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A Review of Soi L.K Metro .

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  Obsession said:
He believed it would be the new walking Street. Invested in his belief. Maybe still does believeit. Probably more wishful thinking than dishonesty. Its maybe still on the up. Maybe WS will be sanitised for family tourists. Then its anybodies guess as to whether P4P will go to LK/ Buakaow/Naklua or Darkside. The present economic turmoil has maybe changed everything though. As a place to stay, I think that area is amongst the best. Theres a stretch of soi buakaow, soi Honey, soi dianna, soi lk metro , soi chaiyapoon and to a lesser extent recently, soi lengkee where you will definately get sucked, fucked, fed, housed, massaged or entertained more than anywhere other than WS. If theres a more concentrated area than that, I would like to know. Please.
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actually jamie ,

its a misconception that i at any time said or posted that soi l.k. metro would be another walking street .


3 years ago when i first moved to soi l. k. metro and did a review of the place for these forums a poster named thaibird , real name charlie , a belgian national , owner of the mai lu si bar , whos english is pretty bad , did post that soi l. k metro would be a walking street .


what charlie was referring to , was the fact that soi l.k. metro was to be closed off at night and that no traffic would be allowed to pass through it .


to him walking street meant pedestrianised . simple as that .


now several people latched on to that , and have attempted to use it as a stick against soi l.k. metro , mr mango being one of them and has been one of his usual quotes whenever soi l.k. metro is brought up .


problem is he misunderstood the mans quote and the other problem is , he attributes it to me , when in fact i never said it or wrote it .


sorry mr mango , but you just look stupid if you compare soi l.k. metro and surrounds to jomtien or the darkside , it makes you look like youve never been to pattaya , though i believe you have .


the fact is , outside walking street , soi l.k. metro , and its surrounds of soi diana , soi buakhou , soi honey , soi leng kee , and soi chaiyapoon is probably the busiest area in pattaya .


something for mr mango to mull over .

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Here is a link of an old argument about Walking st/ LK metro.


Please move on Girls and let Mulphy tell us whats it like in LK metro today are there new people coming in, are the stranded people sitting around holding on to a warming beer as for some reason for them they think the partys over.

I would love to be stuck there, we never get to cross everything on our to do list and most them that we do cross of we want to do again. :eyecrazy

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  mulphy said:
actually jamie , its a misconception that i at any time said or posted that soi l.k. metro would be another walking street .
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Actually, as I remember, you took another obscure post that said that and hyped it.


When EVERYBODY got on your case for being dishonest, you said - It was not me that said that!!


You are still doing the same.


Why can't you be honest?


I have always said that it's a nice neighborhood bar area - No more, no less.


I challenge you - Are the Go-Go's there one tenth as good as Walking Street???


Yes or no - Put up or shut up.

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  MrMango said:
Actually, as I remember, you took another obscure post that said that and hyped it.


When EVERYBODY got on your case for being dishonest, you said - It was not me that said that!!


You are still doing the same.


Why can't you be honest?


I have always said that it's a nice neighborhood bar area - No more, no less.


I challenge you - Are the Go-Go's there one tenth as good as Walking Street???


Yes or no - Put up or shut up.

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well if you read forums , im sure youd get the gist of what people think of the gogo bars in the area , but i ll summarise for you anyway .


oasis a gogo , is very highly rated by its customer base , for great music , great prices , good looking bar and some great looking women .


so yes , this gogo competes very well with anything walking street has to offer .


champagne a gogo has been around for 3 years now , is a very nice bar , in fact its currently being given another renovation , its very popular and very busy with loads of attractive girls . it does very well .


would easily fit in to the go go scene in walking street .


so theres about 80 gog bars in pattaya im told , i reckon both oasis and champagne would be comfortable in the top 20 of them , so cant be bad eh .


incidentally , club blu , is probably the busiest and the best of any of the coyote bar concept places in all of pattaya .


you should try it one day .

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  mulphy said:
well if you read forums , im sure youd get the gist of what people think of the gogo bars in the area , but i ll summarise for you anyway .


oasis a gogo , is very highly rated by its customer base , for great music , great prices , good looking bar and some great looking women .


so yes , this gogo competes very well with anything walking street has to offer .


champagne a gogo has been around for 3 years now , is a very nice bar , in fact its currently being given another renovation , its very popular and very busy with loads of attractive girls . it does very well .


would easily fit in to the go go scene in walking street .


so theres about 80 gog bars in pattaya im told , i reckon both oasis and champagne would be comfortable in the top 20 of them , so cant be bad eh .


incidentally , club blu , is probably the busiest and the best of any of the coyote bar concept places in all of pattaya .


you should try it one day .

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WOW 2 Go-Go bars!!!

Jomtiem only has one - That makes it twice as good.

Walking street area has maybe 50-60 Go-Go bars.

I rest my case. Nice little neighborhood.

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  MrMango said:
WOW 2 Go-Go bars!!!

Jomtiem only has one - That makes it twice as good.

Walking street area has maybe 50-60 Go-Go bars.

I rest my case. Nice little neighborhood.

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For heavens sake please do rest your case you have become just a boring ass with absolutely f..k all of interest to donate! :D :ang2 :ang2 It appears you must live a very limited life there as your ONLY ambition seems to be THREAD f.....g ! :banghead :ang2 :banghead

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  MrMango said:
WOW 2 Go-Go bars!!!

Jomtiem only has one - That makes it twice as good.

Walking street area has maybe 50-60 Go-Go bars.

I rest my case. Nice little neighborhood.

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actually theres 3 gogos but the other one is shite , but i ll tell you what , im going to refrain from debating the subject with you any further as its obvious by your comments that you have absolutely no idea what your talking about given that the area of town im talking about has more bars collectively than all of walking street .




you really should get out more .

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  stevoman said:
For heavens sake please do rest your case you have become just a boring ass with absolutely f..k all of interest to donate! :ang2 :ang2 :ang2 It appears you must live a very limited life there as your ONLY ambition seems to be THREAD f.....g ! :D :bj2 :bj2
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Come on, how can it be thread fucking? I was responding to the obvious distortions of the OP.


It's O.K. to agree with him, but its thread fucking when you disagree?


You own a bar there also?

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  MrMango said:
WOW 2 Go-Go bars!!!

Jomtiem only has one - That makes it twice as good.

Walking street area has maybe 50-60 Go-Go bars.

I rest my case. Nice little neighborhood.

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You are completely missing the point of Mulphy's post. :D


He is providing good information on what is available on LK Metro. Lots of newbies reading this stuff for information. OK, you may not be over the moon with the place, but that's just your opinion.


I am currently back in the UK, it is fucking cold, I have no little brown girl to keep me warm. If I had to choose between here and LK Metro where do you think I would choose? :bj2 Less than two weeks ago I was both in LK Metro and in Walking Street. Visited plenty of go-gos, Oasis was one of the best.


Why threadfuck when the guy is providing good information?


Edited by chrisbrewer
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Your forgetting a whole array of untapped resources though now too Mango. Soi Dianna has a cluster of beer bars right by Papagayo, and they have some girls there that would rival the hottest of the gogo girls from WS.


And then you take the guesthouse/bars. Some of us have some amazing girls working for us. So you are getting WS quality for FL prices. Add to that the benefits of having everything so close together. You can stop by Gilana Massage for a Backrub, then stop by Bob's BBQ for a Burger, then by Lolita's for a Blowjob, then at 3Som for a Beer. You can replace the SSS with the BBBB. I don't really know of too many other places that offer that much variety.


Soi LK Metro, has a little bit of everything that we enjoy from all the different areas, you have a little bit of WS, a little bit of Sois 6,7,8, and Beach Rd. all combined into one very easy to maneuver area. I have seen guys on crutches walk Soi LK Metro without even breaking a sweat, so I don't think its all that much of a hassle to make it through the bend.


Add to that, that 3 of the most popular hotels in Pattaya, the Metropole, Renaissance, Areca Lodge, they are located here too for a reason. Central location with easy access to anywhere.


The thing I have always liked about Soi Metro, is that you feel more at home here, especially when staying in the area. You feel more welcome. From your regular drinking spots to meet the infamous owners and shoot the shit, or your bars with superb talent for this side of Soi Bukhaow, and hanging out with the managers/owners.


By actually staying at the guesthouse bars, a lot of times you get to see the day to day life of the girls, which is interesting in itself. So you get to see another side of the girls and the bars, that most people don't get to see. You feel more involved, and in most cases more welcome. Especially for longer stays, ie. 2 weeks or longer, its nice to have a place that makes you feel a bit more at home. I know I spent my first 2 months doing this prior to actually running a guesthouse and bar. Thats why I love my job so much, you get more of a chance to connect with people and see what makes them happy, and keep on trying to bring that to everyone who walks into your doors.


Its a place that has yet to become truly commercialized, so you have a vast selection of places that will suit your needs and tastes.

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  chrisbrewer said:
You are completely missing the point of Mulphy's post. :eyecrazy
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Not so. Mulphys point was to flack HIS business and the place where his business operates. The last thing he wants is a honest review of the area.



  chrisbrewer said:
He is providing good information on what is available on LK Metro. Lots of newbies reading this stuff for information. OK, you may not be over the moon with the place, but that's just your opinion.
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Your right, it's my opinion, and it's Mulphys opinion also.


Its certainly not the next walking street, like he has inferred.



  chrisbrewer said:
I am currently back in the UK, it is fucking cold, I have no little brown girl to keep me warm. If I had to choose between here and LK Metro where do you think I would choose?
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Well, I would choose Walking street over both of them.

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  MrMango said:
Not so. Mulphys point was to flack HIS business and the place where his business operates.

Your right, it's my opinion, and it's Mulphys opinion also.

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Mulphy has a reason to promote the area. Why have you taken it upon yourself to have a 2 year campaign to put BMs off the area and muddy the waters with baht bus mis truths etc. I know many business owners in the area and you do them a dis service for no apparant reason and also try deny BMs the opportunity to experience the area and maybe like it. Its way over the top for an alleged " LK is the new WS" comment 3 years ago.

Offer of a drink still stands.

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Why bother to compare it to Walking Street? It is what it is, and that's not too bad. A person could spend his entire vacation in the vicinity and have a great time. Plenty of places to eat, plenty of bars, and plenty of girls. Plus, it has a neighborhood feel to it.



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  Obsession said:
Mulphy has a reason to promote the area. Why have you taken it upon yourself to have a 2 year campaign to put BMs off the area and muddy the waters with baht bus mis truths etc. I know many business owners in the area and you do them a dis service for no apparant reason and also try deny BMs the opportunity to experience the area and maybe like it. Its way over the top for an alleged " LK is the new WS" comment 3 years ago.

Offer of a drink still stands.

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Well said :bigsmile: As I stated earlier Mulphys review I believe re the area is 100% accurate :bigsmile:

So come on Mr Mango cheer up a bit , take your medication and have your first SMILE for a while :chogdee

And drop on down to the friendley L.K. neighbourhood give it a chance like all the rest of us did and Enjoy :bigsmile:

All the best


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  js007 said:
It is what it is, and that's not too bad. A person could spend his entire vacation in the vicinity and have a great time. Plenty of places to eat, plenty of bars, and plenty of girls. Plus, it has a neighborhood feel to it.
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I couldn’t agree more.


If I arrived from Faring land as a newbie, I would be in heaven and never having to leave the area.


The same can be said about North Pattaya, Jomtiem, or even the dark side.


But, why would you want to limit yourself to the appetizers, when the main course is so big though...?

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  MrMango said:
I couldn’t agree more.


If I arrived from Faring land as a newbie, I would be in heaven and never having to leave the area.


The same can be said about North Pattaya, Jomtiem, or even the dark side.


But, why would you want to limit yourself to the appetizers, when the main course is so big though...?

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No one says you have to "limit" yourself to the area. My only point was that it isn't at all a bad place to stay. If you want to go to Walking Street or wherever, baht busses run down Soi Bukoaw every few minutes.



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Not a stranger to Thailand but Feb is going to be my first Patts trip, reading this thread you guys really scare the poop out of me about using the baht bus. seems no one knows where they go, or will it be a bit more clearer when I get there, BTW the area sounds right up my street and I want to make my way there soon. 59 days away.


thanks for the info on the area for a newbie it was inlightening.



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As for the Baht buses they are simple. Don't listen to Mango he obviously has some sort of grudge against someone from the area.


For that matter if you aren't sure about what Bus to get just ask any of the locals or the Western punters which side of the road to get on and you'll be there in minutes at most.


Btw i am jealous of your impending trip.

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  loupole said:
Not a stranger to Thailand but Feb is going to be my first Patts trip, reading this thread you guys really scare the poop out of me about using the baht bus. seems no one knows where they go, or will it be a bit more clearer when I get there, BTW the area sounds right up my street and I want to make my way there soon. 59 days away.


thanks for the info on the area for a newbie it was inlightening.



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Don't worry about the busses - They go up 2nd road and then down beach road to walking street. There is one every 20 seconds so just wave and get on.


This time of year, it is very nice to walk almost everywhere. The temp is pleasant and you can walk by 100's of bars with pretty girls waving you to come for a cold one.

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  MM said:
At 2nd and Pratumnak, they either turn right onto 2nd or left onto Pratumnak...with about 80%/20% probability. Neither case puts you within 30 yds of WS. That was an exaggeration. More like 100 yds? Point being, it's pretty easy to get to WS from that area, but not as easy as I earlier stated.
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As MM mentioned, the short walk to/from this area is really not a big deal. The area is very good place to stay, I love Bobs BBQ, Hell Club, Lollitas, massage places and it's quiet most of the time.


Looking forward to making my virgin trip to 3Som and Champagne Go-Go, along with other bars


Stayed many places, this area has finally drawn my interest, I'm tired of catching that late night 150 Baht charter Baht Bus to Jomtien, now it's a 20 baht ride and a 100 yard walk {I always have company}

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If you like to wait , you can find one for the usual amount, but who wants to wait for 20 mins or so..?


Try finding one at that time is a pain, done it many times, now just get my own


But you will disagree, so what is the use of bringing up a good point

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  Greg_B said:
If you like to wait , you can find one for the usual amount, but who wants to wait for 20 mins or so..?


Try finding one at that time is a pain, done it many times, now just get my own


But you will disagree, so what is the use of bringing up a good point

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I have NEVER waited for more than a few minutes for a bus

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  cebual said:
Any restaurant called the "Silver Dollar" must have good food!
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The food there is very good and decent prices for high quality western food, especially the braised lamb shank, scallops sauted in white wine sause, and crepes suuzette.


There are also plenty of street vendors set up at the entrance from Soi Diana for more local fare.


I spent Nov 22-30 on Soi LK Metro, staying at the Rockhouse again. The rooms there are huge and the girls working there are good fun (although they could be a bit better looking). The 3some bar is next door with some very cute girls.


Lolitas is just a few more doors down for an afternoon BJ and both Champagne and Oasis GoGo bars have hot girls.


Most of the other beerbars/guesthouses have at least a few hotties working there especially Storm and Metro Apts.


I find it quite simple to get to any part of Patts from there, either by walking, or by Moto cy or Baht bus.


I'll stay in that soi on my next trip.


I just saw this was my 2000th post. I was going to use that for my TR of my recent visit, oh well.

Edited by poskat
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