland tourists visiting Hawaii: "Where do I exchange my dollars?"


My times in Hawaii I never had any problem finding islanders willing to help with that. Sometimes you give a good exchange rate, but not often enough considering the severe case of Rock Fever you throw in on about the second day.

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And, Hawaii, as on the map, is backwards and upside down (Big Island is drawn in northwest position, instead of southeast).


I thought that was Guam and the Whatchamacallits and they gave Hawaii the full respect over on the left side of the map???

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I thought the US was a lot bigger than that compared to other countries...P


Good eye. I think they made it out of scale like that so they would have enough room to print the names of the other places. Actually, it's not all that easy to find a map that shows the US in proper scale. This one from the 1980s is pretty accurate for its day.




There is a map key here:


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Actually, Jimmy Carter wasn't that bad. He gets a lot of bad press because of the inflation, but that problem was set into motion long before he ever ran for office. Take a look at LBJ and his guns and butter philosophy during the Vietnam war. It all came home to roost in the late 70s.



Are you serious?


Can you think of anything he didn't mess up? Anything he was successful at?


He was by far the most incompetent president we have ever had.


His behavior today is beyond despicable.

Edited by BigusDicus
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Are you serious?


Can you think of anything he didn't mess up? Anything he was successful at?


He was by far the most incompetent president we have ever had.


His behavior today is beyond despicable.


The best thing Carter did was to nominate Paul Volker as chairman of the Federal Reserve. Unlike Greenspan and the current clown, Bernanke, Volker was an honest man who did his best to control inflation.



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Are you serious?


Can you think of anything he didn't mess up? Anything he was successful at?


He was by far the most incompetent president we have ever had.


His behavior today is beyond despicable.


I thought you were talking about Bush at first.

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Believe it or not, this map is a bit too complicated for many Americans. If you gave them a map of the world they might be able to find the USA. That's about it. It's pretty scary. Those type of people vote, which is one of the reasons we have our current president.






Yeah, when Clinton won the West Virginia primary (67%) recently one of the statistics mentioned was of the white voters 60% had not finished high school.

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Yeah, when Clinton won the West Virginia primary (67%) recently one of the statistics mentioned was of the white voters 60% had not finished high school.


One of the other statistics was that Clinton is winning Kentucky because Arkansas is closer to Kentucky than Illinois. Actually, Illinois is attached to Kentucky. That statistic was by Barack Obama, who is from Illinois.



I haven't got the slightest idea what high school completion has to do with basic geography, though. Basic outline world geography isn't taught in later high school or college in the US so far as I know.


How many white voters does it take to know geography?

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