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VT6 Central Pattaya - SCAM ALERT!

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The girl looks like a Bkk tour guide and is probably totally unaware of the coman. Maybe best to remove her photo.


Be wary of PMs offering accomodation. If they don't declare them in public, maybe they aren't such a good deal.

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  Obsession said:
Please don't think my posts are aimed at anyone except the BM I quoted. I am disappointed Smelly brought my name up, and I therefore felt I had to respond. I would prefer to stay out of the VT6 threads as I did with the previous one, but Smelly can't leave it.


Regarding the noise. I haven't stayed there. If you say it ain't noisy I am inclined to believe you. I din't believe Smelly because he posted ealsewhere that he had to wear ear plugs, but omitted to tell BMs on this forum. I put it right for him. :D

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Yet another perfect example of how you are such a wretched little creature hell bent on some personal vendetta by intentionally misleading other BMs.


My comment regarding using ear plugs comes from a review I did from a stay OVER ONE YEAR AGO when the mall construction at that time was directly across from my balcony window and before the mall added noise dampening baffles to their air conditioning units.


You know this as you've commented on my posts that clarified this before, but yet here you are, again, intentionally omitting that relevant bit of info for the obvious purpose of intentionally misleading people.


Get a life you squalid little troll and stop trying to deceive the other BMs with your pathetic little sniping lies.

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  Kleyshay said:
Well folks, I can guarantee I can hear no noise whatsoever in VT6. The reason, cos it's a 100% scam. :ang2 I turned up at VT6 at the agreed time

and no-one there to meet me. Called the guys number and phone is finished / off.

My driver had a chat with reception and they pointed my in the direction of another guy sitting there duped by the same 'deal' who had been waiting 3 hours for someone to turn up. He had all the same details.

My driver was good as gold and she asked to see a floor plan of the the building with the owners names. After going through that 'Mr Brian Bier' does not own a condo in the building.

Fortunately for me I refused to pay all the money and only agreed to pay a % of the short stay rent up front, as I was slightly sceptical, but it seems BM Beefos (who I have informed) and the guy in reception have paid a few hundred pounds.

Mr Bier's 'price' of 500 baht per night is compared to the real price of 700 baht per night, according to reception.

I have reported this to ebay and am currently speaking with paypal and my credit card company to try and get my refund, but not holding my breath.

This obviously caused me a bit of incovenience to start with but I wasn't hanging around for 3 hours so my driver, me and the bags just checked in elsewhere and thanks to Messers Messi, Torres & Robben this week, I have won my money back with interest so luckily it hasnt really affected me too much, it's just a few less san miguels during my holiday, so preserve your time and finger typing and save your gloating and 'too good to be trues' :llaugh

This post if purely to inform others on here.


Details: Mr Brian Bier

Ebay: Brianthailand

Email: brianbier@live.com

Link: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MEWAX:VRI

Tel: +66(0) 0874806700 (although this hs probably changed)


Hope this helps as it is designed to do.

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Can the low-life fucker brian bier be castrated with a rusty burdizzo.

thanks for letting everybody know about the scam

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The "VT6 room pics" shown are obviously bogus as the room looks tiny, whereas VT6 studio rooms are standard 48sq metres and spacious,as can be seen on Dancewatchers and Condo6 websites.

500 a night for VT6 room,no chance-if something sounds too good to be true,it usually is-buyer beware!

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  pauly77 said:

The "VT6 room pics" shown are obviously bogus as the room looks tiny, whereas VT6 studio rooms are standard 48sq metres and spacious,as can be seen on Dancewatchers and Condo6 websites.

500 a night for VT6 room,no chance-if something sounds too good to be true,it usually is-buyer beware!

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I agree but would be interesting to know exactly what's on offer for 500 a night on Carrefour & Freindship boards as "Idefix" has posted?

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  SmellyFarang said:

Yet another perfect example of how you are such a wretched little creature hell bent on some personal vendetta by intentionally misleading other BMs.


My comment regarding using ear plugs comes from a review I did from a stay OVER ONE YEAR AGO when the mall construction at that time was directly across from my balcony window and before the mall added noise dampening baffles to their air conditioning units.


You know this as you've commented on my posts that clarified this before, but yet here you are, again, intentionally omitting that relevant bit of info for the obvious purpose of intentionally misleading people.


Get a life you squalid little troll and stop trying to deceive the other BMs with your pathetic little sniping lies.

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Usual service resumed from Smelly. Venomous crap, started when I posted a one word post on PL................Advert. .....Since then it's been venomous attacks, smears and lies including the ludicrous smear that I was stalking DW despite me never having posted near him :D

It's you that does all the spamming , but you shot yourself in the foot as all your spamming lies about DWs condos came out after you started your lying trolling attacks. Now go away you sad ass kissing fuck. See you on the next humitliatingly, fawning ass kissing advert you pen for condos, where I will again point out your ommissions from one clean a week to view of walls. :allright You never did answer if you knew DW offline. Either that or your a gay troll, trying to knob him :allright

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I just went on Secrets to check Smelly sycophantic advert, sorry review :D , where he admitted he had to wear ear plugs to sleep in the condo he highly recommended :D , and lo and behold, his infatuation with me had him accuse "Markytee" of being me :allright Even though he is obviously an Australian, and I'm not. So Smelly is going around two forums smearing anyone who says anything negative about DWs condos. What a sad sycophantic little troll. He has his work cut out though as many, many have critisized the place on at least three forums. Seems he's a bit outnumbered in thinking is the best place since the Taj Mahal was built :allright


And I think he may have deleted the advert, sorry , review, as the link to it didn't work, but there are still two on there as he has posted so many.


Anyway. Heres a photo of the condo block that SmellyTheTroll won't answer questions about the view. I wonder why not, eh? What a sad transparent troll. :allright




Remember to pack a poster of the beach with your earplugs :D


If only you could keep your mouth shut, Smelly. :allright

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Obsession, by my reading, this thread isn't about SmellyFarang's reviews.


It is about what appears to be a clear take-the-money-and-run scam that board members booking over the internet should be aware of.


It has nothing to do with earplugs or views, so that's the last I'd like to see of this argument IN THIS THREAD.

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  stevoman said:
I agree but would be interesting to know exactly

what's on offer for 500 a night on Carrefour & Freindship boards

as "Idefix" has posted?

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Sorry but I did not mention anything at 500/night,

and instead said :

  Idefix said:
500 baht/day, if on a daily base, is very cheap though :D
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What I did mention is monthly location at about 15,000 baht/month. :D

but daily price for a one day stay or for a one month stay obviously is not at the same rate :allright


I will try to take a picture of some of this adverts next time I go there.

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Brianthailand still seems to be offering a condo in Pattaya at £70/week on Ebay.

The OP should get some negative feedback put on this guy, and register a complaint or report. Strange there is no evidence of that yet.

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  jacko said:
Brianthailand still seems to be offering a condo in Pattaya at £70/week on Ebay.

The OP should get some negative feedback put on this guy, and register a complaint or report. Strange there is no evidence of that yet.

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Jacko, I don't know if you are familiar with ebay, but people will give feedback whether positive, negative or neutral, when they receive the item in question.

When paying through a paypal request, you cannot leave ebay feedback.

The unsuspecting buyers in this case will not know the are not likely to receive their 1, 2, 3 weeks or however long accomodation until arriving at VT6. Therefore they would be very unlikely to leave a feedback before they even leave for their trip. Obviously I cannot speak for others as to why they have not left negative feedback yet, but as the first advert for this condo only went on ebay in late March, I would therefore assume I am one of, if not the first to discover it is a scam, so as board members you probably all know before any ebayers.

Personally, as the advert was for only one week accomodation, I asked for availability for the dates I wanted and he just sent me a paypal money request for these days, so it was not actually through ebay as such, meaning I could not leave feedback, (maybe the same with the OP) because trust me I certainly would have. Again I would suspect this is the case for most buyers as, there would not be that many people come from UK & Germany (advertised on both ebay sites in these countries) that come here for only 1 weeks holiday, so again that would probably explain the lack of feedback. So nothing really strange about that to be honest.


Upon discovering the scam, I obviously notified Ebay & Paypal immediately (and I know the OP has done the same) but as usual they are slow to react, as don't forget, it would affect their commission, so we all wait for them to remove the advert with baited breath, (unless it's a fake Gucci bag for sale !), they will take their time. Even as non bidders it is possible to report the advert as fraud, so I would encourage BM's to do this , as I would think it will get the advert removed quicker.


Oh yes and this is the email I received from him on the day I arrived....



i am sorry but i have really bad news for you.

My Wife went this Morning to the Condo to check out the other Guy but he was not there.

On the Table she found a Letter with Money and a Note saying that i went off to Koh Samui for a few days and that he like to rent the Condo for 3 Weeks more.

Since all his stuff was still there, he also has a Key and Keycard, my wife went back Home and called me.

First Time this happen and i dont know what to do since i am in Singapore for work now.

well all i can do is say sorry, i will issue you a refund of your Payment with Paypal plus an extra 50 Pounds as my apologies !


That's nice of him eh ? :D

Edited by Kleyshay
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  Kleyshay said:
Jacko, I don't know if you are familiar with ebay.....
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Yes a little bit, I have even had the pleasure to have been scammed a bit too... some thumb drive that was configured to appear to have more capacity than it really had.

Let us know if you get the refund and the £50, then we know whether the guy is straight or this is a delaying tactic.

You should have actually 'bought' on Ebay, paid viaa paypal, and then I think you get the feedback option. If you bypass Ebay of course you do not.

Still the guy has 0 feedback and the condo has been listed 2 times that I see.


Enjoy your time in Pattaya.

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  Obsession said:
Beefos - Did anyone PM you with an offer of a condo?
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No - I found it on Ebay and same as Kleyshay I emailed the seller agreed the dates and he sent a paypal invoice which I unfortunately paid.


I have also informed paypal, ebay & my credit card company (paypal gets paid by my cc).

I also tried to phone the number Brian gave me and the phone was off.

I sent him an email and this morning he replied saying it is not a scam - perhaps he's in denial!!

I'll turn up at the agreed time but I fully expect to be booking in somewhere else when he's a no show.


I hope it is genuine and Kleyshay gets his money back but I don't get a good feeling about this!

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  MM said:
Obsession, by my reading, this thread isn't about SmellyFarang's reviews.


It is about what appears to be a clear take-the-money-and-run scam that board members booking over the internet should be aware of.


It has nothing to do with earplugs or views, so that's the last I'd like to see of this argument IN THIS THREAD.

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Sure thing. I have no desire to talk with the troll. I was only in it because Smelly goaded me in post 15. Theres another 12+ condo advert threads Smelly has started, to argue with him if he so wants :allright

  SmellyFarang said:
(not from Dancewatchers that time Obsession, so settle down and put your dick back in your pants).
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Well Obsession, for over a year now people have watched your ranting & ravings on several boards in the reviews I posted for the 2 stays I did at Dancewatchers condos. Many other BMs on these boards have also posted consistently favorable reviews of Dancewatchers condos, but you seem to have developed a special “obsession” with my reviews in particular.


You constantly persist in describing Dancwatchers as being “overpriced” even going so far as to intentionally lie about the prices on Dancewatchers website. But you have never, not once, ever posted the contact info for this magical oasis of unicorns and low-priced VT6 condos.


You may think your rants are simply “fun, shit-stirring wind-ups” – but in fact you are intentionally misleading other BMs with your lies and thus helping scammers like this one the op reported by giving people false and unrealistic info.


If I were the cynical sort, I’d seriously even suspect that you were the guy pulling this VT6 scam on eBay and were using your posts on these boards to mislead your victims into thinking that 500B/night rents were realistic. Your comments harm the board and other BMs who rely on people’s first-hand advice, and for that I think you are the lowest kind of troll scum.


I don’t give a shit what kind of reply you post, but I’ll make the prediction that your reply still won’t list any of these fairy tale cheap VT6 condos that you persist in misleading people about.

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  Kleyshay said:
so preserve your time and finger typing and save your gloating and 'too good to be trues' :allright

This post if purely to inform others on here.


Hope this helps as it is designed to do.

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If you do get any gloating posts, please realise they will be from the usual nutters & not to be considered as valid on this forum.

I think most BMs will be grateful for your revelations/personal experience on this matter (embarrassing as it may have been for you).


I admire your thoughtfulness & hope you come out of this OK. (Ebay/Paypal)


Sorry to waffle on but your posts have been most helpful & a heads up for myself & others who use Ebay.


cheers rogero :D :banghead :allright

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  SmellyFarang said:
Well Obsession, for over a year now people have watched your ranting & ravings on several boards in the reviews I posted for the 2 stays I did at Dancewatchers condos. Many other BMs on these boards have also posted consistently favorable reviews of Dancewatchers condos, but you seem to have developed a special “obsession” with my reviews in particular.
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Didn't you notice Martin asking us to drop it?

Sorry Martin, but the guy has basically said I am the guy behind the scam. Which is obviously ludicrous. I think he will find it's a penniless expat who is running a two bit scam, rather than a western buslinessman. But Smelly definately deals of the bottom of the pack.


Your post is a lie..... 3 recent DW and VT6 threads - I was in none of them, then you brought me into this one and another, I haven't posted in, but you mentioned me. I have still to respond to your bringing me up on that other forum. I'm in no hurry. I'm not obsessed like you.

There was no need to mention me in this thread whatsoever. Get over me. I'm amazed at how I've got under your skin.


I haven't posted in all your adverts.


It's you that gives out false information, by omitting relevent , but negative info in your adverts.


It's you who has developed an obsession with me. Check your PL advert. Many say it's overpriced, but you took exception to my comment of "advert" and have followed me around since then, even bringing me up on forums I'm not in the threads. Would you like me to list the BMs that have claimed it's overpriced? Off the top of my head I can think of Shazam and Kadafi. Shazam gave the condos plenty of abuse, but you pick me to follow around trolling. Up to you. Your an irrelevence , embarrasing yourself all over the forums.


imho, accusing someone of fraud, because they made a comment about a condo , is a bad way of doing business. I know you have done it in a weasly way, so you can say you haven't, but the inference is there for all to see, as is your lack of decency. I was going to carry on, not entering VT6 and other threads as I have been doing, but unless you retract your lowdown, smear and apologize, I will feel free to point out every little problem doing business with you. Up to you. It really shows what a lowlife you are. The shame for DW is that it's you who is causing all the bad publicity. If you would STFU, we would never speak. You are the problem, chasing someone all over the internet because of a comment, months ago. Let it go, troll boy.


I await you apology, retraction, and admit it was wrong to accuse me of the above scam. Otherwise get used to me being around as you will never shut me up.

If you want to continue your trollish lies, open another thread and PM me the link. We have already been warned.

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  Idefix said:
Sorry but I did not mention anything at 500/night,

and instead said :


What I did mention is monthly location at about 15,000 baht/month. :banghead

but daily price for a one day stay or for a one month stay obviously is not at the same rate :ahhgg:


I will try to take a picture of some of this adverts next time I go there.

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I Apologise you are correct, my wrong in mis-reading post! Would appreciate any info by PM of 15000 bht deals advertised on boards, especially for Mid July onwards. :D

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  Kleyshay said:


The adverts have been removed from Ebay !

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I put a complaint into Ebay, but like the 64GB thumbdrives from Hong Kong and China, it could be back. Edited by jacko
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