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You Just Knew They'd Start! - Jackson

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apparently Michael Jackson is not going to be buried or cremated but recycled into shopping bags so he can remain white, plastic and dangerous for kids to play with........




Michael wants his ashes put into an etchasketch so kids can still lay wit him.....

ok i'll get me coat.i


Edited by davethailand
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apparently Michael Jackson is not going to be buried or cremated but recycled into shopping bags so he can remain white, plastic and dangerous for kids to play with........




Michael wants his ashes put into an etchasketch so kids can still lay wit him.....

ok i'll get me coat.i



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Conspiracy theory is that he was hit by... no, he was struck by..... a smooth criminal



5: Cause of death:


a. sunshine?


b. moonlight?


c. good times?


d. boogie?



Two paramedics arrive at Michael Jackson's to answer the 911 call,

the first asks the second what they should try first.

To which the second replies, "well I don't know about you but I reckon the ferris wheel".



Farrah Fawcett arrives at the pearly gates and Saint Peter Grants her one wish, so she thinks for a minute and says "I wish all the children in the world to be safe".


The next day Micheal Jackson dies from heart attack.



Edited by davethailand
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Farrah Fawcett arrives at the pearly gates and Saint Peter Grants her one wish, so she thinks for a minute and says "I wish all the children in the world to be safe".


The next day Micheal Jackson dies from heart attack.




Excellent! I am going to steal this one.

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He didn't die of a heart attack. He was found in the a hospital Childrens' Ward where he was having a stroke :rolleyes:

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(Apologies for these, and if any are repeats.)



Jockeys at tomorrows horseracing meetings will wear black armbands out of respect for Jacko who successfully rode more 3 year olds than anyone in living memory


Reports of Michael Jackson dying are incorrect. He was caught in the children's ward having a stroke.


Michael Jackson death has led to the cancellation of all upcoming dates. One is Thomas aged 9. Another is Dylan aged 6.


Apparently Michael Jackson died picking his nose. Doctors said they couldn't blame it on the sunshine or the moonlight. They blamed it on the bogey.


MJ's Family have consented and given Michael's body away to Lego...He will be melted down so that little boys all over the world can continue to play with him


What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Disney? Disney can still touch kids...


Early reports are that the Hospital does not know what to do with the body as plastic recycling is not collected until next Thursday.


McDonalds are commemorating Michael Jackson with the McJacko, a piece of 50 year old albino meat between two 8 year old buns


At the autopsy they found children's underwear strapped to his upper arm. According to his doctors it is just a patch, he's been trying to quit for a while.


Apparently Michael Jackson's body is going to be melted down to be made into toys so that kids can play with him for a change.




When Farah Fawcett arrived at the Pearly Gates of heaven God offered her one wish for the good of humanity. She wished for all the children of the world to be safe. God granted this wish.


In other news Michael Jackson died mysteriously last night in Los Angeles.


Confirmation has come through that Michael Jackson’s heart attack was brought on by food poisoning – he had eaten some 12 year old nuts


When asked for the exact time of death , sources close to Mr Jackson claimed it was when the big hand touched the little hand


LA University Hospital does not know what they will do with the body, as plastics recycling does not happen until next Wednesday


I also heard that the cause of his heart attack was class A drugs and that Class B & C were playing naked twister in the living room.


In a tribute to the late Michael Jackson, his close friend Rolf Harris will be doing two little boys at his funeral!

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His girlfriend said she was devestated, first her parents leave her in Portugal now this.


rumour is he choked on a small bone.








Edited by pattaya_mad
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Conspiracy theory is that he was hit by... no, he was struck by..... a smooth criminal



5: Cause of death:


a. sunshine?


b. moonlight?


c. good times?


d. boogie?



Two paramedics arrive at Michael Jackson's to answer the 911 call,

the first asks the second what they should try first.

To which the second replies, "well I don't know about you but I reckon the ferris wheel".



Farrah Fawcett arrives at the pearly gates and Saint Peter Grants her one wish, so she thinks for a minute and says "I wish all the children in the world to be safe".


The next day Micheal Jackson dies from heart attack.



I'm glad someone remembered that song!

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Q: What do Michael Jackson and caviar have in common?



A: They both come on little white crackers.

Edited by LadyDrinkKing
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Michael gets to the Pearly Gates and meets St Peter, who asks him "Who are you?"

"Michael Jackson"

"What did you do?"

"I was a pop star"

"Ok. All the pop stars are down the corridor. Just go down there. Elvis will let you in"

Michael goes down the corridor and meets Elvis.

Elvis says "Who are you?"

"I'm Michael Jackson. I married your daughter"

Elvis looks stunned for a few seconds, then put his arm around Michaels shoulder....





"Thank fuck for that.............They told me she'd married a nigger!"

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Michael gets to the Pearly Gates and meets St Peter, who asks him "Who are you?"

"Michael Jackson"

"What did you do?"

"I was a pop star"

"Ok. All the pop stars are down the corridor. Just go down there. Elvis will let you in"

Michael goes down the corridor and meets Elvis.

Elvis says "Who are you?"

"I'm Michael Jackson. I married your daughter"

Elvis looks stunned for a few seconds, then put his arm around Michaels shoulder....





"Thank fuck for that.............They told me she'd married a nigger!"


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